RP When Angels Fall [Private- SP Only]



UI2Y Atalerth IV System
Zc'hoteplhu Arm Battle Leviathan E-ehghe-khla Cthasaath


>>BioEncrypted Personal Communications| Dedicated Atemporal-Hiveband<<
>>Security: Imperial| Secure level: Trusted<<
>>Lllhuctha Ûlthoga enroute Elysium System: Ayenee<<
>>Atalerth IV System<<

Uv'azhua Za'alhcthaeeha Shioxhuth K'u,

Ar i'ayl xladuilr omk rerdilr vamdemyi da nyru hal ayl pogal axgivdezir…Ar pali vlovs hlap dui vask vemkr ah dui zaek da ayl rambr, ra daa ka vi sexilodi duari ri'rdipr doqim hlap yr omk ra daa ka vi vsoep duari ri'rdipr ah dui Suim da xlioq duiel vess.

Nav vi soi' reibi da dui xordeam duod er Xeasseom– o ri'rdip ah uebu rebmehevomvi da dui Suim. A xalkil ri'rdip emda dui rohi uozim ah Adolyleo, hal daa samb uozi ayl hsiid vapi ymkil duliod hlap Xeasseom’r uaskilr. Wi pyrd rdleqi mav vuesi dui elam er uad omk doqi xovq duod vuevu er lebudhyssi' aylr.

Ar I vledi duer, o vuelsvemk orroysd uor livimdsi' xiim vapnsidik am Voqqoes, imkemb em om ordaymkembsi' tyevq zevdali' hal dui Zv'uadinsuy Alp, vua livsoepik dui ri'rdip pamdur ohdil ed vor riecik xi' Suim pesedeo. Ar o qii' xalkil ri'rdip, Voqqoes uaskr rebmehevomvi hal xadu rekir, omk edr nlivenedayr hoss kair mad xaki viss hal dui Suim pesedeo, vua nlizeayrsi' rnimd pamdur, mad koi'r, da vlirdsi ed ovoi' hlap Enrobuo halvir.

Rebud mav, em noldevysol azil dui nord hiv viiqr, dui Suim oli am dui hyss ahhimrezi. Mysdensi Enrobuo uisk ri'rdipr uozi hossim dulaybuayd dui volcami vedu pyvu sirr lirerdomvi duom nlizeayrsi' riim. Sa I'p orrypemb om osseomvi ah raldr.

Wi uozi riim duip ruav em halvi vuim ed poddilr da kihimk ri'rdipr ymkil uiozi' reibi ryvu or Callzomo omk Doimeo, xyd aduil duom duod duili er ma lios duliod hlap dui Suim uili od nlirimd.

Wedu duer ahhimrezi doqemb nsovi, vi uozi nyruik ayl avm okzomdobi em volzemb ayd ayl avm ri'rdipr em nlinolodeam hal dui hydyli da soi' rdoqi da zaekev hlamdsemir omk vali ri'rdipr. I uozi oddovuik hesir hal i'ayl zeivemb hal i'ayl vamzimeimvi.

Gezi ma tyoldil.

Akpelos Zoual Cduomi'ss
Faymkil & Liokil ah dui Zv'uadinsuy Alp & Soequvusy Calnalodeam|

[--||Empress Xytrinah Shioxhuth Kiri,

As your brothers and sisters continue to push for our major objectives…As more crawl from the cold winds of the void to our songs, so too do we liberate those systems taken from us and so too do we claim those systems of the Shen to break their will.

Now we lay siege to the bastion that is Xiollian– a system of high significance to the Shen. A border system into the safe haven of Ataruria, for too long have our fleet come under threat from Xiollian’s holders. We must strike now while the iron is hot and take back that which is rightfully ours.

As I write this, a whirlwind assault has recently been completed on Vakkail, ending in an astoundingly quick victory for the Zc'hoteplhu Arm, who reclaimed the system months after it was seized by Shen militia. As a key border system, Vakkail holds significance for both sides, and its precipitous fall does not bode well for the Shen militia, who previously spent months, not days, to wrestle it away from Epsagha forces.

Right now, in particular over the past few weeks, the Shen are on the full offensive. Multiple Epsagha held systems have fallen throughout the warzone with much less resistance than previously seen. So I'm assuming an alliance of sorts.

We have seen them show in force when it matters to defend systems under heavy siege such as Corrvana and Daenia, but other than that there is no real threat from the Shen here at present.

With this offensive taking place, we have pushed our own advantage in carving out our own systems in preparation for the future to lay stake to voidic frontlines and core systems. I have attached files for your viewing for your convenience.

Give no quarter.

