"As long as you have something shiny....."

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The rhythmic thuds of horse hooves and a symphony of crickets were the only noise on the cold late summer night. The enormous animal matched it's rider, it's short dark fur matched the obsidian plates that protected his body. Oddly the armor was as durable as steel, yet not as easy to detect and a bit lighter. Crafted from volcanoes in Obsidia.

The animal stopped and gave a quick tap of his front right hoof as if it was a gesture his rider would understand. His dark gloved fingertips ran over the giant's neck a few times before dropping to his own feet. Left hand around handle of the wide blade he carried on his hip. A shallow cave lay before him, and upon noticing the small blood spatter at the entrance, he had reached his mark.

"I'll be pissed if it's a bear....."

The young swordsman whispered under his breath as he took a few steps forward, his shoulder length black hair hid most of his face, it was messy and unkept over his chocolate colored skin. He couldn't see a thing, a few mushrooms were glowing, but it barely illuminated a a yard in front of them. Just as Lord Pardus, had came to an idea, he heard the frantic almost nervous striking of a flint, as if someone was scared in the shadows and wished to reveal themselves with a flame, or attack him neither mattered.
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