They came with steel in their hands ...

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"They came with Steel in their hands and hearts as Black as the cloaks they wore."- Eadmon Valla, Guntril Historian

Explanation: [Note* The current date in the Talsean Calendar is 1000 SA(Second Age)]

The Blackcloaks, named for their characteristc black cloaks, are a militant organization with the stated goal of ridding the world of all magic. The organization came into existence around 100 SA on the Talsean calendar and has since become the dominant military force not only in Talse but in it's neighboring countries as well.

The Blackcloaks are unforgiving in their search for those with the 'taint' and spare none who try to keep them from accomplishing their goal. The Blackcloaks will use any means necessary to accomplish their goal, going so far as to enslave magic users to capture/kill 'the tainted ones.' Blackcloaks are generally very stubborn, especially when someine is suspected of being 'tainted.'

They are led by the Grand Lord General. He is responsible for all military decisions within the Blackcloaks or Brotherhood, as they refer to themselves on occassion.


The first official organization to use the name 'Blackcloaks' was, ironically, a Mages Guild. Founded around 100 SA in the small republic of Talse by the Archmage Argeth, the Blackcloaks were an organization intent on finding and teaching those with the gift. For fifty years the Blackcloaks would prosper under Archmage Argeth and become widely known throughout all of Talse. However, Archmage Argeth would die without naming a successor and several internal struggles arose over who would replace the Archmage. An Archmage would never be named, instead it was decided that a council would be created to oversee the wellbeing of the guild.

Several Council members, in an attempt to secure their place of power, hired a group of mercenaries to serve as soldiers. The other members of the guild looked upon this as an act of aggression and a Civil War nearly broke out. Over the years there would be much internal strife and the fact that the Republic of Talse had begun to act out against the Guild did little to improve morale. Fearing the rising power of the Blackcloaks the Republic of Talse launched an all out attack on the Guild headquarters. The small Talsean Army, however, was not prepared for the sheer raw power and military expertise of the mercenaries and were soundly defeated. From that day onward the mercenaries were made Honorary members of the Blackcloaks and given the title 'Mercenaries.' The Mercenaries would eventually become the personal Army of the Blackcloaks.

By 200 SA the Guild decided to strike back against the Reublic of Talse. Along with the military power of the Mercenaries the Blackcloaks were victories and the Republic of Talse came under the control of the Blackcloaks.

The Blackcloaks would rule over Talse without incident until 310 SA when the Council, divided over whether or not the Guild should attempt to conquer more land, caved in upon itself. A civil war would break out within the Guild pitting mage against mage. The Mercenaries whose number had increased ten fold since their founding would refuse to side with either group and insted remained neutral. the Mages' fought without care for their surroundings and during the course of the Civil War many innocents died.

Enraged by this the Mercenaries would lead a coup de tat, utlizing instruments that allowed them to enslave and control the mages. Exactly how the Mercenaries came by such an item is unknown but once they had gained control of the guild and enslaved the Mages the Mercenaries began to produce them in great number.

Since that day the Mercenaries, who took the name Blackcloaks, have looked upon Magic as an evil force that does nothing but corrupt the soul and harm the innocent. Overtime the Blackcloaks began to conquer their neighbors in an effort to 'save them from the taint.' The Blackcloaks now see the word Mecenaries, when applied to them, as a derogitory term and feel it's grounds for a thrashing for any magic user stupid enough to use the term. The Blackcloak Army now numbering over one hundred thousand has set about to cleanse the world of Magic and destroy all those who carry the 'taint'.


The Blackcloaks are led by the Grand Lord General.

Ranks attainable by Blackcloaks are:
Novitiate: (There is an expansive number of Novitiates who serve as squires until they are seen fit to truly wear the Cloak) [Not counted among the Army]
Brother: (Makes up the bulk of the Army)
Witch Hunter: (the dark arm of the Blackcoats, men who come in the night and make "the tainted" disappear. Armed with enchanted armor and weapons the Witch Hunter answer to no one save the Captain/Colonel/General they are under the command of. They're actually a separate sect from the other's and require special training to use the enchanted items. The Witch hunter's are usually the one's who capture the tainted ones.(Specs on the items coming soon)
Captain: (A mid level officer, allowed to control a small squad of Soldiers, one Witchhuner and no more than two Tainted ones)
Colonel: (A mid-to-high level officer, allowed to command an entire company of soldiers, two witch hunters and no more than four tainted ones.)
General: (A high level officer, allowed to control the army during battle and given control over four witch hunters and no more than six tainted ones)
Lord general: (A very high level officer. Second in command of the entire army, six witch hunters and control over no more than eight tainted ones.)

The Blackcloaks are a militant organization and as such have a strict set of rules and regulations.

1) An oath of allegiance to our Grand Lord General is mandatory.
2) Betrayal will not be tolerated. We are brothers, only a monster betrays his brother.
3)Our Duty is to rid the world of the Taint, nothing shall stand in the way of our duty.
4) We are always at war, to know peace is to know defeat.
5) The Blackcloaks are your family. Honor, love and serve your family, even in death.

-Ark Girun, 3rd Grand Lord General

The Witchhunters:

Founded in 320 SA by the Grand Lord General Gregor Koffman, the Witchhunters are a sect of highly trained warriors specializing in the use of enchanted items to capture/kill the 'tainted ones'. Attaining the rank of Withhunter is no easy task since it takes years to master the enchanted armor and weaponry. However, those who are proven worthy enough to be made a Witchhunter command great respect and are the most feared of all the Blackcloaks. The Witchhunter's specialize in the quick and flawless removal of tainted ones and will generally work at night. The Witchhunter's like all other members of the Blackcloaks are under the direct control of the Grand Lord General. A common practice of the Witchhunter's, and one of the reasons they are so greatly feared, is their preferred method of entering a suspected magic user's home at night and executing them in their sleep.

Specs on Armor and Weaponry (coming soon)

(more to be added)
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So, a whole lot 'o action then? ~Looks around~ I don't know about anyone else, but I'm up for kicking up the action on the boards a notch!
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