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ayenee:character:reese_blackthorne [2017/05/14 18:59] amorceasayenee:character:reese_blackthorne [2017/05/25 08:03] – [Biography] amorceas
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 ====== Reese Blackthorne ====== ====== Reese Blackthorne ======
-<WRAP right 35em+~~NOTOC~~ 
-^  Reese Blackthorne  ^^^^ +<WRAP right 25em
-|   {{:ayenee:character:reese.jpg?200|}}   || +^  Reese Blackthorne  ^^ 
-^Titles:                 The dream lord, The white stag (Fiabán), King    |      +|   {{:ayenee:character:reese.jpg?100|}}   || 
 +^Titles:                 The dream lord, King    |      
 ^Gender:              |     Male     | ^Gender:              |     Male     |
 ^Races:              |     Tuatha De Danann, Elf (fey) | ^Races:              |     Tuatha De Danann, Elf (fey) |
-^Age:                     358 years old, equivalent to a middle age human   |  +^Age:                     358 years  |  
 ^Occupation:            |     Druid, Shaman, Mage  |  ^Occupation:            |     Druid, Shaman, Mage  | 
 ^Faction/Kingdom:          |     Blackthorne/Velusia    | ^Faction/Kingdom:          |     Blackthorne/Velusia    |
 ^Status:                |     Alive   | ^Status:                |     Alive   |
-^Relatives:  |     [[Desmond]](deceased,brother),[[Rebecca]](deceased,twin sister),[[Vincent]](deceased,brother),[[Orianna]](sister), [[Adrian]](half-brother), [[Cebrese]](half-brother,deceased),[[Shamus]] (son), [[Reign]] (daughter), [[Prasutagus Darkthorne]](son), [[Sayge]](daughter,deceased)   |+^Relatives:  |     [[Desmond]](deceased,brother),[[Rebecca]](deceased,twin sister),[[Vincent]](deceased,brother),[[Orianna]](sister), [[Adrian]](half-brother), [[Cebrese]](half-brother,deceased),[[Shamus]] (son), [[Reign]] (daughter), [[Prasutagus Darkthorne]](son), [[Sayge]](daughter,deceased),[[Destiny]](daughter alive)   |
 ^Height:        |    5'9"    | ^Height:        |    5'9"    |
 ^Weight:        |    170lbs    | ^Weight:        |    170lbs    |
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-**Reese Blackthorne** is arch-druid, the high king of Velusia, dream lord, and the white stag. Reese and his twin sisterwere marked by a prophecy, delivered by an unnamed mage, it said they would defeat a great threat to their race and kingdom. Reese never wanted to live in the shadow of such responsibility, and often tried to flee it. The more he fought destiny, the more tragedy seemed to plague his life.\\+**Reese Blackthorne** is an arch-druid, the high king of Velusia, dream lord. Reese and his twin sister were marked by a prophecy,  it said they would defeat a great threat to their race and kingdom. The weight of such responsibility was a lot on Reese. He never wanted to live in the shadow of such responsibility, and often tried to flee it. The more he fought destiny, the tighter its hold on him became. The kingdom and the clan would change drastically under his rule.\\
 ======Biography====== ======Biography======
-Reese was born alongside his twin sister Rebecca over 358 years ago and is a royal heir to the crownHe is a member of the Blackthorne clan and fated child of destiny alongside his sister. When they were young, they were often told tales about how they would save the tuatha from a great evil. They had other siblings as well, their oldest brother Vincent, middle brother Desmond, and younger sister Orianna and half-brother Adrian and Cebrese. Reese wanted to be free from the shadow of destiny and set off with his friends to forge his own. Reese sought the fabled sword in the stone, said to be embedded in obsidian boulder in the middle of a magical lake. His friends consisted of, Ronin Wolfstein the mage, Olivia Du Grace the fencer, and the elf bard Amhránaímeisce. The four of them traveled for over four years to find the hidden location of the lake, falling into many adventures along the way. The sword required three trials to be passed in order for one to be worthy of removing it. After passing the trials, Reese was asked by a voice, if he would give anything to change his destiny? The young tuatha answered he would, but little did he know that priceor that one can truly never escape fate.+Reese and Rebecca were born into the Blackthorne clan over 358 years ago. As the children of prophecy, they were the royal heirs to the crown. They had other siblings as well, their oldest brother Vincent, middle brother Desmond, and younger sister Orianna and half-brother Adrian and Cebrese. As a child, Reese became lost in the forest and was rescued by a dwarf and an adventure named Maia. It was then that Reese decided he wanted to become an adventure.  
 +It was forbidden for Reese to be without a guard and to venture from the lands of Velusia. Reese told his sister about his plans to sneak away, she tried to stop him. Reese would not be stopped and set off. Reese sought the fabled sword in the stone, said to be embedded in an obsidian boulder in the middle of a magical lake. His friends consisted of, Ronin Wolfstein the mage, Olivia Du Grace the fencer, and the elf bard Amhránaímeisce.  
 +The four of them traveled for over four years to find the hidden location of the lake, falling into many adventures along the way. The sword required three trials to be passed in order for one to be worthy of removing it. After passing the trials, Reese was asked by a voice, if he would give anything to change his destiny? The young tuatha answered he would, but little did he know that price or that one can truly never escape fate. Reese and his friends came across an airship called the "Morning Star", they agreed to give Reese a ride back to Velusia. It was on the way back that the ship was attacked, Reese managed to shield the vessel. \\
 ====The Fall of a King==== ====The Fall of a King====
-Redvar had joined the tuatha in an alliance with human and elven kingdoms in fighting off the threat of the Darkthornes and their allies. The tuatha live for thousands of years, but after a hundred years their likely hood of having offspring ends. Many young tuatha had been the first to go off and fight, and die, because of this, they were dwindling. The king wanted to protect his peopleand his lands. So he lead the charge against this new Darkthorne threat. The kingdom of Regalia was under siege by the Darkthornes and their allies. Redvar summoned, storms, tornados, earthquakes, and entangling vines, it seemed the battle would turn. Then a dark figure appeared on the battlefield, an elder wyrmm crashed onto the battlefield. It sent defenders and attackers flying with a swipe of its tail. The she-beast engaged Redvar in combat and the two fought for hours, but eventually the king fell. The dragon'tail had been coated in ironcreating spike that impaled the king through the heart+ Redvar had joined the tuatha in a coalition with human and elven kingdoms in fighting off the threat of the Darkthornes and their allies. The king wanted to protect his people and his lands.  The lands near Regalia were heavy with the Darkthornes forces and their allies. Redvar summoned, storms, tornados, earthquakes, and entangling vines, it seemed the battle would turn. Then a dark figure appeared on the battlefield, an elder wyrm crashed onto the battlefield. It sent defenders and attackers flying with a swipe of its tail. The she-beast engaged Redvar in combat and the two fought for hours, but eventuallythe king fell. The dragon'fire burned the king leaving nothing but ash. 
 +The dragon had been sent by an agent of the very darkness, his children were destined to defeat. At the same time, assassins made their way into the heart of the castle, seeking the royal family. Relena had seen this in a dreamfor she was oneiromancer. She had already sent the family away, and only she remained. She fought off the assassins but died from her wounds two days later.
