The Makings of Myst


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The town of L'Jess had grown into a metropolis, by elven standards, anyway. Ever since the latest attack by the Hellwyrm, the elf clans found themselves wanting more and more protection against other-worldly forces. True, elven magic was potent, but with their long-time friends, the Council of Elder Dragons cutting off all contact, many of the elven clans found themselves dealing with an uprising brought on by paranoia. Much of the younger generations no longer felt safe tucked away in secluded hobbles. After all, the trio that had ultimately dealt the final blow to the Hellwyrm had consisted of members of three different races. It seemed to them, that there was a greater chance at survival in a place where their numbers were greater.

So, dozens of clans found themselves losing many of their kinsmen. In total, nearly four-thousand elves, most just youths that hadn't even reached a half-century of age, migrated to L'Jess to share their knowledge and experience, limited though it may have been, with others to achieve a greater sense of protection. What they hadn't counted on was that the warnings from their elders would be correct. Greater numbers of a populace brought a greater chance of external forces viewing you as a threat.

Within a few short years, elven taverns and guildhalls were constructed and started displaying their ads for warriors and adventurers to fight off roving hordes of bandits, inter-planar entities, sentient fungal masses and countless other would-be threats.

That was where Doriaon came in. As a guardian of the Myst Realm, it was his responsibility to ensure that nothing from his home world, a dimension of chaotic mystical energy that took the form of a dense eternal fog, ever escaped. Anything that was sent to the Myst Realm was sent there for a reason, and if it managed to survive there, it was changed into something worse than when it had arrived. Once before some of these forces had escaped, and another guardian, Der, had been charged with their retrieval or destruction. In following this charge, he'd been forced to relocate himself to Ayenee permanently. Now, it was Doriaon's turn. Another creature had escaped the confines of the Myst Realm, and it was his job to track it down. It had been known for its hatred of the elvish people before it had been banished to the Myst Realm, so he started his search here, in the confines of L'Jess.

He walked, or rather, his mist-like body appeared to walk as he floated, through the streets made of petrified wood and looked carefully between the stone and wood spires that made up many of the buildings in the town. He didn't know, really, what he was supposed to be on the lookout for, but he was certain he'd know when he saw it.
Yhifan didn't like this town, any more. Moving out of her place of birth was supposed to have meant they'd be safer. Now, it just meant they had to work harder. And to make things worse, they now had even more danger than before. And if that wasn't enough, now there was a strange fog man wandering through the streets of their town.

She wanted to go home. She wanted to get up, take her jewels and crafting tools with her, and go back to the little village where she was born. Maybe a thirty year old elf should have stayed home, in the first place. She was too young to make it on her own. That's what her mother had told her. Now, she was starting to think her parents were right.
This place was strange. Of course, that could be said of many places on this plane. He'd visited here quite some time ago. Reflecting back, he realized that he'd thought everywhere on this world was strange. Maybe it was just a matter of perspective. After all, his existence was spent in the midst of a chaotic realm filled with inter-dimensional criminals who'd all been altered by the Myst. That was normal for him.

Doriaon moved through the streets, looking for signs of the escaped creature. He didn't bother asking anyone. If this thing was even remotely like what it had been before being confined to the Myst Realm, there would be no question if it was near the elves, at least not for him. Beyond that, if he did decide to start asking around, he would only succeed in creating panic. Judging by the looks he was getting, particularly from that young female elf who kept watching him warily, everyone was nervous enough without him adding to it.
He saw her! She just knew he saw her! Oh why did she stop to look at the strange visitor? She'd heard the stories. Curious girl gets snatched by stranger. Her body is found three days later.

Yhifan did NOT want that to be her. She scurried back into her home, quickly gathering up the crafting tools she was going to need for...oh right...she didn't have a job. Well either way she was determined to look busy if the stranger decided to take an interest in her.
Doriaon considered stopping to talk to the strange elven girl. She was acting, in his opinion, rather strange for an elf. Of course, this was the first he'd actually heard of such a large community of elves. Several of them were acting unusual for what he knew of their kind. Still, this one was even more unusual.