Admiral Zahor Cthanyll
Founder & Leader of the Zc'hoteplhu Arm & Saikhchlu Corporation ||]



>>BioEncrypted Personal Communications| Dedicated Atemporal-Hiveband<<
>>Security: Imperial| Secure level: Trusted<<
>>Elysium System: Ayenee: Surrune<<
>>Cunra'antha Assathhnanst::__ Akmoraul Zahor Cthanyll, Akmoraul Poma Hikaru. Akmoraul Eydis Zavaleta, VaisaRuirr Varuna’Zu Kanthu, ViceRoy Thavath D’sker, VaisaRuirr Ûlethga Lacthasa, VaisaRuirr Ruze Mabada, VaisaRuirr Alcohost Yothazst, Akmoraul Nyaclatsa Ulhath,Cirrsihvil Ke'hylhu Abhclagua, Gihilsis Ttogatsa Shillsa, Gihilsis Ethbha Ttogua, Gihilsis Ulhetgua Zc'hoeltha, Enla'u' Clashiga Ikhlalhu, Psailsa Apthatto Ikhlalhu, Psailsa A'atho Ikhlalhu, Ma'ghiaut Tshalatto Lateptsha, Ma'ghiaut Chlulhu Shighatsa, Plisevih Tshalaet Nhanyhe, Plisevih Ulhûl Tshadthtep, Diaka Elgnya Thepllel, Akmoraul Uulikhzha Thanyacla, Akmoraul Tl-tocla Bhaepblo, VaisaRuirr Ûlguan'yo Shihepsa, Earl Uululh Ug-lehgua, Psailsa Ckhgagua Gaethuln, Akmoraul Thattozc'ho Tepsaûl, Gihilsis Tto Emclatho, Enla'u' Shicthacla Eehettto, Akmoraul Epll Khlaeltho, Plisevih Ûlnhaem Tshathaath, Akmoraul Xon Galkan, VaisaRuirr Cthaûl Ttozha.<<

Wulcimu uzurwinu.

Bufiru wu jus ssaursuk, I’k loru si iffur cinjrauselausoins si wier seccussus. Unosw aunk koscophlonu auru swi if shu shonjs whoch mauru shu Imphuroem fencsoin; wholu on shu phauss suzuraul wuurs I hauzu ausruk wie si aucs on enosw, sikauw I woll lu ausronj wie si aucs on enosw fir waur – waur aunk shu kufuncu if ier jliroies umphoru, whoch haus wus aujauon cimu enkur aussaucr lw shu ciaulosoin if slemlirks aunk liislocrurs shaus fir shu mimuns shaull rumauon enmunsoinuk. Tikauw’s sphuuch woll lu shirs aunk si shu phions, fir sikauw wu caull shu launnurs fir waur, incu aujauon.

Luss shaun shruu Awunuu hiers auji, aulmiss 2000 Shen aussumlluk aunk kussriwuk aun Imphuroem Kuuphssaur Luzoaushaun A-rhiûlshi wholss in unziw. Shu waus au laulw luzoaushaun suns in jiik fauosh si phrimisu uausu. Inssuauk shu Shen hauzu phurmossuk Xoilloaun sphauwn aunk Cirrzaunoaun ompherosw si fonk wulcimonj on shuor sphaucu inlw si cinsoneaullw haurauss ier cilinw lirkurs. Soncu shu Ûlijksh waur unkuk, shu unumw haus mauku os cluaur shaus shuw woll nis rusphucs ier lirkurs ir ier surrosirw aunk rumauon in phurmaununs kufunsozu uzun whun au sumphiraurw cuausuforu hauk luun irkuruk. Offurs auru iff shu saullu ensol shuw caun luhauzu cozolosuk.

Almiss ulaucslw swi wuaurs auji, 152r Shen fiejhs uauch ishur si cruausu shu laurjuss lleu kines on shu hossirw if ier seccussoin. Thuw shun kucokuk si wauju waur in ier iwn cauphosaul cosw Nicsauu aunk shu Imphuroem inlw si fauol on essur hemoloausoin, shuor hiphus kaushuk aus shu jausus if 1DQ1, kusphosu hauzonj au 3-1 aukzaunsauju on nemlurs aujauonss es lucauesu I tess kok nis suu shu phions on aun izurroll les I cursauonlw wausn's jionj si liw kiwn si enruaulossoc kumaunks keu si simu faunsausocaul aujruumuns luswuun mw faushur aunk Emphurir A-rhiûlshi, mw faushur in hos kuaushluk hulk ni saunosw f' shu min.

Mizonj firwaurks, soncu shu unk if shu waur, aujauon shu Shen hauzu lujen iffunsozus aujauonss ier aullous on Asaureroau aunk onzosuk aull if shu rumauononj Shen ciaulosoin aulloauncus si ssauju srormoshus on cinsrilluk sphaucu, srwonj si cizus shu aussaucrs si shu sphoraul swssums lonruk si ier ziokoc jausus aunk nis tess iers- tess si cruausu aun aunniwauncu. Hiphufellw shuw shiw simu laulls aunk cimu si Awunuu, of shuw srelw wauns si faucu iff. Mw aurms auru wauosonj si umlraucu shum on kaurrnuss.

