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The Inquisition

The inquision is an organisation formed half a year after the fall. At first, they rose as peacekeepers and soldiers that kept orders in the last havens of the sapient races. Protecting mages from unfair prosecution, judging them in a court and finding them either guilty of destructive magic, benificial to a city, or innocent altogether. However, that was the old inquisition only those of old will remember. The current day inquisition is only a perversed creation of it's former glory. A ruthless band of fanatics that deny their god has died, seeking to stomp out any trace of magic. Either by enslaving mages and breaking their mental psyche, or executing them after sealing their life essence in their enchanted and magic-nulifying weaponry. The Inquisition still remains powerful, however. Having indoctrinated the large population that magic is the root of all evil. And that's the general acceptance of it. It was magic, after all, that caused the fall.


The Inquisition remains steadfast in their monotheism, there is one true god. They believe the desecrated 'gods' to be fallen mages that achieved higher power than the average magician. And that their true god still sits in heaven above, waiting to embrace the good and faithful. However, where the earlier church preached respect and mutual love, honour and strength in battle, has become a perversed image. The rich hold the wealth and keep the poor from dying. There is no redistribution of wealth. Respect and mutual love turned to blind worship to the soldiers the common folks see as descendant angels, it is often believed that the Inquisition's combat forces are angels or saints. Which lead to the nickname of sword saints for the brunt of their forces.

However, barely any inquisitor is without sin. The bishops and saints cater to their warriors, forgiving their sins easily by means of prayer or self-flagellation. Leading to a ridiculously lavish life filled with what used to be considered sin; e.g. greed, lust, sacrilege etc.

Churches & Cathedrals

The Inquisition's main headquarters in the city is always positioned next to the mana node or ley line the city was founded on. It allows them to expand their dungeons and have the slave mages they keep working directly next to the node, to keep it pure and cleansed from the corruption that would otherwise set in. These more than often take the form of large cathedrals, decorated with massive amounts of gold. The Inquisition is extremely wealthy, which reflects in their soldiers. Rare, strong alloys put in the higher ranking weaponry. Armour decorated with gold and beset with enchanted gems, the loadout of proper Inquisitorial forces is borderline decadent.

Otherwise, smaller churches dot the living quarters of the poor and less fortunate. Almost every aristocrat, noble or rich merchant goes to the sermons in the main cathedral or the richer churches in the center of the cities. While those living on the borders have less travel time, but the church is often a repurposed shack. Yet preachers from the center often visit the outer wards, to make sure the populace there doesn't become displeased. Offering hand-outs, medicine and food, as well as other living supplies. It's a simple measure taken to keep the poverty at bay and preserve humanity. As well as to remain popular with the peasants.

Templars, Inquisitors and Peacekeepers

There are three main distinctions in the Inquisition's forces. Templars are the common soldiers, archers, foot soldiers, knights or cavalry. The templars make up the bulk force of the Inquisition and serve as the primary army. Templars are traditionally clad in heavy armour and always bear an enchanted shield with them. This shield, due to recent developments, has been reduced to wards for knights who prefer two handed weaponry and the likes.

Where the Templars are fearsome warriors and cabaple commanders, Inquisitors are legends. Clad in the most regal of enchanted armour and bestowed by the most blessed of weaponry, Inquisitors tend to head entire armies. Choosing their commanding officers from Templars. Inquisitors are extremely and brutally knowledgeable about magic, it's workings and the limits. They more than often know how to enchant weapons as well as armoury and tend to personally break slave mages. Though Inquisitors see their use far more as the title would lead on to. They seek out mages and capture them, often by blunt force trauma from their massive warhammers or maces. Where Templars are a force of nature in group, an Inquisitor shines in the aspect of capturing mages on their own.

Peacekeepers are all about the subterfuge and assassination, it takes a whole lot to keep cities in check. Political assassinations and manipulation is the tool of these peacekeepers. Though they're also not to be trifled with in combat. The traditional loadout of these peacekeepers is non-existent. Each one decides on their tools of the trade. Some seek to openly challenge and duel, others seek to slip in the shadows and pull the strings from there.

The Whitemoon sisters

The Whitemoon sisters are a completely seperate organisation of the Inquisition. Though they are closely affiliated and have the same goal. Where the whitemoon sisters see honour and chivalry in the ways of the Inquisition, they are far less decadent and lead a sober existence. The whitemoon sisters, traditionally only elves, are a female only organisation of warriors. Their duties are akin to the Inquisition's inquisitors, namely rooting out magic and executing those causing it. Yet the Whitemoon sisters do not believe in enchanting their equipment, their strength flows forth from their being. It's why they are traditionally more lightly clad in armour, mentally conditioned through rigorous training and wear the traditional Ringed Zweihander. A Zweihander with the pommel forged as a ring, the size of a dinner plate.

The Whitemoon sisters recruit girls from an age as young as ten and put them through a rigorous training course. If they're proven to be too weak, they will be returned to their parents without a word.

Whitemoon sisters do not get married, nor do they partake in the more carnal desires. Pledging purity to themselves. After all, purity is extremely important to this lunar worshipping organisation. This is why a Whitemoon sister traditionally bathes two to three times a day, wears a lot of make up and has extremely unrealistic body standards. Though the common folk see them as either beautifully pure angels, or tempting succubi.

Project nullification

OOC Notes

This page was originally created by Felix on Fri 11-05-18.

ayenee/plot/fragmented_earth/inquisition.1526045919.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/11 06:38 by iq