Blackbird Tavern/Inn and Resturant

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Owner of the Blackbird Tavern
Standing out on the front lawn, Veta stands staring at the building in front of her..A building she had purchased months ago..and the renovations will soon be done. What's left is painting both interior and exterior and the rest of the furnishings are on their way.

This is very exciting for her..opening up the business she has worked so hard in establishing. Only thing that's changed is the location.

Once the renovations are finished, the building will be The Blackbird Tavern/Inn and Restaurant. It will take some time she understood before she would know if this move will seem like a good idea..The town seemed like a good place for a whole new start for her. It's hard being the new kid on the block.

Veta looked on, watching the painters, the carpenters and the movers as they worked feverishly to get their jobs done. By the way things are going..The Blackbird Tavern/ Inn and Restaurant should be officially open for business perhaps by the end of the week.

Near the roadside there is a sign that is posted reading..'Help Wanted, several positions available, apply within. Owner Veta Norr. Then at the bottom it listed briefly of some job positions: Bartender, Cook, Waitress, Security, and Housekeeping.

Veta then stepped inside, the smell of new paint, the sounds of hammering and the shouts of orders back and forth between the workers..Veta was liking very much of how the renovations was taking place.

The exterior of the Blackbird is of Tudor style, with beautifully landscaped sculptured shrubs and blossoming small trees, such as crape myrthles, tulip and confederate rose. Along the sides of the large tudor building is clinging ivy and purple and white wisteria.

Veta thought, approaching her establishment should be a pleasant experience with the floral scents as well as appearance. Inside, the tavern is with wooden polished floors, heirloom tapestries hanging from the walls, rustic but quaint wooden tables and chairs as well as booths..each table has a cloth draped over and accented with a candle, over to one side of the tavern area is a wooden bar with a glossy surface, behind a large wall mirror, with a platform underneath the mirror that displays the rows of bottled alcohol.

In the restaurant area as you would enter is right away a sense of good atmosphere settings of a small waterfall to one corner, the soothing sounds of water cascading over sculptured stone formations..All around is plenty of table seating to accommodate every group. .and for those who seeks a little privacy there are booths on the other end. A huge fireplace not only accents the decor but provides warmth to fill the room on those cold fall and wintry days.

Upstairs is the location of the variety of inn rooms, complete with small or large beds, fireplace and personal bath. To each one that stays in a room at the Inn receives a complimentary breakfast.

The kitchen is equipped with three stoves and ovens, two refrigeration units , large preparation and chopping table, a pantry and wine cellar.

Veta sits to one of the booths in the tavern, a mixture of feelings, main one of anxiety, wondering if this move and relocation was a good one. Only time will tell.
(note) The Blackbird Tavern / Inn and Resturant is located across the street from the Market Place, in that little trangle plot, and just behind the building of the Blackbird is Veta's cottage home.)
Arriving at the Blackbird Tavern

Alliana received Veta's message about coming and working at the Blackbird Tavern, which had been newly reopened.

After not a lot of consideration, she found herself standing in front of the doorway, looking at it with fond memories coming back to her. She pushed open the door and stepped inside, taking note of the renovations that were going on.

"Veta?" she called out, threading her way between the workmen, pausing momentarily to whistle at one of them. She made her way over to the bar as she waited her aunt's appearance.
Veta was at the far end of the room in the tavern area, she was busily setting about the chairs to the tables and wiping off the tops of the tables when suddenly she heard her name being called out.
A huge smile lighted up her face as she recognized the voice, .."Alliana.." she replied softly.
Stopping with what she was doing, she stepped around the table and headed over towards Alliana with her arms opened wide, " Oh its so good to see you..I'm so glad you could make it..I do hope you had a pleasant trip..Come , sit down with me..I want to hear all about you, what have you been up to ? And do tell me of your mother, Cierra."
Veta quickly pulled out a chair for her, and for herself, already taking a seat, but then jumped back up, " I bet you are hungry..would you like for me to make you something to eat or drink...Im sorry , but it would have to be a sandwich, the kitchen isnt quite ready yet..but everything is going along smoothly and we should be ready for business in a couple of days. "
Before her niece could reject the polite offer, Veta had already turned , quickly made her way across the room and soon disappeared behind the door of the kitchen.
Veta quickly brewed a pot of tea, and then made a sandwich for Alliana, placing both upon a tray which she carried back into the room and sat it upon the table in front of Alliana.
" It's not much, but it should sustain till I get the kitchen open, speaking of which, .."
Veta then moved away from the table and headed over to the bar, she reached under the counter and pulled out a small sign which she carried over to the front window. She slipped the sign up against the glass, the sign read 'open'.
Veta then turned about and gazed across the room towards Alliana with a large smile, "Well, we are officially in business once again."
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