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ayenee:character:reese_blackthorne [2017/05/24 15:54] amorceasayenee:character:reese_blackthorne [2017/05/25 08:03] – [Biography] amorceas
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 It was forbidden for Reese to be without a guard and to venture from the lands of Velusia. Reese told his sister about his plans to sneak away, she tried to stop him. Reese would not be stopped and set off. Reese sought the fabled sword in the stone, said to be embedded in an obsidian boulder in the middle of a magical lake. His friends consisted of, Ronin Wolfstein the mage, Olivia Du Grace the fencer, and the elf bard Amhránaímeisce.  It was forbidden for Reese to be without a guard and to venture from the lands of Velusia. Reese told his sister about his plans to sneak away, she tried to stop him. Reese would not be stopped and set off. Reese sought the fabled sword in the stone, said to be embedded in an obsidian boulder in the middle of a magical lake. His friends consisted of, Ronin Wolfstein the mage, Olivia Du Grace the fencer, and the elf bard Amhránaímeisce. 
-The four of them traveled for over four years to find the hidden location of the lake, falling into many adventures along the way. The sword required three trials to be passed in order for one to be worthy of removing it. After passing the trials, Reese was asked by a voice, if he would give anything to change his destiny? The young tuatha answered he would, but little did he know that price or that one can truly never escape fate. Reese and his friends came across an airship called the "Morning Star", they agreed to give Reese a ride back to Velusia. It was on the way back that the ship was attacked, Reese managed to shield the \\+The four of them traveled for over four years to find the hidden location of the lake, falling into many adventures along the way. The sword required three trials to be passed in order for one to be worthy of removing it. After passing the trials, Reese was asked by a voice, if he would give anything to change his destiny? The young tuatha answered he would, but little did he know that price or that one can truly never escape fate. Reese and his friends came across an airship called the "Morning Star", they agreed to give Reese a ride back to Velusia. It was on the way back that the ship was attacked, Reese managed to shield the vessel. \\
 ====The Fall of a King==== ====The Fall of a King====
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 Or they could agree that they made mistakes, that what was done, would forever be done. Rebecca mentioned she had lost the child she was carrying and that she barely survived his attack. Reese reminded her that she had played with his heartstrings, no matter whether she was misled. Rebecca agreed that they should simply move on and never raise a voice or blade to one another again. Reese agreed, she then informed him that she would be leaving Velusia, to live with her husband in Ayenee, beyond the veil.  Or they could agree that they made mistakes, that what was done, would forever be done. Rebecca mentioned she had lost the child she was carrying and that she barely survived his attack. Reese reminded her that she had played with his heartstrings, no matter whether she was misled. Rebecca agreed that they should simply move on and never raise a voice or blade to one another again. Reese agreed, she then informed him that she would be leaving Velusia, to live with her husband in Ayenee, beyond the veil. 
-Something in Reese told him that he would never see her again. Years later when he heard reports of the cataclysm of Ayenee, he heard about her husband's kingdom being swept away in a maelstrom and disintegrated.  +Something in Reese told him that he would never see her again. Years later he heard reports of the cataclysm of Ayenee. He heard about her husband's kingdom being swept away in a maelstrom and disintegrated.\\ 
- +
-====Castle Ayenee====+
 ====The Dream Mantle==== ====The Dream Mantle====
 +Reese ruled over Velusia with help from time to time from his brother Desmond. He often left Desmond or Vincent in charge while he went off on matters of import. He spent years solidifying alliances and securing trade agreements. Over the course of that time, Reese and Melfina had fallen in love. Their love was shallow and it didn't last. Melfina gave birth to two children, Prasutagus and Sayge. 
 +Reese loved being a father, he spent most of his time with his children. So much so that Vincent took on a more permanent role in the governmental workings of the kingdom. Also so much that Melfina saw very little of her husband. Rumors spread that she had affairs with various famous individuals in the kingdom. Melfina began to drink a lot more than a queen ever should. 
 +After Darkthorne assassins attacked Reese and his family at a friend's wedding, Melfina had enough. The queen and her children disappeared that night like the winter snow. That winter was very bad, the cold cut to the bone. Reese found solace in the bottom of a bottle. The world seemed dark, paranoia seeped in, the castle was a place of silence and memories like ghost haunted its halls. Reese spent most of his time by the fire, he would drink and then drink some more. Sabrina could not sit by and watch her friend sink any further in this dark miasma. 
 +It hung in the air, filled the castle, everyone around him seemed to suffer it. She mentioned that she had heard rumors about the Dream Mantle. At first, Reese didn't care, he lost his greatest love, his sister, his children. He wanted to wallow in his sorrows, to drown in his misery and be free of the pain. Sabrina managed to break through the thick barrier of his depression.