-The dragon had been sent by an agent of the very darknesshis children were destined to defeatAt the same time, assassins made their way into the heart of the castleseeking the royal familyRelena had seen this in a dream, for she was a oneiromancer. She had already sent the family away, and only she remainedShe fought off the assassins but was slain by Diago Darkthorne+Reese returned to a kingdom in mourning for the passing of the king and queen. Reese blamed himselfhad he been there. He might have been able to save themReese and Rebecca put aside their grievances and with the help of their older brother Vincentruled the kingdomIt was one dark night when Reese slept out beneath the stars that things changedA dark spell was cast over him, it created a being with his face, but lacking his morality
-Reese returned to a kingdom in mourning for the passing of the king and queen. Reese at once knew this must have been his fault, for the answer he gave at the lake. His twin and older brother were not very welcoming to Reese upon his return, for good reason. At this same time dark force started to manipulate the twins, it created an evil doppelganger of Reese called Eseer. This copy caused a lot of strife and attempted to kill Reese'sister while pretending to be him+ The evil doppelganger Eseer was commanded by the Dark Effigy to create divide between the twins. This copy caused a lot of strife and made Reese question his sanity. People were dying and suffering, and by all accounts, it was under Reese'hands. Rebecca swore to help sort through the accusations. She told Reese to go into hiding before the people rose up to take the law into their own hands. Reese fled the kingdom and took passage on an airship the "Morning Star".
-The whole kingdom seemed to turn against Reeseso it was no surprise he fled the kingdomHe found peace as wandering healer for some time since the lands were rampant with wars at the timeEventually, he found himself in the arms of a woman named Lilly who owned a bar in the far-off wilderness near small villagefar from his home of Velusia. +The ship came under attack by the Darkthornes, the silver ship rocked back and forthReese used his druidic abilities to create barrier of wind to block the attacksHe went into hiding in the lands of Lysia. Meanwhile, another agent of the Effigy, Delain, female changelinghad befriended Rebecca. She manipulated her into believing that Reese wanted to take their birthright for himself. That he wanted to rule the kingdom alone. The murders had stopped since Reese left Velusia, so this must be a sign of his guilt. Delain also drugged Rebecca with a powerful dream altering elixir. This made her have nightmares about her brother\\
 ====The Problem with Taverns==== ====The Problem with Taverns====
-Reese lived in peace working at the tavern, chopping wood, fishing, and laying by the woman he loved at night counting the starsOne day, strangely enough, his evil copy found him in the woods and made a claim that his beloved was an illusion. Reese reminded Eseer that he tried to kill his sister and that he had been blamed for itEseer did not deny what he had donebut stated that his sister was right royal painThe two foughtbut it became clear to Reese that he could not defeat Eseer who knew his every move. Reese, worn out, sat and listened to what Eseer had to sayReese began to dig and found letters from his sister and member of the Darkthornes addressed to his Lilly. Deciding he did not care if she had been spying on him, he decided simply to confront Lilly and accept her answer+Reese became a healer because the landscape surrounding Lysia was worn tornHe found his skills at surgery and healing were very useful. It was in this vocation that he encountered Lily, she volunteered at his make-shift field hospitalWhen the wars endedshe stated she would return to her tavernShe said now that the nation had its fill on fightingthey'd be thirsty for a good drink. Reese decided to go with herhe had never had a job beforeAs prince, it was never required of him. 
-She never came back to the tavern that night. Reese sought out Eseer, who informed him that she was meeting with Jared Darkthorne, her owner. Reese had never known Lilly to be a slave, but then he remembered the scars on her wrist that she never wanted to discuss. Reese felt pins stab into his heart, but he fought the swirling chaos in his head and followed Eseer to the mansion of JaredThere he watched Lilly relay information about him to Jared and his sister Rebecca, who insisted Lilly keep Reese under her thumb. When Lilly brought up the idea of marrying Reese, Rebecca scoffed and threatened her. She stated that her brother was of royal blood and would never be allowed to marry beneath him.+Reese lived in peace working at the tavern, chopping wood, fishing, and laying by the woman he loved at night counting the starsThe two were wed by mutual friend. Reese could never get over how amazed he was at the woman who loved him. He had never felt this sort of true happiness in his lifeThe year went by and they shared many memories in the Whiterose Tavern
-Reese stormed the meeting and confronted his sister, she stated she was only watching out for him. She said that Reese didn'know how to take care of himself or be responsible. Reese told her that he wanted nothing more of that life, that they had failed in protecting their peopleRebecca statednoyou failed to protect your people because you were childishReese spat at his sister and saidis that childish enough for you and stormed offRebecca stated for Reese to never show his face in Velusia again, which he agreed toMeanwhile, in the wilderness, Lilly was fleeing the scenewhen she was beset upon by Eseer, who slew her, laughing all the while. He hid Lilly's body and planted the dagger he used among Rebecca's belongings in her room at the mansion. Reese searched the forest for hours trying to find Lilly+One day a stranger entered the tavern, the person concealed his face with a hood. They told Reese that his sister Rebecca had put a warrant out for him. The mysterious stranger also said that Reese should be careful about the one he calls wife. Reese didn'want to believe that Lily would betray himHehoweverfell victim to paranoia and began to search the room they sharedHe found letters revealing correspondence with his sister and Lily's masterJared Darkthorne. Reese confronted Lily about the letters and she tried to explain that she had no choiceShe was a slavebought from the auction house and used in a plot to manipulate and spy on Reese.
-Eventually Eseer found him and informed him about what he had seen. That Rebecca had killed Lilly and taken the body to the mansion. Eseer had moved the body to the basement of the mansion. Reese found the bloody dagger in Rebecca's room and the body in the basementAngered beyond reason, he used his druid abilities to open the earth beneath the mansion. The earth swallowed the mansion, closing above it. Reese burned the tavern he had stayed in with Lilly, the fire spread to the forest and the villageReese went to be alone and in that time contemplated ending his own life to join Lilly. Then he found a reason to liverevenge.+It was fall and the land was gray and cold, a carpet of leaves littered the surrounding woods and roads. Reese tried to come up with a plan to free Lily and to put an end to whatever plan his sister and this Darkthorne had. Lily admitted that she had truly fallen in love with ReeseShe said that he was the kindest man she had ever known in her life. He could not choke back the tears at her honestyHe knew in his heart that she loved himthey were victims of fate
-====No MercyNo Regrets==== +Lilly was to meet Jared and give him the newson this day Rebecca would be there as well. Before the meeting, Lily informed Reese that by the end of spring he would be a father. Reese was overjoyed, he could think of no greater role than to be fatherReese watched from the windows of the mansion as Lily entered and knelt before Jared. Rebecca was there with strange womanIt was then that the mysterious hooded stranger appeared and informed Reese he would aid him. Reese had wanted to avoid fight, he didn't want anything to happen to Lily.