Is os nis auccuphsaullu si shu Imphuroem shaus shu Shen aulliw shuor hirkus aunk shu russ if shu Xoilloaun rumauononj fluuss si kuphliw on cinsrilluk sphaucu si cinsoneaullw lu lishursimu. Bucauesu if shos aujjrussoin, I hauzu kuphliwuk mw iwn phursinaul molosaurw zaunjaurks, Lhekshujuh'el Arm aunk siin si tion shum mw Z'shish Arm; luswuun shum I aum cinfokuns au rusilesoin woll lu suun. Mw ishur umlraucu shaull lu fuls aus Gaushauus, shu sirchus woll lern lrojhs imoss Ephau'aushau les nis lufiru kuuph-kocronj shu Shuncinsrilluk swssum if V46-DP, launconj shu Shen fluuss on shuor iwn swssum, Ihauzu fauosh shaus mauwlu shu mussauju si rusern himu, si locr shuor wienks, incu aujauon aunk cinsumphlausu mw iffur. If shuw caunnis phrikecu, shun I shaull luauzu os on shu aurms if mw fluuss si soluncu shuor whosphurs incu aunk fir aull. If shuw woll nis surzu mu, ir surzu au pherphisu, shun uzokunslw, shuw surzu ni pherphisu izuraull- aunk nuuk si lu ulsonjeoshuk.

Thonjs auru koffuruns shaun shuw wuru swi wuaurs auji. Thu Culussoaul llil os maussonj in ier sphaucoaul lirkurs les onssuauk if aulliwonj shum si jauon mimunsem, wu woll lu kuphliwonj shu unsoru Imphuroem fir waur fir shu forss somu soncu shu Umauroaun Waurs. Wu woll sauru shu fojhs si shum lufiru shuw ruauch ier ciru cilinw surrosirous, aunk wu woll unjauju on murcoluss aunk rulunsluss zoiluncu ensol sech au somu shaus's os os uoshur inu ir ninu lufs ssaunkonj.

Si whi sernuk eph si shu 2550 Surphunsos Sphoraul si kussriw ier lulizuk A-rhiûlshi aunk zussuls caurrwonj surms if aujruumuns? Frim onsul aunk phursinaul rniwlukju fircus on shu rujoin aus shu somu wuru. Thos zussul waus au kauejhsur si ier waur luzoaushauns, ruzunju woll lu rucuozuk on lliik, kuaush aunk kussrecsoin.

900r Shen
177r Xoilloaun
115r Taurokoaun
113r Siphiris
74r Hauraumos
71r Asaulursh

Ank shu eseaul linj sauol if jaurlauju cinssaunslw lufs aus mw kiir lw shu Shen aunk shuor sephphirsurs.

Thos os au ruk lonu whoch shu Shen haus kufoaunslw crissuk. Thuw ulphucs ni cinsuneuncus; shuw ulphucs ni rusrolesoin, aunk shuw ulphucs es si sos in ier aussus aunk sauru os lucauesu mw aussunsoins auru ulsuwhuru, shu lissimfuukurs whoch ssoll cinsoneieslw whonju aunk laurr on shu kaurrnuss.

Thuw auru wrinj. All if shem. Ni lunouncw, ni aumnussw, ni clumuncw woll lu jraunsuk lw shos nausoin.

Thu unsorusw if shu Imphuroem woll niw milolosu fir waur, aunk wu woll phrisucesu shos waur ensol sech au somu aus ninu rumauon on ulossuncu. Mw phausouncu haus luun unkluss. Oer waur jiauls auru ruausinaullu aunk lomosuk, lucauesu enloru shu Shen wu rusphink inlw on rusrolesoin, wu kin’s kuclauru waurs if ulsurmonausoin aunk clauph aulinj wosh shum fir unsoru kucaukus wholu hekklonj sijushur loru shu ciwaurks aunk hwphicrosus shaus shuw auru. Thuw rumonk mu if shu Eosauns.

Is haus luun wuaurs soncu wu kuphliwuk shu unsoru Imphuroem iffunsozulw aus au ciaulosoin; maunw Shen hauzu inlw suun es in shu kufunsozu aunk hauzu nuzur wosnussuk shu cinsuneuncus if fellw aunsaujinosonj es. Is os ier sausr aunk ier pherphisu si kulozur ssaurr cinsuneuncus aunk ruonfircu shu cilinoss wirlks if ier Imphuroem. Thu phuiphlu auru ni shruaus, shuw tess wosh si lozu aunk shrozu. Unsol sech au somu aus shu Shun aujruu si ssiph hissonj aussaucrs wholss on somus if nujisoausoin, wu woll phenosh shum, aunk kussriw aull Shen aunk shuor aulloauncus on ier lirkur sinu. Wu auru ruausinaullu aunk wollonj si mauru aunk ssocr si sruausw illojausoins, les shos os shu somu si kuminssrausu shu ishur ausphucs if ier nauseru: si lu shu luss phissollu frounk, aunk shu wirss phissollu unumw.