 +Reese summoned the lands heroes, put together a small army and with Sabrina by his side marched to Riven. The mountains there held an ancient city and ancient terrors. Vampires older than any Reese had seen, they attacked them in the valley. Many died, and worse a blizzard quickly sealed of their escape. The few left ventured on finally finding the city in the mountain. There was a temple with glyphs and hints at the ancient god once worshiped there. 
 +They accidentally awoke the temple's ancient protector. The guardian was the source of the blizzard that surrounded the lands. The man had power over the elements calling on them like pets. Reese was struck by lightning and his unconscious form slid down the temple steps. Sabrina seeking to aid the heroes against this threat tried to take flight, but the winds of the blizzard threw her to the wall. With great effort, they defeated the guardian, but they would not make it through the valley with so few.
 +Reese called upon his friends aboard the "Morning Star". Without warning a hole opened in the sky and the ship emerged from it. The captain explained that they had acquired some technology from the crashed ship of a Donhal Ashbane. With this artifice, they were able to transverse the plans. Reese was amazed by this technology, it was some sort of magic he had never seen. He thanked the captain for his aid as they landed in Lochland. 
 +Reese had learned the location of the Dream Mantle, but it was just out of reach.\\
 ====Behind the Veil==== ====Behind the Veil====
 +Reese married Sabrina and together they had three children Sean, Zachary, and Destiny. He was once again happy, but he knew this happiness could not last. It was only temporary while the threat of the Dark Effigy was still out there. Reese asked the crew of the "Morning Star" if they could aid him one more time. He asked them to take him to a realm that he had seen on the walls of the temple. It was the same vision he had seen in his coma. 
 +They managed to come up with a device that would pull the image from his mind and find its location. The process seemed to take a very long time. When it was acquired the crew and Reese traveled to the realm and were suddenly overcome by noxious fumes, the landscape was dark and seemed to twist and change. There was only one thing in this landscape, a demijohn shining like a star in the night sky. 
 +Reese grasped the bottle and opened it and was instantly taken to a place, not of this reality. Energy flowed out of the bottle surrounding him. He heard a voice in his head cursing him for setting them loose. He saw another energy a darker one that fled into the kaleidoscopic landscape. The world around him constantly shifted and changed. The entity informed Reese that he had released the dream lord thus gaining the dream lord powers, but in doing so he had released the Nightmare lord as well. 
 +Reese grappled with the seriousness of his actions. The voice told Reese that now he was the dream lord and charged with fighting the nightmare lord. Reese agreed to defeat this nightmare lord once he dealt with the current threat to his home. The entity in his head explained to him how to return home. 
 +When Reese returned, 4 years had passed by. Sabrina had moved on and remarried, she had moved into the lands of her husband beyond the veil in Ayenee. Reese decided it was for the best, for now, he would focus all his thoughts on the threat of the Effigy. Reese needed time to learn his powers, to prepare countermeasures, and to figure out his foe. 
 +Reese had heard that a great cataclysm had occurred in Ayenee. The land was sundered and a darkness was spreading. He decided there was only one thing he could do. He began a ritual to remove the Theras veil from Ayenee and place it in a small pocket dimension. He could then train an army to fight the threat of the Effigy, he could learn his powers, all while safe inside the veil. He thought about all the loved ones who would be left behind in such a titanic event. The sacrifice would outweigh the loss, he was destined for this. 
 +As he began the ritual he was attacked by a small force of Darkthornes, lead by Diago. Eseer arrived and together they defeated Diago, Eseer banished the brute to the shadow realm. Reese continued with the ritual and eventually, Eseer left. The lands cried out as they were plucked from the world and transported to their new home. The effort was such that Reese needed time to recover, the time it seemed flowed slower in this isolated dimension. 20 years would pass in the bubble, while outside it 200 years drifted by. Empires rose and fall, legends died off, and the landscape changed, what remained of Ayenee was nothing like what had been.\\
 ====The Final Battle==== ====The Final Battle====
 +While in the bubble Reese traveled to the remaining lands and formed a new coalition. One that would address the threat of the Effigy. The leaders of all the remaining kingdoms were angered at Reese for plucking their lands up and spiriting them away. Many mages became interested in the magical moorings that tied the lands here. There were numerous temporal anomalies and planar tears that needed to be addressed. 
 +It took some time for Reese to convince the leaders to his side. In that time Reese met and married Tsuki Hasu a leader of one of these lands. Her land would not survive the reentry process of the planar regrafting. Tsuki and Reese had three children together and continued to put together the force needed to take on the Effigy. Reese had constructed a prophecy through the dream realm, that the Theras planes would be released from the planar anchor by their children. 