-Reese trained for the next few years, plotting how he would strikeRebecca had heard of what Reese had doneand rumors had said that he had killed Lilly. She knew then that it was only matter of time before he would come after herShe hired an assassin, giving him half the pay for now and the rest upon completionYears went by and eventually Rebecca seemed to have come to change of heartShe had married and at the time and wanted nothing more than to reconcile with Reese. She sent a message for Reese to return to Velusia and they would be family again. Reese replied that he would agree to meet her. It was that night, she planned on telling him that he would be an uncle+
-She had managed to get in contact with the assassin she had hired to try and convince him to forget the job. He however, stated that once he took a job, he never quit until it was completed, no matter what. Rebecca met with Reese and wanted to warn him about the assassin and tell him the news about her pregnancy. Outside a young prophet by the name of Chance and his friend sat in the castle gardensChance pointed at the sky stating, a storm was comingReese emerged from the shadows of Rebecca's room attacking her with a swordThe two fought, she tried to convince him to stop, but he ran her through with an iron sword and then pushed her off the balcony into the gardens below. Her body crashed through the table, where Chance and his friend satJust then lightning ripped the sky and a deluge fellIn the shadows, the assassin smiled assuming the job was not to be canceled after all+Lily informed Jared that she had told Reese of his plansThis was the signal for ReeseJared backhanded Lily and began picked her upHe understood that she meant to double-cross him. Rebecca drew her dagger when Jared mentioned they were being watched. Delain pushed Rebecca causing her to fall forward. Her dagger plunged into Lily's chest just as Reese and the stranger entered the mansionThe two were covered in the blood of Jared's guardsReese witnessed his sister pulling her dagger from Lily's breast
-Reese happened to run across this individual in the family cemetery where he had prepared a grave for his sister. The shadowy figure said something witty and threatening, but Reese was too drunk and angry to engage in discourseIt was then that the man attacked, Reese and the figure fought for hourseventually, Reese was hit by an attack that nearly killed himHe fell into the grave he had dug for his sister, losing consciousness as the rain filled the grave with waterChance and his friend carried off Rebecca, not sure if she would survive the night. Two figures entered into the cemetery, convincing the assassin to leave. They gathered Reese'broken body and put him on a wooden cart and headed toward the druid circle. When he awoke he saw the face of his dear friend Sabrina, and a fellow druid he had once trained, Melfina.+He rushed over, she fell like a star from the heavens into his arms. He cradled her in his arms, she drew him in, they kissed and she breathed her last breath. Jared seeing his moment drew his blade to kill Reese before he snaps out of his sorrow. The stranger's blade blocked Jared'and the two began long duelThey exited the mansion interior. Rebecca tried to console Reese, she explained it was an accidentReese carefully laid down the body of his belovedHe drew his sword and attempted to plunge it into Rebecca'heart. She moved aside and instead his blade buried itself in Delain's chest
-====New Beginnings==== +Reese pushed the woman off his sword and turned to face his sister. He would not be denied his vengeanceRebecca made her way to the exit when the body of Jared came crashing down from the entresolThe hooded figure removed his hood, revealing Eseer, he looked almost exactly like Reese, except his eyes were different colorRebecca witnessed this, but was forced to flee before her brother remembered his rage.\\
-Reese drifted back into the darkness where he had a vision. The vision was of a fractured mirror, on one side his face, on the other that of his sister. The vision was interrupted by Melfina delving into Reese's mindShe sought to find a way to heal him. She discovered that there was a chalice in his possession, a relic of his people, able to bestow the drinker the blood of the tuathaSabrina agreed to drink from the chalice and give Reese a blood transfusionAfter which the relic was stolen by a thief and never reclaimed.+
-In the morningmasters were brought from around the realm through Reese'friend Crimson FuegoThey helped forge Reese new limbs, these limbs reminded him every day of his sister's betrayal and his failure to end her threat. He could not feel anything through the silver fingers, only the cold metalMelfina and Reese developed a relationship over the months that he recovered in her hovel. He was constantly visited by his friends and the few loyal family members he had+====Heart Torn in Two==== 
 +Eseer laughed as Rebecca fled the mansion. Reese allowed her to leaveas his attention was now focused on his double. Eseer slowly strode down the stairs leading from above. He mocked Reese'grief over the fallen Lily. Reese understood now the rumors about him had been the actions of this figure. He had no idea what game this Eseer was playing or what he truly was. An air of silence suddenly fell on the room, only broken when the two figures charged towards one anotherTheir blades sent up sparks as madness fought against rage. Eseer fell back against the stone stair railing, it crumbled on impact and he tumbled across the floor. He snatched up his blade in time to block Reese's sword
-They brought him the news that his sister had survived his attack, but that her children were stillborn. Reese felt disgusted with himselfhe walked to the suicide cliffs and thought about just ending it all there. He had not knownand he questioned had he, would he had stopped? Reese and Melfina lived in the woods near the Grastari encampment for two years before news from his sister arrivedShe wanted to bury the hatchet and to try for a new start. Reese wondered if it was trapbut even if it was, maybe he deserved whatever befell him. When Reese arrived in Lochland, he was greeted by his sister and the two sat down and talked for some timeThe two cried, they laid bare everything that had happened and in the end, they forgave each other+Eseer stood as Reese performed a moulinetEseer parried the blow. The two fought all around the mansioneventually the sun shown through as the two panted and sweatedTheir blows were weakening and they were covered in bruises and cuts. Reese finally performed meisterhauEseer was not prepared for such an attack and was cut across his chest and abdomenEseer threw a vase at Reese who raised his hand to block it. When he looked Eseer had made an escape from the mansion
-The twins realized who was behind all their recent sorrows, Eseer. Reese wore a magical circlet to let Rebecca know it was him and not EseerThey knew they would have to lay a trap for the doppelganger, in order to capture himThe question waswhat could they use as bait for someone they knew little about?+Reese knelt down and picked up his belovedHe brought her back to the tavern and sat there holding her coldlifeless hand. That night he carried her body, draped in a white cloth to a lonely glade they often visitedBy the moonlighthe placed her body atop a pyre and lit it ablaze. He strode through the forest, disappearing into the shadows.\\ 
-====Eseer Unmasked and Unchained==== +====The Coming Storm==== 
-Reese returned to Velusiait was then that he met Aria Quentin a long lost sister to SabrinaThe young Aria was a paladin and soon became a good friend of Reese, even confessing feelings to him. Rebecca gave Reese their father's ring as a sign of good intent. He and Melfina agreed to stay in Lochland for the winterbut they would again leave when the snow thawedDuring the winter Aria met young man named Eric Bluesummer who seemed a good fit for herthe two were young and in love. On the winter solstice Aria and Eric were married, as they lay in their bed, Eric revealed himself as Eseer, but claimed he was Reese+A year passed and Rebecca had marriedshe was with child and the fall had returned. She could remember that cold day that she brought her brother so much sorrowHe had vanished and she could not reach out to him and tell him that she was sorryShe had been manipulated, drugged, and in the endshe had made a mistake. She knew that a reckoning would comeShe knew storm was comingone that might tear house Blackthorne apart
-He said he slew Eric so he could take his place and enjoy her like all the others, he then raped her. Eseer impregnated her and through magic accelerated her birth, the birth of their daughter Lucilla. He took the child and said that no matter what she said, no one would ever believe her. Aria plunged into madness and confronted Reese about this, at the time Eseer had been gone for years so no one assumed he was behind it. Aria eventually tried to kill Reese in a tavern having completely lost her mind. Reese was protected by Sabrina, who accidentally killed AriaReese saw that Aria was buried with all honors befitting a paladin. He went to investigate her claimsfinding an amulet of hidden intentan amulet able to hide the intentions of its wearerReese returned with this knowledge to Rebecca and they began to lay their trap.+Her husband had come to visit her in Velusia, he still wanted her to return with him to his own kingdomShe couldn't leave without settling things with Reese firstThe night was darkthe sky cloudless, the vast array of stars twinkled hopeful wishesShe was alone on the balcony when she saw Chance and Nyx below making their way towards the castle
-That winter the snow was thick and the roads were treacherousDesmond had returned from afarhe had acquired mastery over the dark arts in his many years away. Reese and Rebeccabrought Desmond in on their plan. He began to recruit bandits and various other scum into an armyHe claimed he wanted to over throw his twin siblings and rule himself. Eseer heard of this and went to meet with DesmondEseer offered to help Desmond secure the throne for himself. As they attacked the castle it seemed Desmond was winning. His siblingsdefeated at his feet, Eseer yelled for him to slay them. It was then that Eseer realized the real goal of DesmondDesmond stabbed Eseer in the back with an iron dagger causing him to flee. The trail of blood led tot he nursery where Reese found a letter from Melfina.+The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, she felt a presenceIt was darkfilled with hate and sorrowit felt like an open woundThe air was alive with electricityHer heart began to flutter in fear, she turned to go back in the castle. His eyes burned like miniature sunshe moved like a devil. She barely had time to see the moonlight glint off his sword. It penetrated her abdomen, she looked down and watched as he slowly pushed it into the hiltHis hand gripped her shoulder so hard the skin broke.