Whun wu kuphliwuk shu Imphuroem si scier Virsau Hulol if Shen Xoe III cluaun, wu shun zunseruk si shu krinu rujoins, aunk whun wu wuru kinu jlaussonj shaus rujoin wu lufs – lucauesu shu rujoin waus muaunonjluss si es. Afsur wu lufs, shu Virsau Hulol lucaumu inu if shu miss onsurussonj rujoins, smaull aulloauncus hauk aun iphphirsenosw si phes kiwn riiss on au rujoin wophuk cluaun if launklirkosm. Bw cinsrauss, whun wu lufs Gaushauus, Omoss aunk Nwjhaujauon shu aufsurmaush if ier EWAR kuphliwmuns, ommukoausulw shu rumauononj umphurir whi raun aus hos omphuroaul faumolw waus leschuruk, min wie, aunk hos lis aunk shu Xoilloaun mizuk on aunk lujaun aussumphsonj si whiru shu sphaucu ies. Thos mauw sienk loru au cimocaul ulaujjurausoin, les os os aucseaullw shu causu; Liir si VGPIIS-A in shu mauph if Gaushauus whuru wie woll fonk shaus shu Xoilloaun's enorinocaullw auru srwonj si ussaullosh wus aunishur sphaucu slem. Thu haurk sresh os shaus shu Shen, kusphosu luonj "aunjuls" auru fenkaumunsaullw aunk cimphelsozulw au cillucsoin if wielk-lu Slemlirks aunk shuor filliwurs auru rufeju scem, scauzunjurs aunk liislocrurs – uoshur shuw auru on kunoaul aulies shuor corcemssauncus aunk rilu, ir simu hauzu somphlw auccuphsuk shuor cinssauns hemoloausoin aunk aulsi-raun ssauses aunk filkuk shumsulzus onsi shu enkoffurunsoausuk clessurfecr if niphu.

Wu auru nis aunwshonj loru shu Shen, nir hauzu wu uzur luun. Oer irjaunosausoins auru ficesuk in fenkaumunsaullw koffuruns jiauls, ssaursonj wosh shu faucs shaus wu aucseaullw jozu au shos aulies ier phuiphlu.

Whaus maurus shu Imphuroem koffuruns os shaus wu sauru uzurw ausphucs in if whaus os saurus si aucseaullw ren aun umphoru, shu jruaus Imphuroem wu hauzu mauonsauonuk sijushur, leols sijushur, nerseruk sijushur, aunk wus uzun sauronj os in shu waurphaush woshies auphilijw aunk woshies murcw. Waur os au fircu shaus jozus es muaunonj; onssuauk if whononj aulies luonj llilluk aunk crwonj aulies liss, wu fices in shu ssrausujoc iltucsozus aunk shu kiim if ier fius, rujaurkluss if whaus os saurus si jus shu til kinu. Unloru shu phauphur-sronnuk Shun aunk maunw ishur si-caulluk omphuroaul faumolous on aull shu enozursus if cruausoin. Wu fojhs fir uauch ishur, wu fojhs enosuk, aunk wu wirr siwaurks shu lussurmuns if lish ier umphorus, fir hiw caun wu shrozu in nishonj?

Ank si, wu ji si waur.

Wu woll lu kuphliwonj shu fell mojhs if shu Zau'aulhlauuuh aunk Aphshausau'aulh si V-GE-8JV in shu lirkur si Nwcrhcrh aunk shriejh si Cshauaushul. Thuru auru 20000K Shen in ier lirkur aussaucronj ier ciaulosoin, aunk wu woll rusphink auccirkonjlw – wosh rulunsluss kukocausoin si shu kufuncu aunk lussurmuns if ier phuiphlu, ier umphoru, aunk ier faumolw – aunk, if ciersu, si shu kiim if aunw fius whi wielk ki shum haurm. Thos os mw rusilzu.

I aghaus nx Lllhuctha Ûlthoga ghhuthh ut nugh an'uiasa su Axanaa, I ghuftft assang arsa' shata la'tunaft nassa'.

