New Orleans- Present Day post Katrina

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The sun drifted down behind the horizon and there she sat, behind a heavy curtain, maids lighting candles all around her. She had electricity, but candle light was something she adored. Long black locks fell around her shoulders in an array of darkness. Leaning her head against the open palm of her right hand she flicked a pen in the others, staring towards the window. A sigh brushed passed her lips and her attentions were redirected towards the maids for a moment before lowering her gaze to the paper she had begun her letter on. Leaning back she tucked a few strands of hair behind her ears and away from her face, how had she come to this?

She had once been the right hand of the Regent, and then he fell. She was cast out by the new administration and left to her own devices. The vampiric world around her was falling to pieces and she had no power to stop it, to help, and most importantly no real way to rise back in to power considering she was now out of favor. Running to New Orleans to escape the chaos of it all, the death threats, and most of all to clear her mind in a city so old.. Ah Manifest, what a tangled web he had woven. Manifest being the past regent before his disappearance. Many thought him dead, not even she knew if it was true or not. So many things had changed and picking up his trail at this point would be near impossible.

She was left alone, luckily like most vampires of her age she had enough money to keep get going for generations, perhaps forever. Investments were made and many mortal men with knowledge of money and the new companies were put to work on her dollar. Her lifestyle was one of comfort and she kept herself surrounded by rich blood. The playhouse and opera were places she often visited, even though she lacked talent in any form of art. No mirrors were used when she dressed for such events, Lasombra were not the type to enjoy the lack of their reflection. Sighing she pushed the unfinished letter aside and tugged a folded booklet in front of it, staring down at the poorly drawn cover. It was a booklet for a play, perhaps she would indulge herself this evening..
Boredom. Complete and dominating boredom and beset itself on his shoulders these past few months. Nothing interesting to hunt ever came his way any more. He hunted what he had in order to stay alive and healthy. Those closest to him were either dead or comatose. He couldn't even find any Garou to hunt. The one he did manage to come across recently, a Get of Fenris, nonetheless, simply ignored his taunts and stepped into the umbra. When he went to join his would-be foe, it was nowhere to be found.

That was where he stayed now, in the umbra, looking for intriguing targets. Then he saw the signature aura of one of the sworn enemies of the servents of Gaia. But he was no servent of Gaia. The Black Spiral Dancer's aura shared the heavy wyrm taint held by that of the vampire. "Mmm. A spawn of Cain. What to do with it? Perhaps just watch for now."

That was precisely what he did. From the confines of the Umbra, he watched the movements of the vampire, trying to determine which actions to take.
She walked through the tainted, quite, dark woods until she could no longer walk.
Her legs felt a little weak and she hadnt eaten in days.

"This damn place always gives me the creeps." She said aloud.

No wonder her father had avoided this place when he was alive.
She sighed and got back up, her dress catching on some branches jutting out from a nearby tree.
She dislodged them and looked up, distracted by a snap of a twig in the distance.
She frowned in the direction of the sound but kept moving.

She stopped again, wondering what it was that bugged her about that bit of trees on the side of the road (more like a pathway she thought).
She watched it closely and thought she saw eyes...
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