Last Post / Random Thought Thread

Is it possible to outrank someone if the other person never had a rank to begin with? And why do we call eggs, eggs? That's such a weird word. -wanders off to ponder the question of vocabulary-
We call an egg an egg because when a man first picked on up and squeezed it and it slimed his hand he said uggg which eventualy translated into egg
Did you know that the unofficial word for a man's testicles in spanish is "huevos" which translates to eggs? Odd, that. I never thought of them as eggs...
and before this gets too far into the "well technically"...

guess what! I like stuff!
Quote of the Day: "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

-Rich Cook
And always make sure to carry a hefty supply of pickled ostrich gills. They could save your life.
And if we rework that...Madi just said.

"I have a head, Cold." So who is this Cold person, and who thought you didn't have a head?
There are days where when you wake up you should go back to bed, then tere are days when you wake up and you should start drinking, I think I am experiencing those two combined.
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