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ayenee:character:faceless_baron [2018/07/04 18:46] pancakeiayenee:character:faceless_baron [2021/08/26 11:00] (current) – this page has been deleted due to redundancy pancakei
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-====== The Faceless Baron ====== 
-The Faceless Baron, also referred to as "The Good Baron", is a lore NPC written by [[ayenee:player:pancakei]] within the [[ayenee:plot:arcadia|Arcadia Complex]]. 
-^  The Faceless Baron  ^^ 
-|   {{}}  || 
-^  Gender | ???  | 
-^  Race:  | Arcadian | 
-^  Faction:  | New Incipere | 
-^  Occupation:  | Former Leader | 
-^  Starus:   |Deceased| 
-=====Physical Appeareance===== 
-The appearance of the Faceless Baron is one wrapped in mystery. While a winged Arcadian, their true identity has been lost to history. When they took their position, they vowed to conceal their identity while in rule, wishing to not be known for their name or face. Portraits and rare photographs depict them wearing a chrome helmet over dark velvet wraps that cover their face and wings. More exaggerated depictions show them having wings of fire, mostly symbolically. While their gender is not known, many stories claim they were male. 
-While most stories have all but lost or glossed over the rise of the Faceless Baron, some suggest that they had a hand in overseeing military operations during the days of Old [[ayenee:groups:republic_of_avisten|Republic of Avisten]]. They defected from their position to join the growing Nepheraian forces shortly before the armstice between Nepheros and Arcadia shattered. There, they assisted in giving the revolutionary forces a tactical advantage, with enough insider information to tip Arcadia off its highly defensive pedestal. 
-The Good Baron served notably in the front lines of the Battle of Avisten, the decisive point of the war. In the final moments of the battle, the fall of Avisten was met with a nation-wide catastrophe, the likes of which baffled even the Baron themselves. An explosive force of ethereal energy was enough to cast the Baron and a few other witnesses away into the void between dimensions, with no immediate return in sight. Hours, days passed as the now victorious forces of Nepheros picked up the remnants of the battle- which had ruined their home planet as well. Some refused to believe the Baron was gone, while others had started accepting it was up to them to finish his mission. 
-However, the Baron returned almost a week later, found by lingering cleanup crews. They were surprised to find however, that their former leader had aged quite considerably. Embezzled with years of experience gone by in a flash, the Baron returned to the now-developing nation, soon to be grandfathered into an unwanted position of power. Upon taking up the position, the Baron vowed to remain faceless, as to let his actions and cabinet be the faces remembered for the founding of the nation. This is the first historical citation of "The //Faceless// Baron". The Baron took their closest friends, comrades, aides, and soldiers to form the [[ayenee:groups:servants_eternal|Servants]]. Together, they formed the foundation for [[ayenee:groups:new_incipere|New Incipere]]. 
-History writes the Faceless Baron as being a wise and knowledgeable leader. They put the affairs of their people above the affairs of the government, and would often sacrifice time to help rebuild over pursuing their own vocations. They were considered a strong politician and tactician, but not without the aid of their followers. 
-  * [[ayenee:groups:servants_eternal|Servants Eternal]] 
-  * New Incipere 
-===== OOC Notes ===== 
-This page was originally created by [[ayenee:player:pancakei|Pancakei]] on Thu 18-01-18.