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Ab Homine Caelesti

Not much is known about this strange race of sentient gas balls, when one dies they only leave behind near-lethal levels of radiation and scorch marks from a compacted supernova capable of removing all traces of a flagship.

They are a vagabond species, having never bothered cataloging their history they have nothing to trace back to their origin, not that they care too much.

The gas balls are a fairly inquisitive people, which somewhat stems from them having patchy memories that keep feelings rather than specifics of what happened, yet great reflexes that never forget how to do something.


An Ab Homine Caelesti body can take on any shape and any colour with but a thought although it will always glow, the intensity of this glow can be changed at will but making oneself exceedingly bright for an extended period of time takes a toll on them, leaving them physically weakened for a few hours depending on how much energy they were outputting.

They have no known “use by date”, the few that are around seemingly have been since the end of time and it takes something immense to kill one.


Ab Homine Caelesti have no real culture and instead each individual assimilates from other cultures they have come across in their travels.

They have no real sense of time or urgency, often showing up late to events that were set at a specific time.


As mentioned above, they can adjust their glow but in addition they can also output raw energy in different forms, which takes a lot more of a toll than simply glowing, leaving the gas balls as but a husk of their former selves.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created by SirSkully on Sat 24-03-18.

ayenee/species/ab_homine_caelesti.1522432527.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/30 10:55 by sirskully