[Interim Two] Reprise

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ISS God Why Does Everything Bad Happen To This Ship

Aradia had nodded at Dahlia's request. Conjuring a spell isn't exactly a "gunslinger" skill, but... It'd help. That is, until the newcomers ran, teleported, transformed, and/or phased all over the damn place.

"Godammit I just want to take a nap, I just spent all of last night putting you together again..." she sighed, grumpily pulling a simple wand out of her sleeve. The sapphire in its pommel twinkled in the cold light of Bivona's star as it became visible. "You're lucky I'm not a necromancer. I could use your energy."

The safest bet for a hit would be the armored one. She was powerful, but looked tougher than she was fast. Speedyboi went inside already, and the other guy can teleport. Armor used something hot - heat resistance. That leaves...

"Oh, god dammit Juryrig!" the pint-sized magician exclaimed again as the ship she'd been flying started to erupt in poo. Somehow, she knew it was Juryrig's fault. Or she thought she knew. It was Juryrig, after all. She quickly made herself free from the most obvious poosplosion radius of the ship - that is, next to some rocks about 5 meters away. Which went up to like, her knees. Back to the magic...

Four flicks of her wand manifested a wicked lightning bolt that arced indirectly towards the Hag, splitting the air with a deafening boom as electrified plasma split the very air itself. The heated shockwave could be felt by everyone outside, and Marie doubly so as the electricity coursed by so close, with so much intensity.

Aradia took the pommel off her wand and pocketed it, the gemstone inside deprived of energy in a single attack... And all the activity from last night.

Gallo remained still, flipping a hand over as they gazed briefly at Marie. Maire couldn't make out any details of the man, as his head was concealed entirely within a silvery white helmet like one would expect a sports biker to wear. "Nobody of great importance. Back then I was a techie, not quite adept enough to make it on any of the whiteboards. I'd be the man on the floor when something expensive broke, but nothing more."

The eerily calm man was interrupted by a hot red pill being launched across the cold tundra. "Pardon me, my current job."

As Juryrig's makeshift explosive spun towards the woman in heavy armor, an odd pink slip of light emerged ahead of its trajectory. It as if something had torn or unzipped the air ahead of it, coveted by a bright magenta hand. As quick as it came, the hand disappeared with the explosive pill gingerly in tow. The air was still afterwards.

Around a few dozen yards back, the hand reemerged, allowing the projectile to continue its trajectory naturally. There was a dead silence before the red pill sunk into the ground behind Juryrig. In a violent eruption, the alchemist was lifted off his feet and sent sailing through the air, the hot green flash of the shockwave rippling his now burning coat. In the wake of the explosion laid the core sticking out of the small crater, now glowing at a much healthier level.

OSC-01 stirred with a jolt, forcing herself off the ground as quickly as her disrupted frame would allow. She wasn't heavily damaged, but it seemed like the massively heavy punch was enough to knock a hip joint out of socket. The three absent Pixy units quickly found their place around the damaged unit, helping OSC-01 reseat herself with a nasty kerchunk. The Overseer glanced over at the core, pressing herself to her knees. "Get it. Now."

Gallo reappeared in front of Marie in a relaxed pose, slipping out of the ground as if it were water. The man cracked his neck, pressing a hand down to smooth out their light tunic. There was an odd purple light about them, eminating in tandem between the glowing pool at their feet, as well as the... bright laser emanating from his belt, "Where were we? I learned a lot down there, fixing the technical mistakes of others. Not just about the machinery, but about the science, the people. The incentives."

As Marie looked around, she started to notice the lasers were connecting to places where Gallo had been before, forming an oblong triangle- one she found herself in the center of. If that wasn't enough, there was a sickening tingling sensation passing through her gut. Gallo raised their head, passing a wave. "You're in a compromising position, Marie- but it doesn't have to be so. Dissolve that armor, surrender the fight."

Gallo gave one final offer with a quaint smoothness to his voice. "No need for anything more. I'm sure your conscious could rest without burden if those devices were in less unstable hands."


Dahlia retreated towards Deimos and Aradia, pulling back the slide on her 10mm pistol. "Fanatics, apparently. They want our gear for themselves."

"Do you believe flipping to pitiful heroics are going to change anything?" The Hag guffawed harshly at Romulus' continually bickering, only to be interrupted by a great white streak of lightning. The bolt stuck the Hag in the back, forcing her to her knees as the energy rippled across her armor. The result was a black scorch that dug partly into the armor, but not enough to fully compromise it. The ash was swept away as the Hag looked up at Romulus with a jittery gaze behind her heavy-duty visor. "I don't care if they're not yours, it's not stopping me."

The Hag punched their mechanical gauntlet straight into the ground, an ominous churning noise permeating the air. With a heave, the Hag ripping her arm from the ground- coated in a thick block of pseudosteel. The uppercut connected with Romulus squarely in the chest, knocking him back with a tremendous force. The Hag continued through with the strike, turning to slam the weight back down into the ground behind her. The shock-wave sent a cascading surge of orange energy rippling across the tundra towards Aradia and Dahlia. The attack was a subterranean threat, ripples of square steel breaking ground as it slipped underneath the projected barriers to connect.

