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New Incipere

New Incipere is an Arcadian nation that rose from the ashes of the Grand Republic of Avisten, founded in AC 4552 by the Faceless Baron. It's capital is on Planet Arcadia.


When the Grand Republic of Avisten was destroyed by the military revolution of it's people and ancient enemies, the leaders of the military conquest sought out to form a better union in its place. The Faceless Baron was given the position of the first leader without a vote but rather favor from military officials. Together, the Baron and the people who followed them created a new civilization from the ashes and ruble of the old republic. In AC 4552, New Incipere was founded.

During the next several decades, New Incipere grew and thrived under the new leadership. Technology and materials were salvaged from the ruins of Avisten, and a new capital city was constructed on planet Arcadia. Better relations were formed between the survivors and other races, and the era soon became marked as the greatest renaissance in Arcadian history.




OOC Notes

This page was originally created by Pancakei on Sat 20-01-18.

ayenee/groups/new_incipere.1516551163.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/21 08:12 by pancakei