Tapping the Mind of the Community


The Administration Mage
Staff member
So I was looking over the forums and noticed that we happen to have a little bit of a stand still in the majority of the Rps happening of late, and while I know many of our members are probably out in Real life and possibly enjoying Spring Break, I want to know what we as a community are wanting or feel is lacking around here. I have heard of some brilliant ideas for up and coming Rps that I cannot wait to see put into production, such as the Roman RP, and the VTM RP. However while those plots and ideas are fleshed out I decided it would be best to hear what else you all thought you would like to see. So please put your ideas, suggestions and concepts on the table and let us try to flesh them out together!
More posting in the some of the RPs we have, like the comic book RP. There are several people who haven't posted in quite some time. You know who you are. POST DAMN YOU! And some plot direction might be nice as well.
Jaded I agree with your position on more posting, but how can we stimulate more posting from our current member base ? Obviously we cannot drive from Rper to Rpers' homes and beat them till they rp, Well I can't, but if you showed up on their door steps, I didn't send you.........

Anyhow onward you mentioned plot direction, and while I may find the idea of a plot being controlled is unhappy at least in the way I Rp perhaps you can explain a little more on what you mean in direction, and how you would like it laid out.

Chimerstry, while I can see how you could say Chat Based Rp is more addicting than board based, it is sadly a problem I cannot resolve at this junction in time. As far as I am aware however SJ is looking through IRC client sets so as to set up a more stable and less lagged chat application for the site. However that may take a while for that to be fully implemented. As for Board Rp not lasting the same can be said of chat Rp alone, the two combined work the best however with out a unified system such as Yahoo user rooms for chat gatherings we can only stand on one leg at a time till a unified system is implemented.
If Ayenee.org would fund the trips, along with amenities and all that good stuf, I'd gladly spend my days driving around the country slapping people back in to RP mode. I'm sure I'd enjoy it more then either of my two jobs I work currently.

As to the plot direction, I don't mean we need someone giving explicit instructions as to whats happening or what to do. I'd just like a little direction. I mean, someone has to take charge or we're just gonna be running around not finding any clues or just making up random clues.

How to we get people to post? IM the hell out of em until they do.
The answer is simple... You need to create plots that are unique and interesting, and find players (and possibly DMs) who have the time and motivation to post. The motivation to post is either drowned out from most people by RL, or nonexistent because of lack of interest in existing plots.

I think the majority of it is that we as a community have grown up and we have lifes, including jobs, families, and other crap which eats away from our gaming time, or else we've found games which pique our interest more, such as World of Warcraft, or a Wii.
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