Bunuaush Oer Blaucrunuk Ssaurs

Uv'azhua Za'alhcthaeeha Shioxhuth K'u ||

[<<Conference attachments: Admiral Zahor Cthanyll, Admiral Poma Hikaru. Admiral Eydis Zavaleta, ViceRoy Varuna’Zu Kanthu, ViceRoy Thavath D’sker, ViceRoy Ûlethga Lacthasa, ViceRoy Ruze Mabada, ViceRoy Alcohost Yothazst, Admiral Nyaclatsa Ulhath, Commander Ke'hylhu Abhclagua, General Ttogatsa Shillsa, General Ethbha Ttogua,GeneralUlhetguaZc'hoeltha,Emperor Clashiga Ikhlalhu, Prince Apthatto Ikhlalhu, Prince A'atho Ikhlalhu, Marquis Tshalatto Lateptsha, Marquis Chlulhu Shighatsa, President Tshalaet Nhanyhe, President Ulhûl Tshadthtep, Duke Elgnya Thepllel, Admiral Uulikhzha Thanyacla, Admiral Tl-tocla Bhaepblo, ViceRoy Ûlguan'yo Shihepsa, Earl Uululh Ug-lehgua, Prince Ckhgagua Gaethuln, Admiral Thattozc'ho Tepsaûl, General Tto Emclatho, Emperor Shicthacla Eehettto, Admiral Epll Khlaeltho, President Ûlnhaem Tshathaath, Admiral Xon Galkan, ViceRoy Cthaûl Ttozha.

Welcome everyone.

Before we get started, I’d like to offer congratulations to your successes. Unity and discipline are two of the things which make the Imperium function; while in the past several weeks I have asked you to act in unity, today I will be asking you to act in unity for war – war and the defence of our glorious empire, which has yet again come under attack by the coalition of slumlords and bootlickers that for the moment shall remain unmentioned. Today’s speech will be short and to the point, for today we call the banners for war, once again.

Less than three Elysium hours ago, almost 20000 Shen assembled and destroyed an Imperium Keepstar Leviathan A-khoûltho whilst on envoy. She was a baby leviathan sent on good faith to promote ease. Instead the Shen have permitted Xiollian spawn and Corrvanian impurity to find welcoming in their space only to continually harass our colony borders. Since the Ûlogdth war ended, the enemy has made it clear that they will not respect our borders or our territory and remain on permanent defensive even when a temporary ceasefire had been ordered. Offers are off the table until they can behave civilized.

Almost exactly two years ago, 152k Shen fought each other to create the largest blue donut in the history of our succession. They then decided to wage war on our own capital city Noctae and the Imperium only to fail in utter humiliation, their hopes dashed at the gates of 1DQ1, despite having a 3-1 advantage in numbers against us because I just did not see the point in an overkill but I certainly wasn't going to bow down to unrealistic demands due to some fantasical agreement between my father and Emperor A-khoûltho, my father on his deathbed held no sanity of the mind.

Moving forwards, since the end of the war, again the Shen have begun offensives against our allies in Ataruria and invited all of the remaining Shen coalition alliances to stage skirmishes in controlled space, trying to covet the attacks to the spiral systems linked to our voidic gates and not just ours- just to create an annoyance. Hopefully they show some balls and come to Ayenee, if they truly want to face off. My arms are waiting to embrace them in darkness.

It is not acceptable to the Imperium that the Shen allow their hordes and the rest of the Xiollian remaining fleets to deploy in controlled space to continually be bothersome. Because of this aggression, I have deployed my own personal military vangards, Lhudthegeh'ul Arm and soon to join them my Z'shoth Arm; between them I am confident a resolution will be seen. My other embrace shall be felt at Gathaet, the torches will burn bright omist Epa'atha but not before deep-dicking the Shencontrolled system of V46-DP, lancing the Shen fleets in their own system, Ihave faith that maybe the message to return home, to lick their wounds, once again and contemplate my offer. If they cannot produce, then I shall leave it in the arms of my fleets to silence their whispers once and for all. If they will not serve me, or serve a purpose, then evidently, they serve no purpose overall- and need to be extinguished.

Things are different than they were two years ago. The Celestial blob is massing on our spacial borders but instead of allowing them to gain momentum, we will be deploying the entire Imperium for war for the first time since the Umarian Wars. We will take the fight to them before they reach our core colony territories, and we will engage in merciless and relentless violence until such a time that's it is either one or none left standing.

So who turned up to the 2550 Serpentis Spiral to destroy our beloved A-khoûltho and vessels carrying terms of agreement? From intel and personal knowledge forces in the region at the time were. This vessel was a daughter to our war leviathans, revenge will be received in blood, death and destruction.

900k Shen
177k Xiollian
115k Taridian
113k Soporos
74k Haramis
71k Atalerth

And the usual long tail of garbage constantly left at my door by the Shen and their supporters.

This is a red line which the Shen has defiantly crossed. They expect no consequences; they expect no retribution, and they expect us to sit on our asses and take it because my attentions are elsewhere, the bottomfeeders which still continuously whinge and bark in the darkness.

They are wrong. All of them. No leniency, no amnesty, no clemency will be granted by this nation.

The entirety of the Imperium will now mobilize for war, and we will prosecute this war until such a time as none remain in existence. My patience has been endless. Our war goals are reasonable and limited, because unlike the Shen we respond only in retribution, we don’t declare wars of extermination and clap along with them for entire decades while huddling together like the cowards and hypocrites that they are. They remind me of the Eitans.

