Immigration ?

I'm sort of touchy on the subject of immigration for the simple reason that people in Louisiana (see backwater hicks who all talk like Larry the Cable Guy) have a tendency to look down on me for being white and being married to a mexican and they also have a tendency to be shit talkers. Bastards actually had the nerve to tell me I was "betraying my race" by marrying Marco and having his child when Marco and I first got married.

-blinks- lmao I am a " backwater hick " ( also see CoonAss! lol )myself, though I am in Idaho. I do not however, talk like Larry the Cable guy, but I will admit, that I am often disgusted by inter-racial relationships. Though, these days it's not all that uncommon and is all over the place. Am I saying you betrayed your race? Nah, you found happyness, that's all that should matter. I could never enter into an inter-racial relationship, it's just not part of who I am or part of my beliefs. But who am I to judge others anyhow right?

That is crazy that someone actually told you that you were betraying your race. I would have looked back and told whoever it was to get with the times. This isn't waaaaaaaaaay back in the " old days " where such things were seriously frowned upon.
I honestly never thought I would enter into an inter-racial relationship myself. I figured I'd be a good girl and follow my parents wishes and marry a "good ole boy" who drives a 4x4 and is blue-collar. In reality, most people don't even realize that Marco is mexican until he opens his mouth. He's taller than me, about 5'10'' (it's not hard to be taller than me though....I'm only 5'5'') and as white as I am.

But, love is blind, or so they say. I don't find inter-racial relationships disgusting however. My parents, however, used to tell me that if I ever married a mexican or a black guy they'd disown me. Since I let my parents walk all over me most of the time, I'm still surprised I got up the nerve to move 1600 miles away and live with a guy I had never seen before and only knew through RP.

Life is funny. However, when that fool told me I was betraying my race, I was so shocked I couldn't even think straight. I've never been racist so it was suprising to encounter it.
-blinks- I didn't think it was off topic enough to warrant a moderation. And while we did talk about what country is better, it was still in a manner of migrating idea.

Anyhow, we aren't the only ones who deal with immigration and what not. There are other countries as well and it's funny, but most think the same way some of us do.. " go home " . Least we know we aren't alone lol
Most countries have intolerant wastes of oxygen that think "go home". Normal people think there needs to be controls and stuff. Not sharing a land border though I think I have a different perspective on the grounds of scale of numbers.

Most of our immigrants legal or "asylam seekers" are willing to do the jobs people in this country think they're too good for, and someone has to empty the bins, clean the hospitals etc.
True enough. Take a look at field workers for example. Who in their right mind would go work in the heat and shitty weather for the pay they get? Certainly not a white person, sad, but true. But they should still speak english lol.
Amelina: There is one thing that you have said that strikes me as seriously rude:
"The " So we can speak without anyone knowing what we are saying. " It goes back to the whole ' This is america, learn the language thing '. I find that not only rude, but inconsiderate of the country and it's people."

What does it matter what language someone speaks when in public? Or are you offended because you habitually listen in on other people's conversations and these people have the discourtesy to simply exclude you by speaking in a foreign tongue?

Honestly, I've been on many busses before, and there will be spanish people talking to each other in spanish, Asians talking to eachother in whatever prefered tongue (Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean....), and Caucasian talking in 'gangsta'. You know what? I politely tune it out and ignore it all. Why? Because it is none of my buisness.
lol nah, I don't listen to people when they talk, and frankly could care less. I was simply stating that if you are in America, you should speak the language. At least have enough self respect and pride in where you live to speak the language. Don't read more into what i've said than what i've said.
National Pride or Nationalism, to represent the country of origin or occupation in a positive light, where as it could be and is often seen as an insult to the nation you are in to denounce its culture and push a former culture on top of it. It would be akin to seeing a man with a horse that has a broken leg and giving the man a grand stallion in perfect condition that is well behaved and he breaks the new horses leg in front of you and drags the horse behind him. As for self respect I know what she means but not sure how to write it out yet.
I can personally understand both sides of the issue for the simple reason that people in my life push and pull me onto both sides of the issue. However, if you were to ask my mother-in-law or anyone in Marco's family for that matter, what they thought about the language and being able to speak in English, they will immediately tell you that, while they feel they shouldn't have to speak English ALL of the time, if you live here, you should at the very least learn the language and speak the native language to the natives. They feel the same way about immigrants moving to Mexico or anywhere else for that matter. If you choose to make a country that you were not born into your permanent residence, you should learn the language, if not speak it all the time.

That, unfortunately, is where I disagree with Robin. I understand the sentiment behind them needing to know our language. It's an insult for them not to learn it. However, I do feel that they have the right, when not speaking directly to a person who doesn't understand spanish, to speak whichever language they feel comfortable with.
I agree with Illogical.

I don't see how National Pride/Nationalism works with speaking a language. I don't see how you can say America's Culture is being insulted when America's only culture is being a melting pot where most cultural backgrounds are stripped away into one conformist mass.

Personally I think that if you are somehow insulted by people speaking in another language, but not directed to you, that you have issues.

Sure, if you go into a store and try to buy something, and the cashier starts shouting Punjabi at you; tell them to learn the fucking language. Personally, I would even find that a bit insulting.

But to be insulted when walking down the street, or when on a bus and two people are talking to themselves in Mandrin or Lebonese or Spanish? It's their conversation. It's most likely their native tongue. And it is their freedom to do so.
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