Regardless of his plan, his mind was about to be changed for him. A tremendous roar, similar to a lion, though much more guttural, echoed on the outskirts of the town.

~"There you are."~ Doriaon thought.

With a quick swipe, he lifted his metallic quarterstaff and set off, seemingly flying over the ground, toward the source of the sound. It seemed this was going to be an easier hunt than he anticipated.
As Doriaon drifted towards the source of the roar, he soon noticed that he apparently was not alone in hunting the beast. Between the trees and the spires of L'Jess, he could make out the distinctly feminine figure of an elf in a burgundy cloak who was shadowing his movements, darting amongst the rooftops with an agile grace that was distinctly more expected from one of her kind. The hint of wind-aspected energy trailed in the elven warrior's wake, too, as she advanced with a sense of urgency in the same direction the mist-walker traveled.

She even passed in front of Yhifan's perspective for an instant, and if the jeweler was paying attention would clearly see a well-worn partizan spear with a haft of petrified wood was in her hands as well as a suit of light armor. A badge on her beret might be vaguely familiar, as it was belonging to a guild of monster hunters in the town, though it was hard to make out exactly which one as the breeze that marked her passing soon blew her long, blonde hair behind her, several lockes done in intricate braids.
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The roar caught her by surprise. What could be making that? She wasn't given very long to consider the question, as the other elf passed right in front of her.

"Oh great. Now there's two of them. At least this one's an elf. Let her keep an eye on him. I don't want anything to do with it."

She went back into her home and shut the door behind her.

"You know you have to go, right?"

The voice echoed quietly, in her mind.

"I don't have to do anything." Yhifan huffed.

"And yet..."

She let out a heavy sigh, grabbed a bag from beside the door, and sulked out the door, headed toward the source of the sound. "Yeah yeah..."
Doriaon did notice the other elf. But he didn't have time to bother paying attention to her. His concern was on the creature. Unfortunately, part of the reason this creature had managed to escape from the Myst Realm, in the first place, was the fact that it could sense when other Myst tainted beings were nearby. The moment that sense caught Doriaon, the thing vanished.

Doriaon continued the pursuit, for a while. But, without knowing exactly where it had been in the first place, it was impossible to follow for long. He was forced to stop, grumbling to himself about the lost opportunity. He didn't bother heading back. There was someone else headed his way. Best to at least wait it out and see if they were friend or foe.
The wind began to howl. Ominous dark clouds suddenly filled the sky. A glowing blue hole opened up in the middle of the cloud formation. A winged figure plummeted from the hole, streaking a plume of smoke behind it. The hole quickly closed up and the clouds disappeared as quickly as they had come.

The figure crashed into the ground not far from the city of L'Jess, in the exact same direction the elf and the mist man were headed. A cloud of dust went into the air, dispersed by the figure's body hitting the forest floor.
The monster hunter continued moving quite quickly, eventually leaping off one of the rooftops and landing on the ground with her polearm at the ready. She was also breathing heavily from the exertion of the sudden chase, as her cloak slowly fell about her armored form. Looking at her eyes, that were now scanning around furtively, told of the elf's obvious frustration at being the hunter that lost its skillful quarry in that moment, as the creature that uttered the roar had seemingly vanished without a trace.

However, it didn't take long for her to notice the presence of something... indeed, someone else. Doriaon would soon be able to feel the piercing nature of the blonde-haired woman's staring in his direction from a distance, sizing him up with a tone in her voice that was direct but also accusatory. "You there, man of mist... who are you? Is this sorcery your doing?"

It only made her query that much more relevant when the winged figure appeared in the sky, plummeting to the earth. The elven warrior could almost feel the impact in the ground, as the cloud of dust washed up into the wind currents and caused her to shield her blue eyes a moment.
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Doriaon leaned on his metallic quarterstaff, watching the elf as she neared.

