Hey new people...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've noticed lately that we have several new members who aren't posting here, so I just wanted to take the time to welcome you all to .org with an awkward hello. So...

*puts Madi on as a hat and hops on Mith's shoulders.* HIYA!

If anybody has any questions, concerns, comments, complaints, suggestions etc etc you get the point...

Take em somewhere else, I'm busy. (Don't do that.)

Seriously, feel free to come to any of us, staff or otherwise, if you've got anything you want to discuss, be it related to this site or not. We're all friendly enough to hold a decent discussion. Make yourselves at home and have fun!
~Notates that Rhysis is a drinker, and therefore stands in his place and continues.~ I'm Tiff aka THE Tifferzzz of Ayenee. Introduce yourself, and let us know what your interests are. EX: Lurking, roleplaying (and if so, what kind), or just oocing (out of character, or normal chatting...for you newcomers to chat.) I'm basically the 'Protector' of the boards, meaning that if you need a bodyguard against someone on here that's not being as 'nice' as they should be ~Wags finger at SJ~ Then let me know. I've got your back.
* Is a Hat upon Rhysis's head, waves with her good hand*... I'm Madi, Co-Mod of this forum and the Peanut Gallery...Welcome one n all ...
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