ISS Downrider, where the ride never ends.

Clef took the door by surprise, catching himself against the narrow- and snow slippery hallway wall. thankfully, Clef didn't have to breath in this quite literal shit. The damage to his armor from the door-dinging was minimal, but the annoyance was maximized. "HEY! That's my line!"

Clefs left foot glowed with fire as he rounded back, slamming the heavy boot into the open metal door. The door doubled back into its frame with such force that it ruptured the hinges, sending the door flying back into the room. The result was a storm of papers flying around the room.

The armored man didn't get the time to capitalize on the rebound attack, however. He found himself sacked under the weight of a flying teenage and another man, sending him slipping to his knees. Clef looked down at the teenager, yelling. "Get off me, you little punk!"

The air around Clef circulated and glowed, before Rhea, Reman- and any other attached detriments- were pushed off and flung about the hallway. It would seem that the man has a similar setup to Reman himself, if rigged in a far different manner.

Clef returned to his feet in a flip, gaining his bearings of the ship around him. Sirens were blaring, shit was failing. It was time to accelerate this job before the score fell in on itself. There was a stairwell to his side, but behind him was an even bigger door that lead to the cargo bay. A bigger door generally meant more importance. And so, Clef threw himself against the cargo bay door, using his combined weight and force to blow open the door to the bay clear and wide.


"So you weren't looking to have a nice chat," Marie replied to Gallo. "Clever. Additionally, you know my set of possible actions while I know only two of yours. Disadvantageous, certainly, but..."

Marie traced her route.

"...if you know anything about me, at the least, you know how we were trained." the engineer-scientist finished as for a second, she became a bolt of energy again. The bolt flew up the side of the mountain, bouncing off of the slope and vaulting over the laser barrier, searing a trail in the snow as it stopped, turning back into Marie, this time with her spear back in hand again. Once again, the air began to fill with the sharp smell of ozone -- particularly strong where Marie had once been.

"And since you know anything I can do, that means I don't have to worry about that, right?"

She bolted off once again, in a blinding zigzag of energy as she closed in on Gallo.

"GAK-" A rather unlady like noise came out of Rhea's mouth as she was flung into a wall, and her world seemed to dim for a moment before she snapped herself back into focus, catching twisting herself around and catching herself on the other wall before she could slam into it and tumble further down the hallway, looking like a certain cartoon spider hero with how she latched onto the wall... She didn't really actively notice how, her hands and feet were nearly embedded in the crystal, with slight cracks in them both as she had slid across the wall trying to anchor herself with them.

"That... hurt... You..." And just like that, the fact she was hungry, had been forgotten, as her gaze was laser focused on clef's back, like a bloodthirsty wolf. Almost forgetting her suroundings, and almost certainly disregarding the other people in the hall around her, despite how out there Reman was.

Maybe this was... A really bad idea... A tiny voice in her head whispered. But she could barely hear it over the voice that screamed 'BEAT THE VANDAL SENSELESS'! With that, explosive thought dominating her mindset- she knew she had to get closer... At first, she crawled on the wall- as she moved her hands and feet, the purple... but, almost, shifting colored crystals, remained attached to her hands and feet, although they flaked somewhat, and even seemed to encroach on the previously exposed skin and cover that up as well, as she realized this was MUCH too slow, shoving off the wall and jumping to the cieling, grabbing hold of it, and swinging her way to the other wall, before kicking off of it- once more, playing 'the floor is actual sewage' as she moved to assault Clef for his transgressions against her sense of smell- and also her back. She was pretty sure that was going to leave a bruise, but right now, the adrenaline was pumping...

It was only upon getting much... much closer to Clef, attempting to deliver a punch, did she notice that her hand was covered in that crystal she so often used unconciously when doing difficult maneuvers like going up vertical walls, or jumping to a place she normally wouldn't have been able to reach. Although it looked crude, and unpolished, it certainly had a vicious appearance, and for a moment, a great fear erupted in her heart even as she followed through with the strike, for that looked like the kind of thing which could maim, or even kill somone if they were punched with it. She didn't notice the gashes she had left on the walls behind her, and the bits of rapidly evaporating crystal embedded in them.
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Surprise Battleground

Aradia jumped to the side - away from her captain, when the orange surge charged her. The aggression of their opponents made it pretty clear that she wouldn't have the time to simply blast them with strong spells from the back - especially with the extra-chaotic factors of the driver crew being taken into account. The smol magician threw something together quickly - suddenly being enveloped in a cloud of dust and ash, covering about half of the battlefield - accidentally blinding herself in the process, but also disquieting her presence as well as doing the same to everyone else inside.
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Inside the Downrider

Reman for a moment was distracted by the sudden shattering of the ship's sewage system, and marked it down in his mind more things he'd have to fix when this ship takes off. However, this brief moment of distraction by the sudden explosion of fecal matter was enough to let his guard down to Clef.

