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Alexis moved to Ayenee from Tenaria at some point in 1997. The Mausoleum served as her introduction to the forums, which is where she spent much of her time while not actively role-playing in the chatrooms. She would serve as a super-moderator for several forums until 2004, when the resignation of Anna and Daelan led to her being selected as the new senior administrator. Due to a combination of real-world issues and stress, she would pass the torch in less than a year and return to her position as a senior moderator. She held this position until her departure from Ayenee some years later.

Other Alises

Sin DeFeisar

Active Characters of Note

Retired Characters of Note

  • Robert “Sin” DeFeisar

Real Life

Alexis is a 40 year old transgender veteran who lives in Arizona, where she is a full-time caregiver to her parents. She graduated from Ohio University in 2017 with a degree in Human Services Technology, and continues to serve as an advocate for minority and marginalized populations.

In her spare time, Alexis GMs various tabletop RPGs for her friends. She formerly ran a freeform role-playing server on Discord which was strongly inspired by her experiences in Ayenee.

Contact Information

Discord: @titaniumalloy

OOC Notes

This page was originally created by Alexis on Wed 08-02-23.

ayenee/player/alexis.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/27 16:01 by nil-kemorya