"My doing? No. At least not from any normal point of view. It did pull of its vanishing act because of my approach. But other than that, I had nothing to do with it."

He looked up as the sky darkened, and saw the winged figure fall through, what he assumed, was a portal. He sighed and shook his head. "Never a dull moment in this realm." He kicked the quarterstaff off the ground and spun it into his hand. "Well, might as well go see our visitor. You never know who it could be with an entrance like that. I'm betting one of the Omniclad. Got any guesses?"
The traveler would upon closer inspection be revealed to be something else entirely. It would be clear that castaway was perhaps a more appropriate term. If not for the white feathered wings on the figure's back he might be mistaken for a human. The figure was masculine with a classically handsome square-jawed face and pale skin.

He had short spiky chestnut brown hair and was wearing what looked like a golden Roman cuirass as well as a red tunic. On his red leather belt hung an ornate scabbard that concealed a short sword with an equally ornate hilt. His armor was covered in scorch marks and would be hot to the touch. While his species could be debated there could be no doubt that he was completely unconscious.
Yhifan almost made it to the place where Doriaon and the other elf had encountered one another before the sky opened up and dropped a strange winged man into the region of their village.

"You know, I should be used to this kind of nonsense by now."

"You're the one who chose to move away from the village."

"Yes," She responded to the voice. "I'm aware of that."

She looked toward the area where the fog man and hunter elf were, then she looked back to the direction where the winged visitor 'landed' and sighed. "Well I can't, very well, be in two places at once. There's already an elf with him. I guess the choice is made for me."

Yhifan sulked as she turned around and started jogging the direction of the other newcomer.
Doriaon didn't bother even trying to look like he was walking, at this point. Because, ultimately, he wasn't. Everything he did on Ayenee was simply a mental projection. Truth be told he wasn't even, really, in Ayenee. His body was still within the confines of the Myst Realm. It was the only way he could ensure that he both located the escaped creature, and prevented any others from escaping, at the same time. What was seen on the plane of Ayenee was, quite literally, simply enchanted mist.

So, Doriaon floated over to investigate the other disturbance, completely unconcerned with whether or not the other elf chose to come along. It didn't make any difference to him. He was there for the purposes of locating the escaped creature. And that was precisely what he intended to do The only reason he wanted to visit this other visitor in the first place was because, perhaps, they would have information he could use.
It didn't take long for Yhifan to reach the sky-fallen stranger. She stopped at the edge of the small crater that had been created when he landed. She noted the wings and general appearance of the creature.

"He's unconscious." The voice told her.

"Yeah. No kidding. But what do we do now?"
The cloud of a man arrived at the scene shortly after the curious little elf. Rather than addressing her, at first, he moved over to the unconscious form of the winged creature, as well.

"Certainly not all that threatening, at this point in time. Still..." He pointed one end of his metal quarterstaff at the visitor's chest. "you can never be too careful."

He followed that cliche observation up with a couple light taps on the man's chest. His goal wasn't to hurt the unfortunate visitor, but he wanted to be ready if it became necessary.
"I...don't think he's waking up." She said.

She shuddered at the thought of some alien creature hanging out on the outskirts of her home town. One more reason to leave, as far as she was concerned. Elves weren't supposed to be threatened from unusual sources on such a regular basis. They were supposed to live in their hovels and become supremely old and govern the ways of the woods.

"I don't know what to do with him."

*A bell strikes in the distance....*

Chimes of destiny play through the threshold of realities. Something insane; yet so cosmically intertwined, became a focal point of prophetic focus.

........*The one who stalemated Guardian Shawn manifests.*........