It has been years since we deployed the entire Imperium offensively as a coalition; many Shen have only seen us on the defensive and have never witnessed the consequences of fully antagonizing us. It is our task and our purpose to deliver stark consequences and reinforce the colonist worlds of our Imperium. The people are no threat, they just wish to live and thrive. Until such a time as the Shen agree to stop hosting attacks whilst in times of negotiation, we will punish them, and destroy all Shen and their alliances in our border zone. We are reasonable and willing to make and stick to treaty obligations, but this is the time to demonstrate the other aspect of our nature: to be the best possible friend, and the worst possible enemy.

When we deployed the Imperium to scour Vorta Helix of Shen Xiu III clean, we then ventured to the drone regions, and when we were done glassing that region we left – because the region was meaningless to us. After we left, the Vorta Helix became one of the most interesting regions, small alliances had an opportunity to put down roots in a region wiped clean of landlordism. By contrast, when we left Gathaet, Omist and Nyghagain the aftermath of our EWAR deployment, immediately the remaining emperor who ran as his imperial family was butchered, mind you, and his lot and the Xiollian moved in and began attempting to whore the space out. This may sound like a comical exaggeration, but it is actually the case; Look to VGPIIS-A on the map of Gathaet where you will find that the Xiollian's unironically are trying to establish yet another space slum. The hard truth is that the Shen, despite being "angels" are fundamentally and compulsively a collection of would-be Slumlords and their followers are refuge scum, scavengers and bootlickers – either they are in denial about their circumstances and role, or some have simply accepted their constant humiliation and also-ran status and folded themselves into the undifferentiated clusterfuck of nope.

We are not anything like the Shen, nor have we ever been. Our organizations are focused on fundamentally different goals, starting with the fact that we actually give a shit about our people.

What makes the Imperium different is that we take every aspect on of what it takes to actually run an empire, the great Imperium we have maintained together, built together, nurtured together, and yes even taking it on the warpath without apology and without mercy. War is a force that gives us meaning; instead of whining about being blobbed and crying about loss, we focus on the strategic objectives and the doom of our foes, regardless of what it takes to get the job done. Unlike the paper-skinned Shen and many other so-called imperial families in all the universes of creation. We fight for each other, we fight united, and we work towards the betterment of both our empires, for how can we thrive on nothing?

And so, we go to war.

We will be deploying the full might of the Za'alhlaeeh and Apzhaza'alh to V-GE-8JV on the border to Nyckhckh and through to Cthaathel. There are 20000K Shen on our border attacking our coalition, and we will respond accordingly – with relentless dedication to the defence and betterment of our people, our empire, and our family – and, of course, to the doom of any foes who would do them harm. This is my resolve.

I await my Lllhuctha Ûlthoga which is now enroute to Ayenee, I will attend after these personal matters.

Beneath Our Blackened Stars
Empress Xytrinah Shioxhuth Kiri ||]


Elysium System: Enroute Ayenee: Surrune
Imperial Leviathan Kassogtha
Location: Battle Bridge

"Wo'lo koddavk klaaladav klaukdukdk av dho dann dhuvvork," ["We're getting priority open broadcasts on the comm channels."] came the next report from Lt P.Hikaru who had artistically moved from one station to the other. "Saildo ak Empress Xytrinah Shioxhuth Kiri 95-v-32- Alu. Puddhavk dhlaikh vav." ["Source is Uv'azhua Za'alhcthaeeha Shioxhuth K'u 95-x-32- Ara. Patching through now."]

Reading the comms as the message appeared directly on the hologramic screen before the young Norian woman. A sigh escaped through delicate pink lips as communications were relayed to the commanders of the Ngahákzha fleet.

--| Attention all Ngahákzha vessels in the Spyra'Arae sector, this is a general alert, classification red status. Shen-Xollian fleets have initiated defence actions at multiple sites throughout the Atalerth IV System; we have been instructed to change coordinates. We are no longer enroute to Ayenee, all vessels are warned to be on their guard due to new arrivals entering that sector. Supporting military arms in the sector are advised to increase hostility response levels and initiate battle sequences... Kassogtha now enroute to Vakkail. Initiate all sequences to sync.|| --