 +He then began observations of the Effigy finding out the history of his foe, his powers, and his goals. The Effigy was a dark god trapped in a sort of crystal prison, the prison had cracked just enough that he was able to extend his influence across the planes. He sought to bring chaos and darkness to creation, to rule over it as a demonic god. Stories played out in the Theras realm, stories that eventually led to the destruction of the mooring spell. The lands violently reappeared where they once had been. Some lands were completely destroyed, others were lost in time rifts. 
 +Almost as quickly as the lands had reappeared, so did the black portals. From these portals emerged the Effigy's strike forces, ready to destroy the kingdoms before they could recover. The coalition launched an attack, taking one of the portals they forged through into the realm of the Effigy. Shamus and Reign, along with Prasutagus lead the combined force of the Darkthornes, Blackthornes, Bloodthornes, and Whitethornes (the last remaining thorne clans) through one such portal. 
 +Eseer's daughter Merlindria betrayed the coalition and joined forces with the Effigy, but her efforts were in vain. A battle like none before erupted with the combined might of the kingdoms versus a realm of dark beings.  Millions died, the ground was so drenched in blood from both sides that soldier sank in the mud over their ankles. Reese and Tsuki joined the battle, the crystal about the Effigy finally broke. The dark clouds above parted as a red light fell upon the form emerging from the crystal. The battlefield became silent and still, the form grew in size standing 10 ft tall. The blood red skin, horns, lions mane, and orange eyes made him a terrifying display. 
 +Wasting no time, he waded into the fray. He summoned more demonic minions to the battle. Reese was nearly slain as he tried to take the Effigy on alone. Reese's master plan began to unfold, two heroes on the battlefield wielded weapons Reese had forged in the past through the minds of dreamers. These weapons when combined created a weapon called harmony. It had the ability to resonate in such a way that it removed the Effigy from the host he inhabited. Weakened from the separation, the Effigy was defeated by the heroes of the day.\\
 ====The Nightmare==== ====The Nightmare====
 +Reese had promised to defeat the nightmare lord after having dealt with the threat of the Effigy. He managed to get a small year long rest before moving on to his next crisis. It seemed that the crisis had come to him. The lands were gripped in a plague of nightmares and a strange disease caused people to enter a comatose state. In some parts, they claimed that strange fantastical lands were suddenly being grafted to the landscape. On inspection Reese found these to be pieces of the dream and nightmare landscapes from the dream realm. 
 +Reese sought answers and was forced to leave his family once more. He entered the dream realm, but a year went by and there was no answer from him. Tsuki decided to go in after him and to try and find what had happened to her husband. She was pursued by agents of the nightmare through the ever changing landscape of the dream. Through her connection to her husband, she was able to find him. He had seemed confused stating he had only been in the dream for perhaps a day. 
 +When he discovered that the length of time had changed much like the landscape of the dream, he realized what it meant. Together they forged on deeper into the dream. There like a gaping wound, a tear in the realm. It tore through to the next reality and so on. Reese could see the realm of the dead, the elemental realms, and others through the hole. At the end was their reality, something had crossed the realms, tearing a hole through them as it passed. 
 +As the dreamers of the lands fought inner demons, the land was assaulted by actual demons from the dream realm. The furies, agents of the nightmare lord began to terra graft parts of the nightmare into the landscape of the waking world. Those who fell to the inner demons that haunted them rose up as mindless pawns of the nightmare lord. Reese and Tsuki emerged from the hole in reality and found a spiraling tower upon a small atoll in the ocean. 
 +From the top of this tower, was Reese's half brother Cebrese in command of the nightmare lord powers. Reese and Cebrese fought, eventually, Adrian, Cebrese's full brother came and joined the fight. He had been trapped by the nightmare lord but freed by a group of the dreamers. Cebrese had forged this tower for the sole purpose of ripping through reality, he called it his reality needle. He had set it upon one of the great leylines of magic and was cementing his tear in reality by draining mana from the land.