Reman went flying, scattering across the hall, desperately trying to correct course by softening the blow. It was enough to keep him from injuring himself, but not enough that he didn't hit the nearest wall with a sickening thud. Gaining his bearings again, he got up to see something even more peculiar than what was at the lab. The walls and floors started growing this white, spectral material that resembled what was inside the keys, appearing and vanishing around his fellow crew member, Rhea. He was in awe but only for a few moments as a big black cloud seeped into the ship through the door. It was a bit too much to handle, except for the fact that any kind of smoke COULD be good cover if he can see the current of where the air is going.

As long as Clef didn't get any bright ideas, he could make it to engineering unharmed. He used the stench-ridden air in the Downrider to push the smoke cloud from the outside into the path he needed to walk to, and started running as quiet as he possibly could, letting Rhea distract the Knight ahead.
Outside the Downrider

"So what the hell's your plan this time? Drown me in a pool of magma? Toy with me until I break? Steal the research I don't have?" Romulus was steadily holding the barrier, though both the hag and the occasional attacks of the crew wore thin at the barrier, the portions of the wall he held open held; warping and bending with each successive strike. The armor itself was holding steady, but he knew how open and vulnerable he was at this very moment. His ship was almost practically wide open, with them having the ability to steal a load of keys from anywhere. There was no hope in his mind that the crew still even had a sliver of trust in him, but he knew anyone he'd have come across wouldn't eventually.

However another question came into his mind, while idle. How long would it be until Reman snapped? The Infection is spreading closer to his brain, and if he were to put on another one of those drivers Marie had built, there'd be no telling the result.

Juryrig tumbled in the air, only to use his Blunderbass to readjust his orientation and stick a mediocre landing. "Hoo WEE! That's scolding hot. But I can't get there as-is..."

He glanced around him, gears clicking and ticking together in sync as he sought out opportunities. As he did so, Juryrig took off the burning coat, and just donned yet another red coat. He can't just scout out for opportunities to

"Oh hey, Romulus needs help! We should go and get some pressure off of him, we could probably take down the old magma lady together."

"... Nah nah, Tom. We need some extra firepower, otherwise we'd die next to the surprise antagonist over there. Firepower like-"

"Jury, no. We aren't doing this. I'm not going to stand by and let you steal what you like!"

"Shaddap, bro! I know what I'm doing here!" Juryrig took off, skirting around the battle and going right to Romulus's vulnerable ship. "Besides," Jury added, "the guy needs his comeuppance. Like everyone else on the darn Downrider. Except me, I don't deserve this unjust treatment from them."

"... Riiiiight... Sorry for interrupting you, but what are you looking for, anyway? What could be better in this situation than alchemy?"

The mad alchemist grinned from ear to ear, as he began to scrummage Romulus's vessel. "I'll have you know, alchemy is still an amazing combat style, however the alchemy I can pull off right now won't be able to keep up with the invaders. I expected that, hence why the Blunderbass comes with a special slot. First, before we get ahead of ourselves, we need the source of magical girls; MORE KEYS!"

It took... More than a moment, but Juryrig managed to nab five keys, all of which irked a sinister chuckle out of the madman as he pocketed them all away. Blast. Phase. Swarm. Data. Steel.

"Oh the things, the possibilities..."

Inside the Downrider

Upon crashing into the Cargo Bay, Clef encountered a surprise attack within the Cargo Bay, where Juryrig's workshop and usual inventions are usually stored: a attack consisting of the Alchemical Horse, the Munch-Munch Turret, and the Scout robot!

As sewage continued to erupt inwards, Munchie spat out a load of sewage that it had stored in its maw like a wide-spray hose in order to obscure Clef's vision. Horsie, whom had a scrap pile on its back, launched it towards the general direction of Clef with the intention to add to the chaos that is the loud, stinky Downrider. Scout just uses its arm gun.
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ISS Downrider
Archivist's Office

The situation inside the ship was getting more chaotic by the second—not to mention the trouble outside hadn't subsided at all. The door counterattack had thrown it off its hinges and onto Keith himself, slamming with enough force to stagger the informant for a scant few seconds and make a mess out of his office. To top it off, the rising sewage levels made the very act of breathing almost unbearable.

Today was not his day, he thought, shaking away the dizziness and rushing forth to the hallway of Commons. So the intruder wasn't after his archives...? Keith grabbed his sniper rifle from the sling around his back, slotting both darts he held into the modified chamber and planting a foot on the floor before taking aim. With how armored his opponent was, there was no chance any of the darts would hit anywhere near the hypodermis layer for the anesthesia to take effect—the ex-sergeant would have to be patient for his crewmates to open a breach in the armor.
In the heat of battle and the bite of the snow

Deimos didn't have time to respond to Dahlia's statement before the rumble of the hag's concussion to the earth met his ears amidst the ringing the lightning bolt had left behind. It was instinct that shot his hand towards his captain's wrist as he attempted to fling the two of them to the side. It did not matter what damage these assailants did to the Downrider. Ships were replaceable. Others weren't so much so. Especially not Dahlia. He would bend his knees and fling himself in the air with his Captain in tow. True, he did not match her in height, but it did not stop him from making an attempt to at least draw her away into safety.

This was not combat. This was chaos. disorderly and random. Whoever these people were, be they fanatics or even hired help meant to strongarm the crew into surrendering their hard-earned research did not matter.