-The constant events were enough to make Melfina make decision, she decided that the two twins were too crazy and dangerousIt was not a place for her or her children, she would have to leave. Eseer had managed to get to the nursery before her, in all the chaosMelfina, worried, followed the tracks and blood in the snow leading from the castleEseer had been attacked second time by a witch, her magic left Eseer's hair white and his skin paleshe had nearly drained him of his life. The witch fled with the children of Reese and MelfinaMelfina found Eseer conversing with pool of water, talking to an entity called the Dark Effigy+She felt herself flying backward and then like leaf caught on the autumn breeze, she was floating in the airShe crashed to the ground and was submerged in darknessHer husband heard the shout outside and rushed outHer found group of guards and people gathered around his wife. He checked on her and felt a pulseit was faint. He caught a glimpse of someone with a sword walking into the cemeteryHe called for healer and urged for the guards to follow him to the family crypts.
-Eseer was injured and pleading for aidHe was distracted, but there was no sign of her children. When Eseer saw Melfina the two fought, the battle was short due to the blizzard separating the two combatantsNo one ever saw Melfina again that day and Reese had assumed she fled with his childrenThe three siblings and volunteers searched for days in the snow. They had found Melfina'cloak near the river, but no sign of her. Eseer had escaped and would not return for many years to comeWhen the snows thawedRebecca decided it was time for her to relax a littleShe went off to live with her husband in his kingdom, Desmond had somewhere else to beReese was left ruling the kingdom+Reese looked up at the sky, he trembled with rage and regretClouds began to appear in the sky and lightning flashed"Halt!" he heard over his shoulderA stranger shouted insults and threats, but Reese was far away, the echo of the man'voice could not even reach himHe stared blankly at the gravesone freshly dug grave for his sisterHe just needed her to fill it nowHe turned and as the guards came at him, he casually killed them without effort
-====Road to Recovery==== +The stranger before him was different. He had heard Rebecca married some stranger from Ayenee. Reese's attack was blockedhe was pushed back and the two began a danceThe rain began to fall, heavy and coldThe clang of metal and splashing of feet in mud soft from rain and blood echoed near the castleReese shouted and screamed until his throat burned and bled. He struck with such fury, that his sword broke, it slashed through the leg of her husbandReese stepped back and tossed the useless blade aside
-Before she left, Rebecca set up a meeting with the twins and the Overlord of Ayenee, Varsinax. He claimed that he had not exiled the family from Ayenee, and that they were welcome in his landsThis left room for Velusia to begin expanding and reaching out to other kingdomsIt became clear that the count Vharn Reinhart the family's ambassador in Ayenee was to blame for thisThe count did not favor the siblings and had been working with fellow discontents trying to usurp rule from the BlackthornesAfter being exposed, he was beheaded and his family lands were given to Ronin Wolfstein.+
-Reese spent most of his time in a bottlehaving lost his second love and his children. He was alone in the castle, and it held many fond memories, that now tormented him. He held lavish parties weekly and spent massive amounts of gold on wine and womenThe people of the kingdom started to question his rulethough it was prosperous and peaceful. The people would most likely have revolted had conditions been even slightly unbearable. Eventually, his friend Sabrina helped sober him up+He began to call upon the man of the land around himit was thick in the air like the smell of blood and rain. He forged it through his metal causeways and sent out a blast of arcane energyIt knocked the sword from her husband's hands. Reese apologized for having not introduced himselfunaware that her husband knew magic as well. When he sensed the energy it was almost too late, Reese was hit by the spell, his body riddled with wounds as he fell back into the fresh grave.
-Reese pulled himself out of a bottle, assured his liver was most likely pickledHe started working next to the common people and asking them what he could do better for themThis is when the druids of the realm began to use their magic to help increase the size of produceteleportation circles were built around the land, an invention fair was held every year, and things improvedReese began to shape up as rulermuch to the surprise of anyone that had known him. +Her husband was about to finish him off when Melfina and Sabrina came running into the graveyardAt that same moment, Rebecca felt through her psychic connection to Reese the pain he endured. She cried out for her husband to stopHe reluctantly did, looking down at the badly damaged body of Reese. Sabrina and Melfina pulled Reese up out of the grave and took him to the temple of Gaia for healing. He remained in a coma for months. In that comahe was given visionsby her holiness the goddess Gaia. He saw the tortured landscape of another world, a world covered in a thick layer of decay and evilHe could see shadow ruling over that land. A shadow that had tendrils reaching outtouching the very sorrows that had plagued him thus far\\
- Reese began to make allies, Strathra, Delioncourt, Pendragon, Eitan, and numerous othersHe attended ceremonies for new kings and queens in many new lands. Trade began to pick up in Velusia mostly in part to their access to the ocean and their skilled sailors. The jack jaw pass through the jawbone mountains happened to be very close to where the Darkthornes made their home. Velusia could not trade reliably by land, therefore the sea became a highway for a new era+====New Beginings==== 
 +In the darkness of his dreams, Reese was reunited with his beloved LilyShe warned him as well about the threat and she told him of a way to gain the power to defeat it. Reese awoke to the warm summer breeze wafting in from the ocean. The scent of the sea was salty and refreshing. He explained what he must do to Sabrina and Melfina, they agreed to help him find this Dreamlord.