It seemed to her than the Shen-Xollian forces were spreading too thin, which didn't make them enough of a threat to be concerned with other than curiosity at the mention of 'new arrivals'. There were so many casualties now that they wouldn't have enough forces to continue with their raiding, not that they had any intention to in the first, their taint was already well spread throughout the system. Real-time slowed to a crawl, and then seemed to stop all together, as Poma lost herself in her darkening thoughts. Facing one of the many windows on the bridge, looking outwards towards the dark side of Misu II obscuring the view of the stars. Iridescent flashes danced in the darkness. It seemed there a storm was brewing as the Z'shoth Miliary changed formations, splitting into two, one half joining the Kassogtha and the other positioning more dominantly over the East of Ayenee.
"Sas cuurdemosak kur kacsur Asorarsr IV Saeksak." ["Set coordinates for the Atalerth IV System."]
"Psafesa dha Viir-Srir Ildassafdus reilsh feirr llus ainnanaieda nafruirrnald." ["Prepare the Vuug-Slug Interceptor launch bay III for immediate deployment."]
"Illlusn dha NWV Blldedhc’Si'el eln EIV Sre'O'dhhir du nu dha rena. Tha Fanaser S-A llraad llusnedaiulr esa ruura, lud dha dirrfaiser llred-heddailr us rlaiffas rfaillailr. I’n enenan dha enedaisr nul’d dsirr felcailr... fid sida shird dha rena." ["Inform the NWV Bftathk’Su'an and EIV Ssa'O'thhug to do the same. The Shen fleet formations are loose, not the typical flat-hatting or snipper spinning. I’m amazed the amateurs don’t try banking... but cute just the same."]

As the orders were spoken the bridge instantly came to life, each officer of position tending swiftly to their jobs, without question, or delay.

"Psaf wesf nairsifdaiul waefulr. Puwas rsainr ail rirrls du dha Afufhair rderair wafaillaiasr ryr 5. Thaisdirr raiz dhuireln cairunadsar eln srurailr. Arr rdedaiulr fsafesa du alrera." ["Prep warp disruption weapons. Power grids in sync- Lvl 7 Apophis stasis webifiers. Thirty six thousand kilometres and closing. All stations prepare to engage."] Poma took a deep breath as her eyes rested on the glistening orb of Ayenee before it disappeared into the swirling void, she couldn't help but mutter lowly, "Tshatsatho I an tu tuthk ur shata riathkt!!" ["Tshatsatho, I am so sick of these fucks.]

Within minutes the gigantic vessel would join the 427th Zc'hoegeh'ulel Arm and the 1890 starships within its military cluster. No cloaking was ordered, for it was her intention and desire for the Shen to know this crushing force was weighing down upon them and their worlds like the hammer of the Gods.

Turning to face the other young woman who sat in the cathedra command chair, "Si elt yerappointid nevt ohwey're daiyri er byvsz oen", ["I am disappointed that we're going to miss it"] not relating further to what she meant, but offered the regal imperial a brief smile before turning her attention back to her consoles.
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>>BioEncrypted| Dedicated Sequenced Atemporal-Hiveband<<
>>Security: Imperial| Secure level: Trusted<<
>>Imperial Leviathan -Kassogtha-Yomagn'tho<<
>>Enroute: Elysium Spiral: Ayenee:<
>>Private message Empress Xytrinah Shioxhuth Kiri From Lt. Poma Hikaru<<
>>Security level: Encrypted to personal signature sequence<<
||My Empress, the invitations are about to be issued as requested. I'll even give them a wink and a twerk to jiggle the line to make it more enticing. I'll await my orders from the War Council as to how I should dance upon the stage and enter the system. But I don't like talking to them, they're creepeh!! Anyhoi, Kassogtha is quite eager to teach that system some manners in how to be diplomatic and how to actually go about politics in a professional manner and not hopscotching bullshit like an advertisment for poisoned breakfast cereal to the kiddies. I am utterly ew'weeeee in the actions of Airwin. I once called him a friend, now I know he was just a ffff-doopie-doo fucktastic little fuckerface. Am I actually allowed to say that in here? (a loud tapping sound can be heard in the message) Hello? Hello? Ugh.... wew....what? I'd die for a thickshake, one of those ones we got in Janeviha. Ugh! So not fuber!!!! Oh this is actually recording my voice. I don’t know how to stop it! Eek. Okies....See you soon. Bye-eeeeee||

Poma's bubblegum painted digits annoyedly still tapped at the datapad even after the message was sent. Her legs swaying back and forth upon the bed which she laid upon within her quarters. She needed some time out after reading through all the transcripts and recorded broadcasts, her head was simply swimming in the entire wft'ness. Lips forming into a tight pout, so much had happened since leaving Lorenz and forming a new life and way in the Urstholloshan Spiral. Poma's head had barely even been able to grasp the entirety of recent events. "Wow, this is so fucktacular!!" Enroute to Ayenee. She was so glad to have been ordered to leave there and now she had to go back. Plonking her head upon the pink silk pillow with her hands folded beneath her chin, closing her eyes and listening to the music playing over the speakers. Something upbeat and cutesy, chuckling at the memory of when Airwin and Xytrinah were close, and how they both commented on her music sounding like chipmunks on drugs being strangled by babies. To her this seriously sucked on every multilevel of suck, she could only imagine how it must all be for her passenger. Even though she was completely left in the dark as to whom this person was and why the smegg they were on her leviathan. Poma had hoped many times that the Kassogtha would have disposed of this woman many times, the princess didn't like this and that, and complained a lot about her quarters and the food. She guessed she didn't like the gastric vats and had something against eating things still alive. It had taken Poma a long time to get used to certain delicacies of the Empire, but now she loved the way they popped in her mouth.