The fox skidded to a spinning halt with the captain in tow, then fiddled through his pocket for his HUD. Two clicks and a whirr later, his vision lit up with a half-assed analysis of the heavy-suited opponent standing on the other side of the tundra. He could see the intense heat, but couldn't get much of a good readout on any weakpoints from the distance. It didn't help that the frozen white powder was flying every which way. He was ready to get out of this snowy hellscape.

There was, however, one thing in particular that stood out to Deimos: That arm.

The bulky device may not have been his style, but if he could get close enough... he could probably throw that weight right back at these guys.

But that would require severing it.

Time to think was slim. And it was obvious the Hag would already be winding up for her next attack. He knew staying on the defensive wouldn't make for much of a bold strategy.

"I'm going in for that arm." Deimos locked his eyes on their opponent. It was clear Marie had a handle on her white-coated foe. It was best they overwhelm each fanatic, whiddling down their numbers. even if they were outnumbered - they clearly had the strength to compensate. "I'll need some cover fire. Keep her distracted while I get in close. Once I'm in, you push in and we can take her on from both sides."
Through the cloud of dust and ash could be heard the sound of a clunk! Then another clunk. From both points of origin from such weird audio, the sound of metal moving across itself permeated the air; while not seen due to the dust, at least not yet, the noise itself was probably enough for most people on the battlefield to notice.

Well, that noise, plus the sound of a man shouting out.

"Hey, non-creepy guys! Got some cover over here! First come, first serve! Or just some cover-fire! Probably helps too!"

Maybe not the smartest move, giving away your location to both parties. But when its something like being in the heat of the moment, rational thought didn't come so easily.

As the dust most likely cleared, anyone in the vicinity would see two metal shields, arranged like a triangle missing its third, bottom side. Perry stood behind one of them, firing towards the Hag with a 10mm pistol.

Amidst the carnage, the feminine voice of Perry's resident AI spoke out, almost seemingly groaning as she said, "You better know what you're doing, Perry! What if these other people are bad, too? Looks aren't everything!"

Perry laughed, "Sky, when it comes to a battle between creepy-looking people and normal folks, you know which side to pick."

Gallos eyes narrowed from behind his helmet as Marie darted away, going for a much more theatric approach. It was nothing to worry himself over, however. The man weighed his options in the sparse moments that remained. There was no use trying to catch a crafty mouse twice with the same trap. The glowing field around the man diminished into a wave of particles, re-accumulating around the man. "A waltz, then?"

Gallo unfastened the metal rod that laid concealed in the back of his tunic. It was only about a foot or two long, but a quick shake unfurled the rod to a nice five feet, a telescopic stave. The man watched as the speeding dart approaching, the purplish energy shimmying around his reflective under-suit and finding a new home channeled through either end of the stave. Still, there was no moment but a passing glance, waiting for impact.

The moment leading to the crash, Gallo made his move. With a deep drop, he thrust the rod downwards, swiping it upwards into a circular spin like a baton. A great purple wake of energy crackled through its wake, leaving a deep purple vortex. At the moment of impact, it would appear the two.... missed. No, Marie had been redirected straight from one side of the man to the other, putting her on a point blank collision course with... Romulus' barrier.

The knight crashed into the barrier, releasing a great electrical discharge that boomed like thunder. The impact rippled through and shattered the projected barrier, great weightless slats of faux glass floating away as they dissipated into nothingness. The impact took a heavy toll on Maries armor, not enough to disrupt or dispell it, but quite jarring to say the least. Gallo rested from the maneuver, his suit also not faring well. The slim backpack affixed to his shoulders was disrupted by a circular protrusion releasing, a jet of purple flame and steam venting from the rear. The shimmering of his suit overall dimmed, before slipping away entirely.

The man huffed, stepping away from the discharged Knight. He kept the collapsing prod at the ready, the steaming ends of which had stopped glowing. "While I have you, I have something to pick your mind with. Have you ever noticed the strange abundance of spare radiation on this planet? What Urane calls Echyllis."

Gallo paused to intercept a call. His response was a simple. "Mark it, I'm a little busy."

He resumed. "At first I thought it was Romulus' doing, he seemed wasteful enough. And yet, it's leaked thin here. The nothern pole is drenched in it, the other nearly absent. You wouldn't happen to have anything on that, would you?"


OSC-01 grasped the glowing green fuse as the Pixy unit returned to her from the crater, eyeing it briefly for any new cracks or imperfections.

Energy. Power.

The Overseer clenched the fuse, folding over her arm to toss the pipe into the open cavity on her back. There was an unhealthy sounding mechanical stirring as the reactor spooled, bouncing the loose fuse around as it sped up. It wasn't long before the fuse began to steady, speeding up its rotation as it became a green blue or light. Arcs of green energy weaved from the fuse to the edges of the reactor and back once more, forming a thin green web across the exhaust port.

OSC-01 rose as green bolts of energy flowed down her spine, highlighted through the muscular membrane that surrounded her mechanical midriff. She eyed the fallen glaive a few meters away, throwing her good arms towards it. A thin green wisp of energy arced between the glaive and the robot, rejuvinating it. The polarm shook itself from the ground, zipping to the users hand as if snapped with an elastic cable.