-====The White Witch==== +Firstthough he had to seek out his sister. The two met under the watchful eyes of various allies to both sides. Reese said that the two of them had brought such sorrow upon the otherthat forgiveness was too much to askThey had been misled and played like prancing fools in a king's court. They could continue to gift each other pain and suffering until eventually one or both died
-Reesehowever, was the target of a witch of the woods, a woman known as Calypso Whiterose, she had been raising two children that she had found within the woods. These children were Reese and Melfina's sons, she had plans like her sister had with Reese's father. Many years ago an ancient coven of witches claimed the swamps in Velusia. The tuatha wanted the peat held in the swamp and to end the coven. The witches had sent terrors to snatch children from the nearby villages for ages. Reese's ancestor set on the swamp and wiped out nearly all the witchesbut half a handful. Calypso was the last of that line and perhaps because of that, the most powerfulReese had fallen in love this time with his friend Sabrina, the two were to be wed and the entire kingdom was abuzz with excitement. They decided to have the wedding in the temple of Pois overlooking the ocean+
-As the ceremony began a storm appeared marking an ill omenBefore the couple could finish the I do'the temple ceiling was shattered and debris rained down on the guests, many were killed. Reese's friends jumped into formDaemion Knightshield, Lyria, and Gem Sherbrook along with Ronin Wolfstein and Nyxi. They scrambled to free those trapped under the ruin. It was then that the witch Calypso and her witchling sons Terron and Dane appearedTerron wielded such elemental powers that the ocean roared and a giant wave crashed down nearly engulfing the city of Lochlandthe earth shook and the temple ruins threatened to collapse with the cliff. The storm overhead shot bolts of lightning at the heroes and tornadoes spun in the distance. His brother Dane seemed to command the darkness itself appearing in multiple locations, everywhere there was a shadow there was Dane +Or they could agree that they made mistakes, that what was done, would forever be doneRebecca mentioned she had lost the child she was carrying and that she barely survived his attack. Reese reminded her that she had played with his heartstringsno matter whether she was misledRebecca agreed that they should simply move on and never raise voice or blade to one another again. Reese agreed, she then informed him that she would be leaving Velusia, to live with her husband in Ayenee, beyond the veil
-The mother of these two forces of nature was no less terror inspiring. Terron commanded the sky and multiple bolts of lightning struck down hitting Reese and sending him into a wallThe wall fell atop him and he lay motionless. It came down to the heroes to save the day as Sabrina began to pry the rubble from atop ReeseThe two boys had been altered by magic, enhanced and magically aged. They wore strange helmets that covered their eyes, their bodies were covered in arcane tattoos. When not confronted by the heroes they were fine with turning their rage onto innocent civilians. At one point Dane commanded tattoo of a dragon on his arm to leap off and grow to a full-size dragon. The beast attacked the capital city of Lochland as the heroes were reinforced by others who had sensed this was the epicenter of chaos+Something in Reese told him that he would never see her againYears later he heard reports of the cataclysm of AyeneeHe heard about her husband's kingdom being swept away in a maelstrom and disintegrated.\\ 
-Many of the heroes that day died in weakening the witch and her two thralls. Reese now awake engaged the witch herself in battle sensing she was the one in commandReese was defeated by the witch and confined in an orb. She began torturing him without mercy. The gathered heroes rose up and took on the two witchlingsAfter a fierce battle, the two lay dead and the witch roared in angerShe cradled the bodies and confessed they were Reese's sonsthat she intended for them to kill their father. A bloody Reese, rose up behind Calypso and with a swift strike, took the head of the witch. He then plunged his dagger into her heart and ordered the guards to burn her corpse.  Reese had his sons entombed in the family cryptsReese had a memorial constructed on the ruins of the temple, dedicated to the heroes that fought and diedHe also began to see a common thread in his lifethat when he sought happiness, sorrow seemed to follow +====The Dream Mantle==== 
 +Reese ruled over Velusia with help from time to time from his brother DesmondHe often left Desmond or Vincent in charge while he went off on matters of importHe spent years solidifying alliances and securing trade agreementsOver the course of that time, Reese and Melfina had fallen in loveTheir love was shallow and it didn't lastMelfina gave birth to two childrenPrasutagus and Sayge
-====Memory of Happiness==== +Reese loved being a father, he spent most of his time with his children. So much so that Vincent took on more permanent role in the governmental workings of the kingdomAlso so much that Melfina saw very little of her husband. Rumors spread that she had affairs with various famous individuals in the kingdomMelfina began to drink lot more than a queen ever should
-The marriage between he and Sabrina lasted but year the two separated amiableIt was at this time Rebecca returned with her new husband and children of her ownThe castle came alive with sounds of happiness, but not from Reese. Reese spent his time at the tavern drinking, eventually, he sobered up once moreHis younger sister Orianna and his older brother Vincent were rumored to be returning from abroad. Reese and his family celebrated, eventually Desmond returned with wife of his own+
-It seemed peace had finally returned to the lands. Reese and the others fought of the Darkthornesdefeating it seemed finallyReese married a woman named Malmora and had two children Prasutagusand Sayge. Reese's children grew up with the children of his brothers and sistersEventually it seemed the sorrows of the past were just memory. Then Diago and Eseer appearedEseer had joined the Darkthornes and increased his powers. Reese was kidnapped by Eseer and was about to be killedwhen Eseer stopped. Eseer had noticed something he had not seen before. His life and that of Reese were tied togetherThe Dark Effigy had not informed Eseer that all the time he had been trying to get Reese killed, that he would die as well. Eseer imprisoned Reese with the help of the dwarves whom disliked the tuatha+After Darkthorne assassins attacked Reese and his family at a friend's weddingMelfina had enoughThe queen and her children disappeared that night like the winter snow. That winter was very badthe cold cut to the bone. Reese found solace in the bottom of a bottleThe world seemed dark, paranoia seeped in, the castle was place of silence and memories like ghost haunted its hallsReese spent most of his time by the fire, he would drink and then drink some moreSabrina could not sit by and watch her friend sink any further in this dark miasma
-Eseer attacked Orianna nearly killing her and then lead a campaign against the Blackthornes. In the end only Reese remainedbut Eseer had revealed who had been behind himthe dark effigy. Reese managed to free himself from the dwarvesbut Velusia was under the rule of the DarkthornesEseer had won, but he could not kill Reese, not  yet. Reese sought out more information about the dark effigy and help from his allies in retaking Velusia.+It hung in the air, filled the castleeveryone around him seemed to suffer it. She mentioned that she had heard rumors about the Dream MantleAt first, Reese didn't care, he lost his greatest love, his sister, his children. He wanted to wallow in his sorrowsto drown in his misery and be free of the painSabrina managed to break through the thick barrier of his depression.
-====The Apple of Wisdom====  +Reese summoned the lands heroesput together a small army and with Sabrina by his side marched to Riven. The mountains there held an ancient city and ancient terrorsVampires older than any Reese had seenthey attacked them in the valleyMany diedand worse blizzard quickly sealed of their escape. The few left ventured on finally finding the city in the mountain. There was a temple with glyphs and hints at the ancient god once worshiped there. 
