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Centralized Information Processing Language, commonly shortened to CIPL, is a high-level programming language created for mass-standardized use in Arcadian robotics and technology. It is versatile, and with the right compilers, is capable of running and incorporating most computers. The exact creation date of the language is unknown, but it is currently in Version 1.5.12. The language has found use in the creation of advanced artificial intelligence as well as the storage of brain maps and even analog memories in digital format.

CIPL can be written in two formats, traditional and universal. Older machines and more private-minded corporations use traditional format, which utilized Arcadian script and unique coding techniques that were commonplace in the older days of Arcadian tech. Newer technology is much more likely to use universal format, which features a broader horizon of compatibility as well as the ability to interface with non-Arcadian machinery more easily. Universal format is written in a way similar to human computing languages, using a universal keyset.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created by Pancakei on Thu 15-02-18.

ayenee/items/tech/cipl.1518734977.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/15 14:49 by pancakei