The Overseer stood at the tips of their feet, feeling relieved from the burden of weight as a green fire ignited across the blade of the recovered polearm, sparks of violent green energy spurring from her revived reactor. OSC-01 crouched, practically launching herself off the ground with the force of the reactors exhaust, putting her into a dead-on sprint for Romulus.

In an previously unseen level of dexterity, the Overseer lashed out at Romulus' legs, the sweeping strike priming the man to be buckled over the guardians shoulder as she rammed him at haste- bringing him square to the ground with the charge. "We're not finished with you yet."

The Overseer spun in the air, braking the momentum from the charge by planting her feet firmly into the cold ground.


The Hag chuckled at Romulus' bickering, not bothering turning her attention to the man. Or at least, where the man was. "As much as I've like to smash that little helmet of yours flat, there's something bigger waiting for your participation."

Dahlia ducked out of the way of the impending blast, knocked to her stomach as the rippling wave of energy struck the ship itself, causing the entire Downrider to rock briefly. The front right landing gear snapped, causing the entire ship to roll just slightly in one direction.

Dahlia grunted, pulling herself through the warmed dirt with fury. "That ship cost my life savings, you bitch!"

The captain crawled through the smoke, wiping it away from her eyes as she readied her pistol against the ground, angrily unloading the entire clip in quick bursts. The stability was off, but the grouping was top notch. Strangely enough however, her firepower was being doubled on by another source.

The Hag was interrupted by the steady thumping of light gunfire punching her heavy armor from both the captain and the stranger. The bullets were a small enough caliber that they didn't deal much direct damage to the armor, but it was enough to stagger her and forced her to assume a defensive position. One of the captains bullets struck the edge of the Hags square visor, cracking it as the bullet was caught by the fake glass. With a growl, the bullet was spat out, the glass reforming slowly in an orange wave.

The Hag took a step back, bringing a wide metal pillar out of the earth between the gunman in herself. After a moment of focus, she lashed out at the metal cocoon, shattering it into rough molten chunks of metal the size of cannonballs. The exploding shell sent the hailstorm of metal looming over the captain, mage, and stranger, some impacting both the Downrider and Romulus' own ship on their way down.

The Hags gauntlet sputtered with a guttural mechanical roar, smoking slightly. The circular vent at the upper arm sprang open with mechanical force, a torrent of orange flame and smoke billowing from the vent. In the center of the protruded cradle laid a bright orange crystal, rough and squared that glowed like a star in the nights sky- despite it being broad daylight. The Hags armor started to shift, decaying with the absence of the power source. The Hug grunted, shaking their arm a few times in the cooling air before malignantly slamming the gate shut once more. It didn't stop the overheat process, but it kept their armor from degrading any further.

Cargo Bay

Clef rubbed his metal hands together fast enough to potentially light a fire, approaching the most valuable corner of the Cargo Bay- the one with all the engineering equipment. "Oh ho ho ho man, what all do we have here." Key machining equipment, some... cacophony of a device with a fuse interface, and bits and pieces of dissembled equipment and blueprints littered the scene. The man wasted no time picking apart and pocketing what he could, deciding to phone a friend for the larger equipment.

"Gallo, buddy oh mine. I need an ex-GYAH!!"

Clef was interrupted from his crime spree by the airborne child, which had latched onto his shoulder with the intent to beat him mercilessly. The punches weren't supper effective, but it was enough to delay Clef as the spun and tried to pry the little... thing off. "Get OFF me! I have standards but keep this up and beating up a kid might just go below em!"

Clef eventually got a grip on Rhea's cloak, prying her off and chucking her to the floor as the entire Downrider shifted. The aftermath of Rhea's assault was an odd one- Clefs armor had become slightly deformed and stretched on impact, the remains or purple crystals lingering around the impact points. They soon seeped into the armor itself, forming a black crystalline metal. Clef regained his footing, noticing the entire ship has leaned slightly to one side. His rest wasn't long however, as a hail of gunfire berated him from farther in the cargo bay. "You all just don't know when to quit!"

The man looked around, prying one of the desks away from the wall, spewing loose scraps of paper around as he kicked the desk in a direct intercept course with Scout and Munchie. Between the new angle and the.... lubricant, the desk had no problems sliding down the bay to pin the two devices.

Romulus went reeling back from the shattering of the barrier, letting itself deplete and shatter with a deep, guttural sound mocking that of a window being broken into. Romulus was dazed and stunned briefly before the overseer knocked him off balance into mid-air, before plummeting into the ground. If the armor didn't shatter first, one of his ribs would have. The Blue armor fizzled out, and all but knocked Romulus unconscious, a little bit of blood dripping out of his mouth, smelling vividly of highly concentrated gasoline. Every drop of it that made contact with the frozen ground combusted and was turned to ash shortly after.