-Reese found something that could give him knowledge of his family's unseen foe. The apple of wisdom, together with hanza of heroes, he sought the apple and the secrets it held. MeanwhileEseer betrayed Diago, imprisoning in a pocket dimension in VelusiaEseer began to dig through the vaults of the Darkthornesexpanding his powers. Eventually he too found quest. The resurrection of the elder blood Darkthornes, said to be ten times more powerful than the young bloods like Diago and the others. Very few Darkthornes remained, and there were other tuatha clans to defeat.+
-Reese found the apple, but it had been a true questWhen he returned, Reese was no longer the young tuatha he had been. He was a hero, someone with determination. He sought the bottle of zulimon said to house powers that could aid him in defeating the Effigy once and for all. The quest lead to the valley of dragons, where Reese met two sisters. Hoshi and Tsuki, he spent most of his time with the womenThey told him that the bottle he sought was under their protection. The bottle it seemed was a mystery, but a relic and something of a family legacyReese ended up marrying Tsuki and having children with herShamus and Reign. The longer Reese spent in the valley the more and more he forgot, what he was there for.+They accidentally awoke the temple's ancient protectorThe guardian was the source of the blizzard that surrounded the lands. The man had power over the elements calling on them like pets. Reese was struck by lightning and his unconscious form slid down the temple stepsSabrina seeking to aid the heroes against this threat tried to take flight, but the winds of the blizzard threw her to the wallWith great effortthey defeated the guardian, but they would not make it through the valley with so few.
-====The Dream and The Dreamer==== +Reese called upon his friends aboard the "Morning Star". Without warning a hole opened in the sky and the ship emerged from it. The captain explained that they had acquired some technology from the crashed ship of a Donhal Ashbane. With this artificethey were able to transverse the plansReese was amazed by this technologyit was some sort of magic he had never seenHe thanked the captain for his aid as they landed in Lochland
-Eseer was waging war all over Ayenee, Cebrese had wrenched control of Velusia from Eseeronly to have it taken back by Adrian, the other lost heirAdrian lost control of Velusia as wellwhen he went missing. Eseer was the general of an army of elder bloods Darkthornes. The war spilled over the mists into the valley of the dragons. The valley had been hidden and those within protected, but no longerThe Darkthornes attacked the temple, and as it began to crumble around Hoshi, she gave the bottle to her sister and told Reese to protect her. Dragons came down from the sky, attacking the Darkthornes, but the dragons fell and as they did, they were reanimated by the Darkthornes and turned against their own. The dragon flights had no choice, but to leave the valley and the temple fell+
-Upon leaving the valley, Reese took the bottle from Tsuki and raced off with it. He opened it and was struck by a force that flung him back. He landed near Tsuki and his children, a bubble of protective energy encircled them. Some malevolent spirit assaulted the shield for hoursbefore fleeing into the night. Reese remained in a coma for nearly a year, before awakening, with a voice in his head. The voice belonged to the previous owner of what was called the dream mantle. Reese was pulled from reality into the dream realm, where he was instructed in how to act as a dream lord. Reese eventually escaped back to reality, where he and Tsuki lead an army alongside their children, in retaking Velusia. Reese then created a spell to remove Velusia from reality. Velusia was now contained in a breach, between reality and time, where it could no longer be threatened by the Effigy. This gave Reese time to figure out his new powers and to prepare.+Reese had learned the location of the Dream Mantlebut it was just out of reach.\\
-After his children, broke the veil protecting Velusia, the Effigy attacked. Reese's plan unfolded and the Effigy was defeated by ShamusReignPrasutagus, Adrian, and of course, Reese and Tsuki. He had completed his destinyit was then that a servant of the lady of the lake, Kiante, came to invite Reese and his wife to a place called AvalonThey said their farewells and sailed across the sea.+====Behind the Veil==== 
 +Reese married Sabrina and together they had three children SeanZachary, and Destiny. He was once again happybut he knew this happiness could not last. It was only temporary while the threat of the Dark Effigy was still out there. Reese asked the crew of the "Morning Star" if they could aid him one more time. He asked them to take him to a realm that he had seen on the walls of the templeIt was the same vision he had seen in his coma
-====The Knightmare==== +They managed to come up with a device that would pull the image from his mind and find its locationThe process seemed to take a very long time. When it was acquired the crew and Reese traveled to the realm and were suddenly overcome by noxious fumesthe landscape was dark and seemed to twist and changeThere was only one thing in this landscapea demijohn shining like a star in the night sky
-A former knight of the realm had become the vessel of the nightmare lord and was attacking VelusiaCatastrophe struck and the land was about to crumble beneath the waves. Reese managed to save the realm, but it was so damaged, that he did not know if it would ever be able to exist without his constant protective powerWhile Velusia took the time to healReese managed to defeat the nightmare lord, but could no longer return to Avalon+
-======Personality======  +Reese grasped the bottle and opened it and was instantly taken to a place, not of this reality. Energy flowed out of the bottle surrounding him. He heard a voice in his head cursing him for setting them loose. He saw another energy a darker one that fled into the kaleidoscopic landscape. The world around him constantly shifted and changed. The entity informed Reese that he had released the dream lord thus gaining the dream lord powers, but in doing so he had released the Nightmare lord as well.  
-Reese believes in helping people out and truly enjoys the companionship of others. He has deep connection to family and the desire to have family and protect themHe often times goes against the grain of what is considered normal or acceptedHe believes in doing what is right and standing by his word. Reese believes that one can not always fight other'battlesfor in doing so makes them weak. He thinks people should be treated equally, no matter what racesexor religion they areas long as they do not try to harm others. Velusia became melting pot of various races after Reese helped free many slaves from the slave auctionsHe campaigned to end slavery in all lands allied or surrounding Velusia. He would take to talk with people in the streets and try to better the lives of his people+ 
 +Reese grappled with the seriousness of his actions. The voice told Reese that now he was the dream lord and charged with fighting the nightmare lord. Reese agreed to defeat this nightmare lord once he dealt with the current threat to his home. The entity in his head explained to him how to return home.  
 +When Reese returned, 4 years had passed by. Sabrina had moved on and remarried, she had moved into the lands of her husband beyond the veil in Ayenee. Reese decided it was for the best, for now, he would focus all his thoughts on the threat of the Effigy. Reese needed time to learn his powers, to prepare countermeasures, and to figure out his foe.  
 +Reese had heard that a great cataclysm had occurred in Ayenee. The land was sundered and a darkness was spreading. He decided there was only one thing he could do. He began a ritual to remove the Theras veil from Ayenee and place it in a small pocket dimension. He could then train an army to fight the threat of the Effigy, he could learn his powers, all while safe inside the veil. He thought about all the loved ones who would be left behind in such a titanic event. The sacrifice would outweigh the loss, he was destined for this.  
