My My My...

So this is where all the fogies have gone in their old age! I suppose then this is where I belong. Undoubtedly I've seen a few of you that will recognize me under this name, there's been countless others.

At any rate... I'm here, lookin to get back involved, this should be interesting.

Jay, Brad... good to see you yet again....

I take offense at that. I'll have you know that I've been a Newbie since the day I was born, and will be a Newbie when i'm old enough to be gumming my strained prunes!

Anyways, welcome back. I don't recognize you by this name, but that could be due to drugs, lack of sleep, or alzheimers. You pick.
Madi, SJ, don't fool yourselves, you're old.

Me on the other hand...well...I'm not. Because I said so!

Hi, welcome, enjoy.
Wlecome to , you name looks familiar but why and how I am unsure. Anyhow take a look around jump into some Rps and have fun.
Thank you

Thanks for the warm welcome guys, and though I havent been to Org before this, I used to play in Y! all the time. I was a Bloodtide and a Cinderbane amongst many others. I was in Tenaria back when it still used T2, sat on Kellindil's council when he began to structure Ayenee, and was responsible for organizing and structuring the Star Wars players in A&E with similar rules and guidelines using T1.

And as far as this name being familiar... the last name should be, that is if you ever played with Vaticus back in the day. I'm still debating if I'll actually play derrik here... but i thought I'd use his name here just to raise eyebrows based on the reputation that Jay made for the family with Vat, I claim not to have created the infamy of the Darglore name... but I AM proud to bear it.

Anyway... for now, I'll observe and contemplate my entrance.
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The Darglore name definitely rang some bells, but I would probably know you by your Bloodtide name. Which one were you?

Since you were a 'tide and a cinderbitch, I can't tell if I want to hug you, or stab you in the heart. Maybe I'll do both. Maybe at the same time. We'll see!
Scott... zomg I remember you. It's been like...four maybe five years I think. LoL you know. Darren Darglore rp's as though all of his family is dead. He killed Vaticus when Vaticus attacked his wife and children and killed them. Vaticus and Darren were the last two Darglores alive. I am currently rping Darren having nightmares about that night and being paranoid that Vaticus is gonna come back and pwn him in the face for killing him. The thread is under the town in the Forgotten Eclipse Tavern and Inn unger General Free Form if you wanna try and catch up on what has been happening. Lotsa Darglore small rp stories too on here which even shows how Darren killed Vaticus and some of Vaticus making small appearances that never got off the ground.
Hrm...I know a few Scotts from back in the day. One was a Treveno and the other a Darkblood. If you're either of those, nice to see you again. If not, well, nice to meet you and welcome to DotOrg.

-Kim aka "Infamous Wife of marcO" aka Ill

Brad, i had no doubt in my mind that YOU would remember me. Correct me if my memory is crap since then, but wasnt it you that helped me with my first pathetic attempt at a website for the Deathbringers? Or was it a different group? gah, i cant remember. Its been MORE than 4-5 years since ive done anything more than pop up for a few weeks because I moved to Seattle in 2000 and became a hardcore raver and was never around LOL, it must have been back in like 98-99-2000 that i was playing heavily, and during part of that time I was busy founding SW: Expansion of the Force... so yea, its been a good long while. Things are mellowing out now and I should have some time to delve back into things. The rust is starting to flake off my gears, and the wheels begining to spin. How do I contact you mate? we need to chat. ;) My contact info is below.

And I dont ever seem to recall Derrik getting killed... but he always had that habit of disappearing for a few decades and then pop up again. *shrugs* And I can see why Darren would be plagued by those nightmares... Vat has that habit of coming back and pwning people in the face doesnt he? lol

SJ as far as my 'Tide.... i dont even remember the name cause i only played him for a short while, mostly after they all dispersed, but I used to run with Selena. If I wasnt locked out of like 3 of my accounts, having forgotten the passwords and having used those email accounts to sign up the others, id just log in and tell you, but alas it looks as though I've lost Y! access to about 10 of my character names... so it looks like i should be watchful of your blade... like Vaticus, Derrik here was both a Cinderbane and a Darglore, but I wasnt a 'bane when there was a gajillion of them running around.

Ill, no i wasnt Treveno, and I dont recall playing a Darkblood either, but god... its really been so long a lot is pretty foggy to me.

my contact info:
[email protected]
AIM: xtygonx (by far the best way to catch me)
Y!: Derrik_Darglore
msn: [email protected]
Ya your right. I played with you back when I still lived with my mom and dad and I moved out at seventeen years old to wiconsin and you were gone by time I moved back to Kentucky which was when I was 19. And I had totally forgotten about Derrik Darglore dude. Over...eight to nine years bro. LoL I remmebered the name as soon as it popped up but I forgot the player until you said your name. And yes I made that website for you.. I think the saying on the front page was... Pray your goddess does not leave you a black rose or some shit?

the black rose! lol yea...

you know shortly after that i went into professional web design for a year and a half and I, (along with Dave) founded that Expansion of the Force star wars RPG that is still going to this day?! I was shocked. I heard about its new site from Robert... he said he talks to you frequently, but not about RP.

but yea... there's plenty here to work with :D

im gonna go read some ish now