Barely conscious, Romulus made a vague attempt to struggle. His gun was at that point stuck firmly in it's real holster, busted and broken at the barrel. He flicked a lever on it, and watched as the ship compacted, and all the contents inside stored themselves away in the little disc he made his ship back into. Before it hit the ground, it fell through a very unstable looking portal, using the spare charge of the gun and activated by a motion of his weakened hand, to bring it right to him.

"Tara, if you truly value the life of your crew members... And anything you do in the future... Protect the disc at all cost."

And then Romulus faded to black, unconscious.


Reman watched as Clef booked it to the Engineering bay, and ditched the smoke to follow suit. In a desperate attempt, he Snuck up behind the knight and grabbed onto the process he had stashed away, and in a quick motion, gave a very sudden and brief tug as to drag it out of the pile of things that he was stealing, in hopes of not just taking the driver, but knocking the items out of his hands.

He also looked for an aerofoil on the suit and charged up a small burst of air in his hand to not destroy it outright as was impossible for EvoKnight suits, but if he decided to leap away, he'd trigger it to send him veering off course.

He didn't care what it cost. He needed to protect the vaguest sliver of family he had.
Going, going.... Gone south.

Aradia wasn't prepared for this, honestly. She'd had a terrible night's sleep, she was in the middle of a war zone, and these cultists were changing their move like they were friggin anime villains. Arguably not the strangest thing she'd seen in her life, but it was in her top five. Thankfully, though, she'd been ignored for the moment - enough time to recharge her wand, a diamond adorning its base now as she lifted it up, a flurry of motion in three short bursts preceding whatever she had planned.

What the magician had planned, as it turns out, was quite a bit more controlled than that lightning strike. The snow itself seemed to surround her, whirling into a frosty haze before icicles shot outwards, the frozen shrapnel pelting and chipping into the Hag's armor with force rivaling bullets; that being said, they were still ice, many of the thorns melting into harmless water before they'd even had a chance to connect. It was certainly flashy, and good at drawing attention - given that she was one of the least-armored people on the field, this isn't the best course of action for her.
Rhea saw stars for a moment as she was slammed onto the ground, back first once more. This sucked, but once more, that voice in her head telling her she shouldnt bother the crazed guy in armor was drowned out by how much she DESPISED whoever this was. Though, she took a breather on the ground, as she groaned in pain, taking stock of the situation... being slammed into the ground by a guy in power armor, tended to knock the wind out of you, she could hardly even wheeze out how much of a crazy person clef clearly was, as she lay amoung the... sewage. Great, her outfit was BEYOND ruined.

Fortunately for the floor-slammed vagrant child, another would soon be joining the fray. Having decided to go and retrieve her equipment upon seeing a rather significant scuffle between crew members, the medic had been in quite decent position to throw a helmet on, protecting herself from the... rather pungent scents now filling the ship. Despite that- this would mark another occasion she found herself regretting her choice of white clothing. And soon, she burst into the cargo bay, quickly assessing the situation, seeing one, clearly aggressive, stranger, she went straight for him, leading with her left shoulder as she charged forward.

Rhea groaned a bit as she looked up, watching with somewhat blurry vision as she puffed for air, at the person charging the one over her. Well... that certainly wasnt going to work... unless, she helped. Between his aircontrol and super speed, she did the only thing she could think of for the moment- he kicked her feet out towards Clefs, And the crystal covering her feet shot out the short distance in a surprisingly amorphous fashion- and then rhea stomped her feet, pressing them to the cargo bay floor as hard as she could.

But, she didn't feel like that was quite enough! As the medic charged, Rhea coughed, and and forced herself to shift her position enough to lash out again- As Nivara charged, towards Clef, on the oppisite side, a crystal shot out of the ground, ready to mash him between the charging Nivara, and itself.

That actually kind of hurt, running into that barrier. But that was interesting. An ability to connect two points of space. But more importantly, it seemed like they were all overheating. She had studied the driver she had access to initially, as well as Osco's reactor. She had learned how they dealt with heat dissipation and, consequently, chose to invest almost everything into a single method of cooling: Aggressive venting.

Marie's driver opened up, its systems gulping in vast amounts of air, its backside spewing out massive amounts of ionized gases that crackled in the air, almost forming what looked like a storm cloud. It quickly closed up after that, the seams faintly glowing light blue again before fading. In front of her eyes, a HUD appeared, alerting her of the current integrity her armor held. It was nearly full. She would be fine. More importantly, she had an idea. She bolted towards Romulus, and then past him, the other blue key vanishing from him. Trigger.

Marie stopped, about twenty meters from Gallo. The spear reappeared in her hand. A pair of wires, trailing towards the man. Circles around them to boost the speed of the projectile. And, and the end, another coil to discharge all the excess electric potential. At the other end, a capacitor. For a brief moment, an invisible object was revealed in the air, similar to the one Marie used against Romulus.

The pale blue key ejected from her driver, and she slotted the darker blue key in, letting the echyllis permeate the system in a moment. Then, she removed it, switching back for Voltage. For a brief moment, she caught a whiff of gunpowder and firecrackers as the echyllis from the keys mixed together, creating a unified effect.


"It's over," she cooly stated.