 +As he began the ritual he was attacked by a small force of Darkthornes, lead by Diago. Eseer arrived and together they defeated Diago, Eseer banished the brute to the shadow realm. Reese continued with the ritual and eventually, Eseer left. The lands cried out as they were plucked from the world and transported to their new home. The effort was such that Reese needed time to recover, the time it seemed flowed slower in this isolated dimension. 20 years would pass in the bubble, while outside it 200 years drifted by. Empires rose and fall, legends died off, and the landscape changed, what remained of Ayenee was nothing like what had been.\\ 
 +====The Final Battle==== 
 +While in the bubble Reese traveled to the remaining lands and formed a new coalition. One that would address the threat of the Effigy. The leaders of all the remaining kingdoms were angered at Reese for plucking their lands up and spiriting them away. Many mages became interested in the magical moorings that tied the lands here. There were numerous temporal anomalies and planar tears that needed to be addressed.  
 +It took some time for Reese to convince the leaders to his side. In that time Reese met and married Tsuki Hasu a leader of one of these landsHer land would not survive the reentry process of the planar regrafting. Tsuki and Reese had three children together and continued to put together the force needed to take on the Effigy. Reese had constructed a prophecy through the dream realm, that the Theras planes would be released from the planar anchor by their children.  
 +He then began observations of the Effigy finding out the history of his foe, his powers, and his goals. The Effigy was dark god trapped in a sort of crystal prison, the prison had cracked just enough that he was able to extend his influence across the planes. He sought to bring chaos and darkness to creation, to rule over it as demonic god. Stories played out in the Theras realm, stories that eventually led to the destruction of the mooring spell. The lands violently reappeared where they once had been. Some lands were completely destroyed, others were lost in time rifts.  
 +Almost as quickly as the lands had reappeared, so did the black portals. From these portals emerged the Effigy's strike forces, ready to destroy the kingdoms before they could recover. The coalition launched an attack, taking one of the portals they forged through into the realm of the Effigy. Shamus and Reign, along with Prasutagus lead the combined force of the Darkthornes, Blackthornes, Bloodthornes, and Whitethornes (the last remaining thorne clans) through one such portal 
 +Eseer's daughter Merlindria betrayed the coalition and joined forces with the Effigy, but her efforts were in vain. A battle like none before erupted with the combined might of the kingdoms versus a realm of dark beings Millions died, the ground was so drenched in blood from both sides that soldier sank in the mud over their ankles. Reese and Tsuki joined the battle, the crystal about the Effigy finally broke. The dark clouds above parted as a red light fell upon the form emerging from the crystal. The battlefield became silent and still, the form grew in size standing 10 ft tall. The blood red skin, horns, lions mane, and orange eyes made him a terrifying display.  
 +Wasting no time, he waded into the fray. He summoned more demonic minions to the battle. Reese was nearly slain as he tried to take the Effigy on alone. Reese'master plan began to unfoldtwo heroes on the battlefield wielded weapons Reese had forged in the past through the minds of dreamers. These weapons when combined created a weapon called harmony. It had the ability to resonate in such a way that it removed the Effigy from the host he inhabited. Weakened from the separation, the Effigy was defeated by the heroes of the day.\\ 
 +====The Nightmare==== 
 +Reese had promised to defeat the nightmare lord after having dealt with the threat of the Effigy. He managed to get a small year long rest before moving on to his next crisis. It seemed that the crisis had come to him. The lands were gripped in a plague of nightmares and a strange disease caused people to enter a comatose state. In some parts, they claimed that strange fantastical lands were suddenly being grafted to the landscape. On inspection Reese found these to be pieces of the dream and nightmare landscapes from the dream realm.  
 +Reese sought answers and was forced to leave his family once more. He entered the dream realmbut a year went by and there was no answer from him. Tsuki decided to go in after him and to try and find what had happened to her husband. She was pursued by agents of the nightmare through the ever changing landscape of the dream. Through her connection to her husbandshe was able to find him. He had seemed confused stating he had only been in the dream for perhaps a day.  
 +When he discovered that the length of time had changed much like the landscape of the dreamhe realized what it meant. Together they forged on deeper into the dream. There like a gaping wounda tear in the realm. It tore through to the next reality and so on. Reese could see the realm of the dead, the elemental realms, and others through the holeAt the end was their reality, something had crossed the realms, tearing hole through them as it passed.  
 +As the dreamers of the lands fought inner demons, the land was assaulted by actual demons from the dream realmThe furies, agents of the nightmare lord began to terra graft parts of the nightmare into the landscape of the waking world. Those who fell to the inner demons that haunted them rose up as mindless pawns of the nightmare lord. Reese and Tsuki emerged from the hole in reality and found a spiraling tower upon a small atoll in the ocean.  
 +From the top of this tower, was Reese's half brother Cebrese in command of the nightmare lord powers. Reese and Cebrese fought, eventually, Adrian, Cebrese's full brother came and joined the fight. He had been trapped by the nightmare lord but freed by a group of the dreamers. Cebrese had forged this tower for the sole purpose of ripping through reality, he called it his reality needle. He had set it upon one of the great leylines of magic and was cementing his tear in reality by draining mana from the land. 
 +Reese and Adrian managed to defeat the nightmare lord, they destroyed his needle with the help of Tsuki and other heroes. As the needle collapsed into the tear, so did Cebrese, they watched in horror as he was disintegrated with the closing of the tear. Reese gave the Dream Mantle to his half brother Adrian, choosing to stay in reality with his family from now on. The nightmare was finally over\\
 ====== Weapons,Relics, and Weakness ====== ====== Weapons,Relics, and Weakness ======
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 __//**Draíocht Fáinne Óir:**//__ Also called the ring of reagents, it was his father's ring. The ring was crafted by numerous Tuatha jewelers and mages in honor of his ancestor defeating the evil queen and uniting the Tuatha people once again. The ring removes the requirement of any spell, in regards to components, it also is bound to the wearer until their death at which time it returns to the curio box made for it.  __//**Draíocht Fáinne Óir:**//__ Also called the ring of reagents, it was his father's ring. The ring was crafted by numerous Tuatha jewelers and mages in honor of his ancestor defeating the evil queen and uniting the Tuatha people once again. The ring removes the requirement of any spell, in regards to components, it also is bound to the wearer until their death at which time it returns to the curio box made for it. 
