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Aurora Herlynn

Aurora Herlynn is a player character played by Crystal

Aurora Herlynn
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Age: 22
Faction: Independent
Occupation: Freelance Archer
Rank: N/A

Physical Appearance

The elvish girl only stands at about 5'6“, a bit on the shorter side for a female of her species. She has honey blonde hair that dangles down to about her mid back and is usually seen sported in a milkmaids braid with two red ribbons tying off the ends. Green iris like emerald gems are set into the whites of her eyes and highlighted by almost always rosy red cheeks. Her ears are elongated and come to a sort of point, typical of an elf, and are almost always a soft red at the tips.

Years of crafting using bows of all kinds of sizes and draw weights have given her good upper body strength and toning. Her mass comes in to about 134, a healthy weight for her size.



Since that incident from her childhood, Aurora never really liked to get dirty or messy. She absolutely hated the feeling of it and thus goes through great lengths to not get herself into any messy sort of situations. But sometimes this can clash with the other sides of her that have a powerful sense of duty and loyalty. Upon an animal becoming injured, she will immediately swoop in to try and help the creature, throwing caution to the wind about her distaste of dirt and grime.

Similarly, if a comrade is being assailed by an enemy and they require her assistance not from far away as an archer, but instead up close and personal with the enemy, she will run in to thick of things to save her teammate's skin. Do note that if you put her into this kind of situation, you will now have to face the threat from her for getting her clothes messied and her feathers ruffled.



OOC Notes

This page was originally created by Crystal on Tue 30-01-18.

ayenee/character/aurora_herlynn.1517371763.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/30 20:09 by crystal