KRACK! went the spear as it flew forward. The air bristled with electricity as the spear caught the railgun, then the coilgun phase, and then became a point of low potential for the tesla coil to jump to, electricity and projectile leaving white vapor in their wake towards Gallo.

Suppressing his urge to cackle like a madman with all this chaos, Juryrig had carefully eyed the Hag as he went around her; occupied by the captain, the guy with the quickly-ruined barrier, Romulus the punching bag, and the robot wet rag. The vent in the Hag's armor had opened, revealing that special spot in her armor. Now that he had ditched the red coat a while ago, the man blended into the background easier than earlier, thus gave him enough time to not only easily avoid the Hag's little eruption attack, but to come up with a plan to exploit the obvious weak point in her armor.

As Tom had pointed out from within the confines of their shared head, it's clear that despite the output the Hag is generating, she needs to compensate it by releasing the excess waste energy in the form of heat, as Tom could guess that the armor is what's responsible for the Hag's titanic tectonic touch. With the Blunderbass's unique base properties, combined with the metal manipulation of the Steel key, they could reinforce the Hag's armor in all the wrong places, thus enlarging those key sections of the armor.

Things like the joints in the arms and legs, and the mechanisms used to actuate the vent cover. Places like those could force the power armor to drop in performance and allow it to degrade unimpeded, if not outright cook the Hag alive, as enlarging just the vent cover would cause any gaps necessary for fluid mechanical actuation to fill up. At that point, the vent cover may as well be just a big metal cork. If he got the joints in the arms and legs, then that'll restrict the degree of the Hag's movement, forcing her to telegraph her attacks for a longer period of time.

Tom would appreciate it if Juryrig didn't try and cook the Hag. Juryrig, naturally, decided to do it anyway.

As Juryrig rapidly approached the Hag, he shoved the Steel key inside the Blunderbass. Echyllis pumped through the Blunderbass for the first time, causing the gun to crackle with magical energy, glow ash gray from within the Blunderbass's internals, and shudder with a dangerous liveliness that would concern just about anybody. Just as he got in range, he slid across the snow, and pointed the barrel up at the Hag, aiming at the Hag's upper body, keeping her upper arm within his iron sights.

"GOTCHA, TINNY T. POT!" With that dastardly villainous pun served fresh from the cold, Juryrig pulled the trigger. The Blunderbass, without delay, emitted a colored cone of sound akin to the sound of a buzzsaw grinding on steel, shot right at the Hag's upper arm, as well as most of her back and the back of her neck.

Stinky, Tipsy Downrider

With surprising coordination, Scout nabbed Munchie, with its tongue flailing about. The desk that was sent towards them impacted Munchie's coiled tongue, causing potential energy to build within the turret, and thus rebound the table right back at Clef. The velocity of the table was maintained via the "surprise lubricant" being pumped out of every crack and vent inside the ship, as the whole vessel wailed about a meltdown in its engine room.

At that point, The Horse had already donned a sizable load on its back, and charged right at Clef with the intent to ram the intruder. Meanwhile, Scout threw Munchie not at Clef, but in the general area of the intruder. As the plant-shaped turret flew, it waggled its black, large tongue at Clef, coming in to grapple him.

Then Scout deduced more chaos is needed. It zoomed to Juryrig's workplace, picked up glass containers full of fluids that'll definitely cause a chemical fire, and threw them at Clef's general area.
Let's hope friendly fire is off

It seems everyone got the message as the storm of ice and pellets and a loud whirring sound ricocheting through his ears. It was obvious his plan to come in close may not have been the best given the amount of firepower the long-range fighters were packing.

And yet it was distracting enough for him to slip in close, his smaller figure skidding across the snow with his arm raised. Against a gauntlet of this magnitude, he stood no chance - but that wouldn't mean it was impervious. That glowing light. That power crystal of unknown source. It was almost too easy for him. Like a video game pointing arrows towards a radiant orange target with the letters "Weak spot here" plastered overhead. His scanner was going berserk at this point as the heat radiating out glimmered a bright white that nearly blinded him.

All he had to do was see how much it took to get that thing out again without turning the Downrider into a pile of scrap in the process.

The snow billowed up in clouds as the fox leapt once more into the snow-laden air. With a spin, he fell back down, aiming the back of his boot at the Hag's shoulder.

OSC-01 gripped the disc, slinging it to her side. One of the feathers orbiting her unfolded partly before snapping back around the ring, hilding it securely like a vice. The Overseer gripped the unarmored mans jacket, dragging him away from the fray. She stood, firmly planting the active glaive through the loose flaps of Romulus' clothing and into the cold tundra, the hot tip digging through the ground like butter. One down. In its place, the other free glaive unflurled.

The Hag took a defensive position, bringing her arms up as a volley of ice shards impacted the armor. As the area heated up, however, the attack became insignificant. The Hag was caught as she rose, the heel of Deimos boot connecting square in her shoulder. The attack was enough to stagger her... but just barely. The lightweight man fell to the ground as the Hag chuckled, rubbing her heavily armored shoulder. the blast from Juryrigs rifle caught her attention, however. The blast rippled across the gauntlet and arm, causing it to flex involuntarily. The circular vent of the gauntlet was lodged open at an awkward angle, a constant stream of smoke and hot air dissipating as the core within started to slow. The armor started to degrade slowly around the edges once more.

