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ayenee:groups:new_incipere [2018/01/20 20:50] pancakeiayenee:groups:new_incipere [2018/09/02 21:07] – Oh hey I never filled this out pancakei
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 ====== New Incipere ====== ====== New Incipere ======
-New Incipere is the Arcadian  nation that rose from the ashes of the Grand Republic of Avisten, founded in AC 4552 by [[ayenee:character:faceless_baron|the Faceless Baron]]. +New Incipere is an [[ayenee:species:arcadian|Arcadian]] nation that rose from the ashes of the Grand Republic of Avisten, founded in [[|AC]] 4552 by [[ayenee:character:faceless_baron|the Faceless Baron]]. It's capital is on Planet Arcadia.
 {{:ayenee:groups:newincipere_flag.png?400|}} {{:ayenee:groups:newincipere_flag.png?400|}}
 ===== History ===== ===== History =====
 +When the Grand Republic of Avisten was destroyed by the military revolution of it's people and ancient enemies, the leaders of the military conquest sought out to form a better union in its place. [[ayenee:character:faceless_baron|The Faceless Baron]] was given the position of the first leader without a vote but rather favor from military officials. Together, the Baron and the people who followed them created a new civilization from the ashes and ruble of the old republic. In AC 4552, New Incipere was founded. The remnant resistance of the old government were either absorbed, or exiled to live their lives outside of the homeland.
 +During the next several decades, New Incipere grew and thrived under the new leadership. Technology and materials were salvaged from the ruins of Avisten, and a new capital city was constructed on planet Arcadia. Better relations were formed between the survivors and other races, and the era soon became marked as the greatest renaissance in Arcadian history. While this era was well received by most and brought high hopes for the future, the Baron knew problems others neglected. They were growing old, and had no proper kin to take over. Along with that, not all were happy with the triumph of New Incipere. They feared the retaliation of the Exiles would come once he passed, and anarchy would swallow the nation. As such the Baron enacted several quiet plans to attempt and maintain order as a new leader would be selected, including the transcendence of the [[ayenee:groups:servants_eternal|Servants Eternal]].
 +After the inevitable passing of the Baron, the nation of New Incipere fell into a state of disorder. While new leadership was eventually found, the vulnerability of the position lead to an ongoing political race that often incurred violence under wraps. About fifty years after the passing of the Baron, a shadow attack from inside the ranks of the government lead to a mass blackout. In the following years, information of the time before and during the Barons reign became at risk from opponents, and lead to the eventual dissolving and dispersal of the Servants under a new directive.
 ===== Government ===== ===== Government =====
 +The government of New Incipere was founded on ideals of honesty, clarity, and fair trial. That being said, the modern politics have shifted ideals, and irony can be found in a government of clarity founded by someone faceless. In the modern day, leaders are elected by populous every ten years, and it has led to the development of several parties with differing goals and sights for the future.
 +Leaders may be removed from office if sufficient evidence of corruption or other misappropriation of their position is uncovered in court. Needless to say, the government level of the country is still a festering battleground of personality and cultish appeal. 
 +===== Culture =====
 +New Incipere was founded to be the opposite of its predecessor- open, honest, and interested in self development rather than self appeal. The ideals of family and friends is a sacred one in many houses. While the culture of New Incipere is a mix of conservative and uptight Arcadian pure-bloods, free and easygoing Nepherians, and everything in between, it has tried to keep to its more rural roots. The country does not generally explore far out beyond their homeland, and as such has established a general "radio silence" over time.
 +New Incipere has a firm belief in justice and fair trial for those convicted, rather than the use of violence and intimidation. While the courts have done their best to retain these freedoms, these beliefs are not shared by all in the cities.
 ===== Technology ===== ===== Technology =====
 +The technological state of New Incipere has been on a roller-coaster due to historical events and attacks. It started low after the defeat of the Grand Republic, but quickly recovered with the co-operative founding of companies such at Oakland Heavy Industries and Incipere Unlimited. They grew to the status of having highly advanced robots and AI, well-developed forging techniques, and inter-dimensional gateways and devices built on the research left behind by the Grand Republic. 
 +The state of technology was temporarily hindered and even risked spiraling following the information blackouts post-Baron, and during the time a vast majority of companies and technologies were left condemned and destroyed. The country has been on the rise again, but has yet to steadily reconnect with anyone outside of its own dimensions.
-===== Military =====+Their current technologies include: Sentient and non-sentient AI, Robotics, Power Armor, minor inter-dimensional travel, large-scale data storage (mostly emptied).
 ===== OOC Notes ===== ===== OOC Notes =====
 This page was originally created by [[ayenee:player:pancakei|Pancakei]] on Sat 20-01-18.  This page was originally created by [[ayenee:player:pancakei|Pancakei]] on Sat 20-01-18. 
ayenee/groups/new_incipere.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/26 11:02 by pancakei