Brand Spanking NEW

Blake Aspen

New Member
Hola fellow Role-players!!

I have heard fantastic things about this site, dropping by to check it out and leave my little mark on society!!
Heya! Nice to see another new face. Make yourself comfortable. If you see a rp you like, feel free to jump in. If not, by all means make one yourself. If you have any questions or anything, let me know and I'll be happy to help.
Hi Blake. Hi Felicia.

Not related to a (General) Bill Blake are you? No? Ok.

I'm SJ, local tech-geek. If either of you have any problems or questions of that nature, feel free to contact me directly, or post in the Support Forum.

I also run a few games over in the TableTop section, so if that type of play interests you, feel free to head over there and make you're presence known. We'll be sure to get you involved in a game.

Other than that, take a look around, find something you like and hop on in.

Welcome to you, as well, Felicia. As with Blake, if you have any questions, concerns or whatever, feel free to send me a PM.

Enjoy yourself.
~Runs after Rhysis and takes a mean whack. Quotes Dane Cook here...~ "I'm your son from the future! ~Smack~ I'm FROM THE FUTURE!
*Motions for the Wraiths to contain Tifferzz to her padded room tell her birthday cake high is gone*
Welcome both of you!
I'm Madi, Co-Mod of this forum and the Peanut Gallery. We weclome you to cruise our forums, find or start an rp of your liking, chill out ooc'ly in the Peanut Gallery, or leave a line or two of your creative writting in the Cronicals!!
~ISH THE TIFFERZZZ....! Therefore is impervious to weakling wraiths!!! Slaps Madi on the ass for that one!~
*looks up at the post above and shakes her head*

Cannot believe they didnt give her a paddle.
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