The Hag slammed their free arm down, clenching around Deimos' boot as she stood once more. The Hag swung herself around, slinging the fox around with her as she released him point-blank into Juryrig.

Dahlia flailed about as the chunks of molten steel burrowed themselves into the ground around her and Aradia. She was lucky enough not to be directly impacted, but the shrapnel and shockwaves from the attack were enough to knock her to her chest.


Gallo braced for the worst, jamming the polearm into the ground as he bailed to the left. The rippling bolt was too fast to dodge, however. The spear shredded through the suit around his right thigh, sending a splurt of blood into the air as it planted into the ground behind him. It seemed that he wasn't wearing armor to begin with, at least not like the others. Gallo fell to the ground, instinctively pawing at the wound but knowing to keep it elevated.

The man sighed, resting his arms and leaning over to look at Marie. "A good shot." Something pulled his attention away for a moment, as he rubbed a hand against the ground. The reactor was ready again, but there was no use putting up a fight. A small purple wake of energy formed as he dipped his hand, before being cast away as quick as it came.

Greater duration, less power. A containment procedure.

"But I've got what I wanted, and I can only hope you did too. But I feel I'm going to have to call this one." The man looked down briefly at the wound, there wasn't much he could do about it right now. He spoke coolly. "If you ever desire to stop wandering and work for a real cause again, we can always find a better channel that rage of yours."

Cargo Bae

Clef looked up from the ground as he recovered from the kick, a single pained phase leaving his lungs as the oncoming train of projectiles hurtled towards him. "Oh for the love of-"

The man was flattened between the oncoming desk, medic, man, horse, and the crystal behind him- more than enough force to drop the makeshift driver he was carrying. Unfortunately, it was also more than enough force- the driver fell to the ground in several pieces. The purple crystal behind the train shattered, leaving the entire situation in one big pile.

There was a muffled bout of cursing beneath the pile before Nivara could feel a rush of hot air blow her coat around. A moment later, a green vortex burst from beneath the pile, spouting foul language. "DO YOU ALL NOT KNOW WHEN TO FUCK OFF??" Clef burst through the pile into the air, surrounding in a circling whirlwind of hot air.

The entirety of the pile had been thrown upwards along with Clef, dispersing the crew members about the cargo bay. Nivara was slammed against the shallow roof where the supporting rods of the ceiling connected to the wall, leaving her in a whiplash as she came crashing back to the floor. Reman was sent flying towards the other wall of the cargo bay, towards the loving jaws of Munchie. Horsie was sent crashing into a pile of blank-labeled cans of soup, sending metal cans flying and rolling in all directions. Rhea was staggered by the incident, but not close enough to be damaged.

Clef continued to shout obscenities, but in a different language than the group was accustomed to. Must not be a local. The man slapped the top of the key-working station angrily, leaving behind a black and teal marker in its wake. A few moments later, a purple orb of light swallowed the machine, desks- and just a bit of the wall behind it. The green torrent of energy wasted no time picking up some of the lost loot before plowing through the group of assailants once more as he made his way to the other end of the cargo bay, where the heavy loading door was.
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Reman spiraled to the other end of the bay, crashing with a thud. The pain he had been experiencing only furthered the cancerous spread of the mutation. He watched Clef leave with random bits and pieces of drivers as he got up, attempting to scurry out of the ship through the cargo bay door.


On his way out, he stumbled and tripped over the stairs in pursuit, getting up as fast as he can, but not without flaring up his already transmogrified arm. The spikes beneath the scales ejected out of their hiding places, rustling the jumper Reman was wearing.

Reman attempted to yell out to Marie to warn her of their true motives. "They're not here for him... They're here for the drivers! The whole engineering bay is GONE!"

He then briefly collapsed, the air around him physically feeling colder as the small trail of symbols following him grew larger and more frequent, rising from the ground like mist. Upon a closer look they were purple, and contained characters from a language unknown. His sickness was starting to incapacitate him, but there was no way he wouldn't at least attempt to save his comrades.

'I- I c-can't walk right..."
Inside the down rider- Cargo bay

Rhea groaned from her position on the ground, still barely recovered from the first teim times she was slammed down. Luckily, having stayed on the ground for the most part, she was unharmed during this particular altercation. While doing her best to suck down air, she took stock of the situation, and, deciding she hated clef alot more than she couldn't breathe, quickly glanced around for something to fling at the back of his head- or, maybe the cargo bay's door button to close it on him at just the right moment if she were REALLY feeling lucky.

She probably could have done more, or at least tried, but frankly she was drained, and bruised, not really wanting to help out more than that hail mary catapulting of the nearest heavy, but still launch able item she could find. With that done, she glancerd over to some of the unfortunates in th bay that hadn't gotten back to their feet right away. "IS everyone still alive? That hurt..." Rather than do anything really fancy, she decided that the cargo bay floor was feeling pretty comfy, despite those pains in her back, and just... lay there, for a while. Even if everything smelled like shit, and infact, was shit.
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