Note to Self...

Ceros and I checked out Dice Roller Scrpts and we found some however none kept a log of what rolls were made or if it kept a log it was easy enough to edit by the player.
done with 2 out of 3. still tweaking with the dice.

use an 's' tag to make a strikethrough
use a 'spoiler' tag to make a spoiler.
To use a Table, try the following code, but replace <> with []
<table="head">head col1|head col2|head col3
row1 col1|row1 col2|row1 col3
row2 col1|row2 col2|row2 col3</table>

It looks like this:
head col1|head col2|head col3
row1 col1|row1 col2|row1 col3
row2 col1|row2 col2|row2 col3
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