Had no idea...


New Member
That Ayenee still had a site up. Good to see some old names still alive and kicking. I used to play in Ayenee quite a bit back in the day and admined a few forums. Thus, this is quite nostalgic for me. I've been kind of curious since Yahoo took down private rooms whatever happened to the old RPers, and then today Courtney let me know that I might see a few familiar faces here.

I played too many characters to really bother with listing them all, but I was probably most well known as Chaos____X and Ace_The_Vampire. My old admin name was "Illusions of Corruption" or something like that. So, if you knew me from either chat or the forums, please feel free to get back in touch with me sometime. I use Ace on messenger these days and my AIM name is ArchAngelJosh.




Saw that all the other old board admins posts up what they used to do... I was an admin or assistant admin on:

Non Role-Playing
Forbidden Arts (Short lived)
Ayenee General Store
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I remember him too... in fact did you play a Soth Knight?

Might have. We used to talk on ICQ a decent bit back around the time period I was working as an admin. I know we used to go in chat together and stir up some trouble, and I had a habit of making characters just to help friends play out ideas they had bouncing around. - So, more likely than not I chipped in at least once.

Missed seeing you around, by the way, MarcO. ;)

I'd get on ICQ again to harass you, but, to be honest I have no freaking clue what my old number was even if I took the time to get the program again.

- Josh.
Hmm... Only three I could think of it possibly being then would be Chaos, Josh (or Joshua), or Phantom Blackout with a lot of weird characters... Remember someone making that name for me once. - O. Or Illusions of Corruption, my Admin name. Might have used that since I mostly used ICQ to talk to friends from Ayenee.

It'll basically be that name you haven't seen logged on in forever. *_*

- Josh.
Marco, you've been around long enough to know the PG is the Peanut Gallery. {sends him flying there first class}
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