Recent content by Nicolette

  1. Nicolette

    New Orleans- Present Day post Katrina

    The sun drifted down behind the horizon and there she sat, behind a heavy curtain, maids lighting candles all around her. She had electricity, but candle light was something she adored. Long black locks fell around her shoulders in an array of darkness. Leaning her head against the open palm...
  2. Nicolette

    Well then.

    Hello Andrew..good to see you on here. I'm surprised your using that name. I miss you..
  3. Nicolette


    I have three main characters..all of which are Semi-retired considering the plots I used them in at first died out.. Tyana Delomir My first real character, I have had her for almost 12 years now and its been a looong time since I used her. She is a vampire, sired by a man named Thron...
  4. Nicolette

    Foregotten. broke down and came here? hehe! *pounces and curls up on him* I knew you would..
  5. Nicolette


    *grins and snuggles Jose and peers at Jai* You like my Tremaar? and thank you all for the happy to be here and cant wait to rp
  6. Nicolette

    Vampire: The Masquerade

    I dont get that whole Gift thing..not really my cup o' tea..vampires all the way. wOOt...anyways..lemme know if something gonna start up. Def. interested..or if ya'll keep talkin I guess i'll have to start something. not big on fighting..and im not big on character...
  7. Nicolette

    Offical Ayenee.Org Picture Thread

    I am a picture whore..but I'll be nice and just post a few.. My horse My tattoo... me... Me part 2 Ok thats it for now..i have a bajillion more..but yeah..maybe later ;)
  8. Nicolette

    Official Testing Thread

    I wish the sigs could be bigger..
  9. Nicolette


    its says its forsale..
  10. Nicolette


    ~snuggles Marco and..Shy?~ mm..nice to be welcomed..glad this palce it a little bit on the happier side. And its nice to meet you Todd.
  11. Nicolette


    Marco..I heart you.. -Court-
  12. Nicolette


    What are some of the plots that are alive and kickin right now? Its hard to tell sometimes where you can and cant jump in to a plot. And its a lot of reading also to tell where people are in that me out a lil?
  13. Nicolette

    Vampire: The Masquerade

    def. up for some VtM or WoD. I have a few characters that I could use so lemme know what ya'll are tryin to do and i'll go with the flow. If you need any help I ran my own VtM forum at one point so I'll help out if I can.
  14. Nicolette


    hey name is Courtney..might know me as Synful Darkness, Lacy Tremaar, or Tyana Delomir. Its been awhile since ive been in any big time rps..but then again its been awhile since there have been any. Well..perhaps I can find some rp here. Thank's ya'll!
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