Creatures were the last of their concern. For the Grand Summoner is awake. Ready to breath the air and taste the synergies of auras. He's ready to find Corban Saezer and force his ass into the corner. Hatred grew ever deeper because of the Ryuujin constructs floating inside of the god of all consciousness/ The Astral Nexus. The sensation caused a chain reaction and split realms.

Light bled through the shift of planes. A spinning vortex grows bigger as darkness swells around its corners- spewing out creation like a blackened husk. Fragments of light continuously fade and rebirth. *entropy between planes.*

The ground quakes and a portal opens up beneath the terrain. Thousands of fragments of starlight rip upward through a black sphere that extends beyond 500 acres. The magic diminishes and a visual form materializes. Levitating directly above them, his hair whirlwinds throughout the hearts of godhood. Repelling ignorance and compounding evolution through twisting shades of an unknown color spectrum. * (Consciousness is awakened to new realities as he appears*).

The grass and trees flower, plants blossom and the surrounding land mass turns to shades of spring. For future growth is upon hand!

A child of spiritual colors drapes across the horizon in an evergreen robe. Blazing the sky with the rising sins of the golden cross on his chest. Phantasmal fingers etch toward the ground causing explosions of forests. Flora sprout into the heavens. Casting a canopy only Corban Saezer and the gods alike Terrata and Clowd Merideth were familiar with."

The energy child levitates in his heavenly glory. Dawned with the light of Saturn (Magus Purple), " Fear not, children of Ayenee, Adam and mortality.....The Summoner comes again....." Mockery was heard in the high pitched voice.

The energy sprite spins upside down closing the vortex. His hands spread out as encircling runes flood around his body. His avatar resonates constructs of self imagery bleeding sovereignty over the ground. His hair becoming tendrils of interactivity from plane to plane. Constructing himself with the mountains, hills and clouds.

"BRIIING ME CORBAN SAEZER OR DIIIE!!" The clouds, the mountains, the trees, the rivers scream and quake in terror. The world its self repeats the words of the Summoner out of enslavement and fear.
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(OOC: The following is a joint post between Rhysis and Multiverse Weaver. It is, for all intents and purposes, the transcript of a chat RP session.)

Doriaon sighed at the unnecessarily flashy entrance of the Summoner.

"This clown, again."

Yhifan was startled by the display, though by the time the creature did, finally, start yelling, it didn't phase her. The ground shaking had beyond prepared her for something as basic as a yell.

"You know him?"

"Not exactly. He's sort of an omniversal nuisance. Powerful, for sure, but he has nothing better to do than transport himself around in one showy way or another challenging other powerful creatures, most of whom don't care about his existence, and choose to not waste their time on him."

The Myst guardian looked down at the unconscious angelic creature and tapped him with the staff he held. Clouds and Myst encircled him, and then vanished, taking the angel with them.

"I see."

She watched the display with the angel and her jaw dropped.

"What happened to him!?"

Doriaon held up a hand to calm her, a bit. "I just sent him to a protected part of the Myst Realm, for now. With this goober here there's no telling what would happen to someone who can't protect themselves."

She looked up at the Summoner, then back at Doriaon. "Are you going to fight him?"

The Myst Guardian laughed.

"No. I have a job that needs to be done and a confrontation with him would just be little more than annoying. I'm not, actually, here. What you see is a projection from the Myst Realm."

"So, then, what are you going to do?

Doriaon simply smiled and released his staff. It hovered for a second, then vanished.

"I'm going to find the escaped Myst creature."
As the echo of the would-be deity faded, so did the effect his presence had on the land. The staff that Doriaon had released re-appeared, behind held by a man in shimmering armor. The man's eyes glowed red as he looked around.

Then, the stranger opened his mouth. The words that followed carried a strange hint of power, as they echoed upon themselves while he spoke. "Let the majesty of creation return to its former glory."

Immediately, the chaos and destruction that was caused by the summoner's presence was undone. Ayenee returned to the state it had held previously. With that, the stranger faded from view, and the staff reappeared in Doriaon's hands.
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