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Darwin Schultz

Darwin Schultz is a player character played by trainscanflytoo.

Darwin Schultz
Species & Gender: Human Male
Age: 20
Eye Color: Amber and Hazel
Hair Color: Black and White
Height: 5'10“
Weight: 167 lbs
Year of Birth: YE 19 (Yamataian Calendar)
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Infantry
Rank: Itto hei
Current Placement: YSS Kaiyo

Physical Description

Darwin is 5'10” tall with alabaster white skin that easily burns or obtains a red sheen when flustered. His build is rather broad ads muscular, with some fat on his bones. Despite this, he manages to fit into a Mindy power armor without much of a hitch.

His eyes are a deep hazel and amber, creating an almost caramel blend as a result, and his eyebrows are opposite colors - the left black and the right white though both retain an egg-like shape to them. His head is slightly oval in shape with a flat chin. His nose is moderately sized.

Unusually, his hair is two colors, with the sides being white and the center being raven in color. The sides flare up like wings over his ears and back, while his bangs are cut just above his eyebrows in messy locks. On the back, it fans out almost like a tail.


It was Darwin's hardheadedness that pushed him into and through his schooling back on Yamatai, wherein he would seek out answers when possible or push his head through where there were none - but it was his curiosity that turned him down that route in the first place. He's a notorious wanderer, always willing to get to the bottom of whatever it is that may have captured his fancy.

Socially, he is quite softhearted, betraying his thick skull, leaving him fumbling for words whenever he screws up and recognizes that he's hurt somebody.

Likes: Craft Sodas, Mystery Novels, The feeling of a ship taking off from a planet, Hot sauce

Dislikes: Bugs, People as stubborn as he is, Jerky, Tacky decorations


See his page on Star Army here

The Kaiyo Incident

Darwin was assigned to the crew of the YSS Kaiyo, where he was only able to participate in one mission - its last in this universe. When a portal was discovered at the bottom of an ancient temple in the Star Prefecture of Planet Yamatai , Darwi had feared the prospect of never going home and being trapped in a parallel universe. His decision was to create a second Darwin and leave him as an anchor to this universe. one to take his place, with a request to wipe the copy's memory of any experiences on the Kaiyo II to ensure he would not dwell on a past that should not have been. As much as he hates the concept of Soul Transfer, it's all he could do to make sure his family has a son to write to.

the Schultz-Hei in this dimension is the original Darwin.

Skills Learned

Darwin Schultz has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Darwin Schultz is connected to:

  • Vandas Schultz (Father) A survivor of the_great_plague_of_ye_08, having been away from the Yamatai star system at the time while on a job. A traveling merchant who specializes in the delivery of minerals from one system to another.
  • Hisaya Kaneda (Mother) A survivor of the_great_plague_of_ye_08 due to absence from the system at the time. A botanist, she had been placed on a mission to investigate and research wildlife in various systems. Well-known by her peers as one of the most ruthless of her small group of scientists, she often proved a thorn in the sides of accompanying soldiers with her tenacious nature and ability to pop up in unexpected places. She now works as a florist in geshrinopolis

Inventory & Finance

Darwin Schultz has

Darwin Schultz currently has 3000 KS.

Darwin's Mindy, "Shinka"


Shinka is the name Darwin gave to the Ke-M2-4 Series "Mindy" Armor he was loaned upon joining the crew of the Y.S.S. Kaiyo. Upon leaving Fort Hajime, Darwin had gained a fondness for Mindy and other power armors, so upon being given the opportunity to make use of one, he jumped upon the chance in a heartbeat.

Shinka translates in Japanese to “evolution” Link

OOC Information

In the case trainscanflytoo becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? YES
ayenee/character/darwin_schultz.1515972582.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/14 15:29 by trainscanflytoo