-__//**Artifice Arms and Legs:**//__ Reese nearly died to an assassin sent by his evil twin sister, the cost of this near death was the degradation of his limbs due to iron. Iron is poisonous to Tuatha and when the assassin included iron oxide in his bomb it made for terribly painful effectReese had little time to block the blow and as such his limbs were affected. Tuatha are master craftsmen and skilled in artificeso masters were brought in from around the kingdom to create magical connected artificial limbsThey have forged out of silver a metal that enhances magic and they were created with additional tricks and weapons of their ownReese can not feel with these limbs, but they respond to his mind's command without any need for concentrationOutwardly the arms are covered in intricate designs and magical reinforcements due to the natural silvery softness. He has a segmented fan-like shield that can be summoned from his right arm, his left hand can be used as projectile and returns to its mooring. His legs have enhancements that allow him an enhanced jump+__//**Iron:**//__ Iron is deadly to Tuatha, it can poison the blood, something only blood transfusion can fixIt can also make a wound become infected or not heal right. Tuatha are basically allergic to Ironit is an item not found in their blood or anywhere in their bodies like it is in humansAs such this has caused such rivalries between the humans and dwarves with their dealings with the TuathaHumans use iron in so many things that Tuatha can be offended by the most minute object offered them by a humanThe dwarves spend their time mining iron and smelting it more than even the humans and some of the runoff from their smelting camps has polluted streams that run through Tuatha lands. Iron also weakens Tuatha in such way that their regenerative abilities are disabled for a few days from receiving wound with iron
-__//**Mantle of the Dreamlord:**//__ The mantle is not so much a physical thing that can be worn, as it is an aberration of natural character. In his quest to defeat a dark god that was threatening his family and kingdom, Reese sought something that would level the field. Aside from his sword, he would need to be able to reach this entity in its own domain, but there was no magic that allowed such travel. The realm which this god inhabited could only be reached by godlike beings. Eventually, Reese tracked down an ancient fairytale about a godlike being trapped in a bottle. Many had mislabeled this being as a genie, but in truth, it was two beings, the dream lord, and the nightmare lord, confined in a pocket dimension to do battle till the end of time. It was too late to correct his mistake by the time he had already opened the carafe. The dying host of the dream lord thrust the mantle of dream lord upon Reese, thus preventing the nightmare lord from being able to do the same. The powers of the dream lord are minuscule when used in the waking world, they only allow for instant teleportation to wherever the wearer has been or seen. It grants a slight divine aura about the wearer, it gives him the ability to see beyond the few dimensions of sight granted to normal creatures. When used within the dream realm it gives him the power to create whatever his mind can summon forth into being, the ability to shape reality, to see infinity through the eyes of past, present, and future dreamers from all corners of creation. Reese very seldom travels to the dream realm since the defeat of the nightmare lord, though such a creature can never truly be defeated. The short reprieve granted Reese, however, has allowed him to return to the real world. As a dream lord though Reese is subject to the ruling of the guardians, a council of beings that have all held the mantle who can dictate if he is worthy of keeping it. They can also pull him from the real world to the dream if they should desire, but he is not only friendly terms with all of the guardians. Time in the dream realm move non-linear, so the guardians exist in a wide spectrum of time. +====== Abilities ======
-__//**Iron:**//__ Iron is deadly to Tuatha, it can poison the bloodsomething only a blood transfusion can fix. It can also make a wound become infected or not heal rightTuatha are basically allergic to Iron, it is an item not found in their blood or anywhere in their bodies like it is in humansAs such this has caused such rivalries between the humans and dwarves with their dealings with the Tuatha. Humans use iron in so many things that Tuatha can be offended by the most minute object offered them by human. The dwarves spend their time mining iron and smelting it more than even the humans and some of the runoff from their smelting camps has polluted streams that run through Tuatha landsIron also weakens Tuatha in such a way that their regenerative abilities are disabled for a few days from receiving a wound with iron+__//**Magic:**//__ Magic is a powerful elemental force in the world. Those who can wield itcan in a sense become gods. The power of magic however has always been tied to a price. The more powerful the spell the higher the pricesometimes simply reagents for casting. Other times the spells payment can be blood, life, or simply karma. Magic can absorb energies, create energies, transport, protect, harm, destroy, banish, command other living things, create illusions or influence. It can erase memories, scars, and curses, it is the giver of life or death, to ones foes or even friendsMagic is only bound by the ability of its user and their imagination. Magic can change an object from one thing to another, it can give you the ability to commune without words. You can command reality, or simply the elements, or perhaps time. Reese learned magic at an early age, part of his royal upbringing, he eventually became a druid, working his way up the ranks. After the death of his parents, Reese spent some time in Vanguard learning magic before heading offHe worked on mastering this skill with his friend the outlaw mage when he was not busy with Lily's tavern. Lily herself helped teach Reese a few tricks as well, mainly new forms of healing magic. 
 +__//**Regeneration:**//__ Human regenerate at a slow rate, the Tuatha regenerate at such a rate that, they are immune to things like cancer and the loss of limbs, unless through magic or pertaining to some iron based weapon. Certain magics have a negative effect on the Tuatha regenerative abilities, things like necrotic energy, or certain elemental energies. A Tuatha should be able to regenerate loss limb, even organ, but certain parts can not be regrown. These parts are the head, heart, spinal chord, and brain. Regeneration can be slowed or nullified by blood poison due to iron.  
 +__//**Sword Fighting:**//__ Reese has trained with some of the best swordsmen in Ayenee and out. He has spent his days seeking out the best fighters and testing their weapon or martial skills. Reese known how to use many weapons, and a few fighting styles, but he has not master all there is to knowEven though he could simply use his abilities as dreamlord and basically upload the knowledge to his mind, he chooses to learn the old fashion way. Melee is Reese's favored way of fighting, magic comes in second. The weapon and martial fighting have a way of revealing a person's true self in ways that no other fighting style can convey
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   * "Humans like to persecute us and those like us. They call us monsters, blame some of you for killing their numbers. In the end humans will kill more of their own than any other. In some ways humans, are the real monsters. They hate so freely that which they do not understand. Here, in Velusia, you shall be protected, the humans here, not all, but a majority shall accept you as I do." - Reese to the Avriel Vahl and Draconic Dex and their people.    * "Humans like to persecute us and those like us. They call us monsters, blame some of you for killing their numbers. In the end humans will kill more of their own than any other. In some ways humans, are the real monsters. They hate so freely that which they do not understand. Here, in Velusia, you shall be protected, the humans here, not all, but a majority shall accept you as I do." - Reese to the Avriel Vahl and Draconic Dex and their people. 
   * "I forgive you, for the wrongs you've done to me. However, I can not forgive you for betraying our family. It is with a heavy heart that I must administer the ultimate punishment." - Reese at the execution of Tank Blackthorne.   * "I forgive you, for the wrongs you've done to me. However, I can not forgive you for betraying our family. It is with a heavy heart that I must administer the ultimate punishment." - Reese at the execution of Tank Blackthorne.
-  * "I am at peace here with you, and wish that this moment would never end. You are like the sun to me, for you brighten my day and are the first thing on my mind when I wake. You are also like the moon, for you illuminate my nights and are the last thing I see before sleep. You smile grants me salvation from my past sins. In short, you are the love of my life." - Reese to Lily+  * "I am at peace with you, wish that this moment could last forever." - Reese to Lily
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-Categories: [[Velusia]] |[[The Blackthorne]] |[[Rebecca Blackthorne]] |[[Eseer Darkthorne]] |[[Tsuki Blackthorne]] |+Categories: [[Velusia]] |[[The Blackthornes]]|[[The Darkthornes]] |[[Rebecca Blackthorne]] |[[Eseer Darkthorne]] |[[Tsuki Blackthorne]]| [[Adrian Blackthorne]]| [[Cebrese Darkthorne]]| [[Diago Darkthorne]]|
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 This page was originally created by [[ayenee:player:amorceas|J]] on Tue 09-05-17.  This page was originally created by [[ayenee:player:amorceas|J]] on Tue 09-05-17. 
ayenee/character/reese_blackthorne.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/25 15:38 by amorceas