What a blast from the past...


New Member
I can't believe there are still people doing the Ayenee thing after Yahoo went to shit. I played from 98 onwards, but I basically didn't play much in the last five years or so. My main character was Thomas_Alexander_Greene, who had five or six alternate IDs due to various hackings and stuff: Emperor_Thomas was a pretty popular one, I think. I also used to open up the room "The Elvyn Tavern". I used to post on the boards way back in the day. I also played Alexander_von_Sydow, the Kindred Caleb_Mallory, and a host of other characters.

I was around at a period where I could have been called a 'reg,' when there were still vets around and everyone knew www.angelfire.com/on/kellindil by heart. To give a slight timeframe reference - my first character was killed by Scorn DarkTide before I knew the rules, and I had another character killed by SiLiN_VeSpUlA before I understood T1 very well.

I'm Tommy OOC. I used to hang out with Kevin Ballard (Plague), Rob, and Jordan a bunch. Nice seeing you guys again.
Sure is nice to see some familiar faces!

I know how you feel. I'm quite surprised to see all of the action myself. It's good to see that a good thing hasn't been phased out by the dumbasses at Yahoo.

I've been around since 1998 myself, and I had a 3 year hiatus between 2003 and 2006. I don't see many of my old friends online anymore, either. Trust me, my main Yahoo! accounts have loaded messenger lists. I'm hoping that some of my old buds are still here and might recognize some of my older screen names. Here's a list. *cracks knuckles*

Raven_Lonely (or any variation with "James" or "Lionheart")
David_J_MacCallister (or Codename_Joseph)

The list goes on longer than that, but for the sake of everyone's sanity and boredom, and the fact that my signature is kinda... big... (need to work on that) I'm gonna cut it off there. If you or anyone reading this knows those names, hit me up on Yahoo Messenger under the name "Raven_Lonely". Or, on Myspace IM as "richard_bush".

I know you Tommy. I was a friend of Kevin's, you'd probably remember me as Darkness Decends or oocly Da Madi Cat.
Welcome to Ayenee.Org, I hope you'll stick around!
*Snags Richie and stuffs him in her pocket,mumbling something about cat toys and their escapes*
Back in town

Wow. I was searchin' around and I fell onto the "New Ayenee" site.

I too was around for the Kellindil days. The Elvyn Tavern, The Vampyre Tavern, The Jaded Tavern....CRAZY!

Is there any RP going on anymore? I used to hang around Travis English alot, RPing for the Tactical Defense Force. Before that there was the whole Twilite Saga....

Yikes. Memories.
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