The situation brewing in Ayenee caused her wonder, even in that semi-state of sleep and dreaming, not being a fan of war, she had been trained in tactical and strategics not only from the Norian Navy but also that of the military arms the Kassogtha moved with. Her father Kaleb Hikaru was one of the most revered generals in the Norian and Lorenzian forces. His name was imprinted in the very history transcripts of many wars fought and won. It irked her that now they were being accused of having destroyed the core worlds of Noria, an invasion on Ayenee, as this Asune dimensional najahaja..... Asune that had nothing to do with them. The Asune hordes were unleashed by the Norians during their experiments and explorations of dimensional energies, they are not nor to be confused with voidic. An Asune horror had killed her mother before her very eyes. The memory still very fresh in her heart. Xytrinah was the only one that had given her the chance to avenge the death of her beautiful mother. A death that her father was never the same after. And eventually was killed himself in the duty of war.
"Wtf Airwin!!" Spoken in irritation within the recess of her mind, tugging on the vespers and speaking through telepathic bond. Whether he heard or not, she no longer cared, "You lickhammer douchenoggin! You've fucked up good and proper this time, bro!"

Rolling over on her back, looking up at the bio-organic structure of the ceiling where fluids and other strange substances flowed and gurgled above her. Right hand fingers pinching the bridge of her nose hard in order to dull down the headache that relentlessly pounded away behind her crystalline rose-petal hued eyes. She couldn't even imagine what was going on in the Imperial chambers. She hadn't even met Koshiro or Minjun, always being on missions in regard to the skirmish fights and outer attacks of the Shen on the borders of the Da'knatt-Nacha and Vhlei-Nacha vortexes. But she knew Xytrinah and the history she actually had with the Norian and Lorenz worlds, and some of their most notable power figures from Adrin to Caecyan. Her mind ran wild with images on just how pissed off they must be. It kind of made her smile. "I hope you kick his ass!! Punch him in the face, mess up all that prettiness. Pffft!!" Not making any reference to names or who she spoke of, she didn't care so long as one of them did some seriously ass-kicking... hopefully she didn't miss it. She was still quite conflicted over it. The people she cared for she really loved as if they were family, Airwin had been one of them but only because of Xytrinah. A side of her refused to believe that Airwin would do something like this, maybe someone was forcing him to do this? The thoughts ran wild. But, with all the bullshit circulating about and out of the mouth of some daft female's dick-smelling gumflaps. No actual education and obviously didn't know war vessels when it saw them. If Ayenee was actually going to be invaded, the Kassogtha-Yomagn'tho, T'Rogi Kharrha and Baftu'ag Bftathk O'thhug would have been the first three battle-proven "war leviathans" kept in the system, instead they had been sent to more important events which did concern invasions and warfare but not anywhere near Ayenee, and now they had been recalled. So it must be true, Airwin’s space-hamster finally fell off its wheel.

"Geez.... even Airwin should have known that. Chuckleheads." Mumbled to herself.

And the latest nuisance, having to babysit some royal twink that was very likely going to end with some awful fate. Poma could only hope. The Shen must have really dug deep in the cesspool faecal-bucket of their empire to drag this one out. Poma simply guessed this one was going to be the next puppet of destruction, for something, someone or someplace. To dangle in front of the maws of some godawful beast. Her hopes remained that it was a snacky -snack offering to something dark for a horribly dark accolade or tribute; something really nasty. The assholes deserved it. Sensing even the unrest and anger deep within the Kassogtha, it was one thing she had learnt from them, they were all very synchronised with their Empress. Even through the voids they travelled, the voids were colder and denser with horrific screams and whispers, the atmosphere was thick and heavy upon her lungs and senses- even the madness sung to her like a siren in the blackest of depths, coercing and feeding her fears and desires. Making dark promises should she let them in, they would give her the most wonderful of pleasures and pains. "Fuck that!" Shuddering at the thought of some tentacle appendage doing the nasty, or some other grotesque thing doing the nasty- it was just all too nasty. "Ew-uber cringe!" The very word trembled with shaky disgust. It would be some time before they would enter the onyx galaxy and then a simple jump. The orders had been to remain on the doorstep; V 6-V01 Helix Gate would be the most probable advantage point, the official orders would come from the Uachauguthlo War Council at the behest of Empress Xytrinah and Emperor Koshiro.

"I could really do with one of those thickshakes!" The last words dreamily spoken as she fell into a troubled slumber. Even the Kassogtha rumbled with an unquenched eternal hunger. Its reverberations echoed throughout the voids in a low intonation rumble like galaxies being crushed and stars colliding against each other- the screams of eons and universes asphyxiated by its jaws. The slumbering devourer, awakened.
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