The Eternals Return...


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Time was a relative thing. There was no one moment to the next where Time was concerned. At least not in terms that made any sense to a conscious mind. One moment, the next, they were the same thing in it's flow. It did not move, rather everything moved around it. A still pond of limitless possibility that every once in awhile felt the waves of impact under it's serene surface.

Jaden Gatekeeper. Long time Guardian of the realm of Allula, Eternal to the Planet, Close ally, and enemy of many, domestic and foreign, stood on top of a hill overlooking a land he had not laid eyes on for what felt like Eons. His emerald gaze shifted from one side of the horizon to the other slowly, taking in the changes, subtle and anew. Black leather flapped behind him in the breeze, slapping buckled boots and a swordbelt with no blade to hold safe. One hand leaded on a lone oak tree that echoed the sound of wind above him. Leaves and pedals raced past while he took in the view. A single thought had bored it's way into his mind...

"Why am I returned to this place? What need could be so great to pull me back here after so long?"

His eyes finally caught a glimpse of something that again, he had not witnessed in a very long time. His relaxed hand rose and ran through fine hair, black as night. He looked on it as though he'd never seen it before. The world had changed him many times, yet this... This was not something he had experienced since his creation. The home he knew, broken and battered, a blasted hellscape that threatened to pour into the rest of the world, must be gone for him to be here. The last he remembers was a hellish battle that even he didn't think he could win... Then the next moment he was here... It seemed so quiet and peaceful. But he was never brought somewhere without purpose... Now he just needed to find it. But before that he thought to sit with the tree, listening to the wind, taking a breath of the wild that had eluded him for such a long time. The question rose in his thoughts, Was anyone left alive that knew of the Eternals, was there any left that would know what an Eternal being here meant... Was there anything left of the world he remembered?
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