 +Reese and Adrian managed to defeat the nightmare lord, they destroyed his needle with the help of Tsuki and other heroes. As the needle collapsed into the tear, so did Cebrese, they watched in horror as he was disintegrated with the closing of the tear. Reese gave the Dream Mantle to his half brother Adrian, choosing to stay in reality with his family from now on. The nightmare was finally over. \\
 ====== Weapons,Relics, and Weakness ====== ====== Weapons,Relics, and Weakness ======
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 ====== Abilities ====== ====== Abilities ======
-__//**Magic:**//__ Magic is a powerful elemental force in the world. Those who can wield it, can in a sense become gods. The power of magic however has always been tied to a price. The more powerful the spell the higher the price, sometimes simply reagents for casting. Other times the spells payment can be blood, life, or simply karma. Magic can absorb energies, create energies, transport, protect, harm, destroy, banish, command other living things, create illusions or influence. It can erase memories, scars, and curses, it is the giver of life or death, to ones foes or even friends. Magic is only bound by the ability of its user and their imagination. Magic can change an object from one thing to another, it can give you the ability to commune without words. You can command reality, or simply the elements, or perhaps time. Reese learned magic at an early age, part of his royal upbringing, he eventually became a druid, working his way up the ranks. After the death of his parents, Reese spent some time in Vanguard learning magic before heading off. He worked on mastering this skill with his friend the outlaw mage when he was not busy with Lily's tavern. Lily herself helped teach Reese a few tricks as well, mainly new forms of healing magics+__//**Magic:**//__ Magic is a powerful elemental force in the world. Those who can wield it, can in a sense become gods. The power of magic however has always been tied to a price. The more powerful the spell the higher the price, sometimes simply reagents for casting. Other times the spells payment can be blood, life, or simply karma. Magic can absorb energies, create energies, transport, protect, harm, destroy, banish, command other living things, create illusions or influence. It can erase memories, scars, and curses, it is the giver of life or death, to ones foes or even friends. Magic is only bound by the ability of its user and their imagination. Magic can change an object from one thing to another, it can give you the ability to commune without words. You can command reality, or simply the elements, or perhaps time. Reese learned magic at an early age, part of his royal upbringing, he eventually became a druid, working his way up the ranks. After the death of his parents, Reese spent some time in Vanguard learning magic before heading off. He worked on mastering this skill with his friend the outlaw mage when he was not busy with Lily's tavern. Lily herself helped teach Reese a few tricks as well, mainly new forms of healing magic
- +  
-__//**The Dream Mantle:**//__ The ability to access the minds of all dreamers, to dig, to delve, to create an algorithm of proposed possibilities or futures. Time in the realm of dreams is non-linear, past, present, and future exist as one, this allows for infinite chances to retry possible scenarios within the confines of the dream. The ability to plan in such a way allows one to manipulate chance. The access to the minds of dreamers, in all times, allows for the slight manipulation of events in the waking world, through the power of dreams. The ability within the dream to create reality and life itself, from the material of the dream. The ability to exist within the dream when your body has long since passed on. In the dream, the dream lord has power omnipotent, this power does not extend outside the dream realm. The one thing a dreamlord protects are the minds of the sleepers, the unrestrained access to the subconsciousness of all living things can be disastrous in the wrong hands.    +
 __//**Regeneration:**//__ Human regenerate at a slow rate, the Tuatha regenerate at such a rate that, they are immune to things like cancer and the loss of limbs, unless through magic or pertaining to some iron based weapon. Certain magics have a negative effect on the Tuatha regenerative abilities, things like necrotic energy, or certain elemental energies. A Tuatha should be able to regenerate a loss limb, even organ, but certain parts can not be regrown. These parts are the head, heart, spinal chord, and brain. Regeneration can be slowed or nullified by blood poison due to iron.  __//**Regeneration:**//__ Human regenerate at a slow rate, the Tuatha regenerate at such a rate that, they are immune to things like cancer and the loss of limbs, unless through magic or pertaining to some iron based weapon. Certain magics have a negative effect on the Tuatha regenerative abilities, things like necrotic energy, or certain elemental energies. A Tuatha should be able to regenerate a loss limb, even organ, but certain parts can not be regrown. These parts are the head, heart, spinal chord, and brain. Regeneration can be slowed or nullified by blood poison due to iron. 
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-Categories: [[Velusia]] |[[The Blackthorne]] |[[Rebecca Blackthorne]] |[[Eseer Darkthorne]] |[[Tsuki Blackthorne]] |+Categories: [[Velusia]] |[[The Blackthornes]]|[[The Darkthornes]] |[[Rebecca Blackthorne]] |[[Eseer Darkthorne]] |[[Tsuki Blackthorne]]| [[Adrian Blackthorne]]| [[Cebrese Darkthorne]]| [[Diago Darkthorne]]|
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 This page was originally created by [[ayenee:player:amorceas|J]] on Tue 09-05-17.  This page was originally created by [[ayenee:player:amorceas|J]] on Tue 09-05-17. 
ayenee/character/reese_blackthorne.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/25 15:38 by amorceas