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Sacre Ven Sanssinia

Sacre Ven Sanssinia is a Separa'Shan played by soban.

Sacre Ven Sanssinia
Species Separa'Shan Pythus
Gender: Female
Born: 15/06/16
Age: 24
Organization: Star Army
Occupation: Medical
Rank: Joto Hei
Current Placement: YSS Kaiyo II

Physical Characteristics

Psychological Characteristics


Sacre Ven Sanssinia was born in YE 15. She always knew that her destiny lay in the stars. However, when she first ventured off of Essia, she was captured by pirates and sold into slavery in Nepleslia. Her time as a slave was not gentle. Initially sold as a sex slave, she was often insubordinate. This lead to her frequently being whipped and developing a horrific network of scars. In time, she was sold a extremely cruel pirate captain who broke her completely. He was a true sadist, often inflicting grievous injuries on her just to watch her in pain. It was here that she learned how to patch herself up so that she could survive. He brought her along with him on his cruises and let the crew have their way with her. However, this would eventually lead to her salvation when they were boarded by a Star Army ship and the captain apparently committed suicide by a gunshot to the back of the head.

After being given her freedom, she did not have many marketable skills. What she did have was a burning hatred for slavers and a need to do something about it. Boot camp gave her a new identity, and it was discovered that she was skilled as a field medic. She passed the field medic school with flying colors. She was initially assigned to a ground platoon. She slowly made friends, but then they were attacked. In the ensuing battle, she fought valiantly to keep her platoon alive, but eventually was unsuccessful with most of them. Since then, she has not stayed in positions long. She has several demerits on her records for fighting, usually because a human decided to touch her. She has a long record of bar brawls and the more then occasional knifing. Her comment tends to be that they deserved it.

She fought against the L'Kor with the YSS Kaiyo crew and was promoted to Nito Hei. During the assualt on a L'Kor station, she lead the assault during the first stages, clearing a landing zone for the other members of the YSS Kaiyo crew to land. She fought her way on board the station assisted in holding until William was badly wounded in action. While she cared for him on the way back to the Kaiyo, she bonded with him and he became her first friend on the ship. She started to make friends with other members of the crew. While they were on Kyopelinvuori, Sacre had her virginity restored and got Corellian Symbiotics implanted in her arms.

She helped to explore a secret temple beneath the ice caps of Yamatai. There she was split into two, with one of her ending up on Ayenee, and the other being temporarily trapped in the temple. She also acquired a healthy amount of knowledge of the Kikyo Sector. After confering with her duplicate who remained in the Kikyo universe, she decided to remain on Ayenee with the crew of the Kaiyo.

Skills Learned

Sacre Ven Sanssinia has the following notable skills:

Inventory & Finance


Sacre Ven Sanssinia has the Star Army Standard Issue.

Sacre has a large collection of knives, some named, which include, but are not limited to:

Sacre's Mindy

Ke-M2-4S Series "Mindy" Armor

OOC Information

Theme song: Medic by Mercedes Lackey/Leslie Fish/Heather Alexander

In the case soban becomes inactive: