Happy New Year's Eve!!!

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Whatever.*mutters something about making the pie-o-nator gun even larger for more whipped cream mayhem*
Amazingly enough, I think I side with Ullery on this one, I dunno I thought that the PG was the home of spamy goodness. Anything not fit for human consumption went here, or anything Not RP, Artistic, Contemplative, Or Support Based went here. Anyhow Madi its your party so cry if you want to, or use one of my nukes when I have wandered out of the area. *Wanders out of the area *
Actually the Peanut Gallery was always simply the Off Topic Area, there was once a seperate Spam forum, but that was back in the boardhost days. I'm just trying to stop every thread in here turning into a minor clone of the last post thread.

Anyway. New Years eve was a cracking night out. Me brother got thrown out for being only 17, but he looks 18 so frankly I'd say he was unlucky. My newyears cigar wasn't destroyed like last year, so I got to see the new year in whilst doing my Clint Eastwood impression.

$300 eh? Nice one Madi. I guess working new years eve pays well. I heard that one club near me was paying £25 an hour to their barstaff for working newyears.
PG forum= For random posts that fit no where elese...
Last Post / Random Thought Thread= Spam thread
I was only making 9 an hour, so those tips made my night!!Wish they paid 25 here!!
Madi's wish is still relevant but thank you for the insight SJ. That European euro > our dollar x.x
I was just pointing out that they probably aren't getting paid the equivilent of $25/hr.

Aren't Euro's and british pounds different? the squigly L is for pounds, right?
Lowthor, help me out bro.
the squiggly L is for pounds. I was just making another somewhat unrelated statement. You are right about payment differences though
Okay I hate to be the "thorn" in your side.
But these last posts were celebatory towards "new" years eve goings ons.
ol sj took revenge, and I gave some payback.
A good time was had by all.

I don't know how you can view "any" of that classic laugh your toes off stuff as being "random" thoughts when they "clearly" were not random thoughts.

They were actions by members of this community in the goodness and fun-ness of new years eve.

I also noticed that neither you "nor" lowther even bothered to notice that you'd gotten "attacked" by the pie-o-nator. You didn't even try to recognize that little action which was "clearly" fun-natured and "laughable" content.
{politely redirects them all outside the thread now as he's about to lock it for the thread already served it's purpose.}
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