====== NPCs ====== A Non-Player Character (NPC), in Ayenee, is nothing like an NPC in a classic GM'ed game, where the GM creates and controls NPC's to act as opponents to the Player Characters (PC's). In Ayenee, NPC's are created and controlled by the individual Players. For example, your Character may have a dog and you might want to describe the animal as it interacts with your Character as well as others. Gerran_the_Seer: remains huddled in the corner of the tavern, the entire time Jim and Silhouette are fighting, not really wanting to get involved. However, his loyal hound Gramail sits upright, watching Jim intently. The dog whines and strains at his leash, clearly wanting to help the man who he believes is in trouble. Gerran's Player can use Gramail to possibly help Jim, hinder Silhouette, to add mood to the scene, or even just for entertainment. ===== NPC's as "Extras" ===== Another entirely different kind of NPC are those that are very much like "extras" in a movie. They are still controlled by the individual Players but usually are not created by them in advance, and instead are thought of on the spot. They can be used as bartenders, other patrons, stable boys, taxi drivers, air/space traffic controllers - the possibilities are endless. An example in the ongoing scenario: Lady_Silhouette: eyes Jim carefully and with new appreciation for his talents, as she stands and slowly backs away towards the bar. Blacksword_Jim: has a little more trouble ignoring the added pain of a gash in his leg, only causing him to become angry. Finally moved to aggression towards the Lady he snatches up the nearest piece of broken glass and hurls it at Silhouette, aiming for her face. Lady_Silhouette: eyes Jim suspiciously while he picks up the glass, and just as he throws it she grabs a passing tavern wench, pulling the girl as much in front of her as time allows. As you can see, the tavern wench was not a Player Character in the room, but just an NPC that Silhouette's Player used as a human shield. This is a perfectly acceptable option, when not overused (overuse would be if Silhouette had pulled NPC's in front of her for every attack, or if Silhouette had suddenly called in 10 warriors to burst into the tavern and help her - both would be unfair). ===== Important ===== NPC's should be Played with all the same restrictions as PC's. This means of course, that you can't use them to Auto others, and others can't Auto your NPC's if you don't wish. Some Players don't mind, and even specifically create NPC's to allow others to fight against, expecting their NPC to lose and die. Usually it will be obvious what kind of NPC it is (like the example of the barmaid above), but if that is not the case (like with Gerran's dog), it is always best to wait and see, or if necessary then ask. Whatever the case may be, including NPC's in your gaming can help add depth to your Character or particular plots and scenes, and are often helpful for those who host RP rooms.