Recent content by WaaDor

  1. W

    Astral josh vs terrata or anyone daring

    I already asked in another thread, but does he have autism or some other kind of mental disorder? I'm not trying to poke fun at the guy, but if he's not "all there" than I can understand him going on like he does and I wont look down on him/be judgmental. But as of right now though...yeesh, he...
  2. W

    Summors posts dropped here

    (Do you have autism? Serious question.)
  3. W

    In hindsight...

    I've spent a good chunk of my teenage/early adult life interacting with lots of people in Y! chat and on these forums, mainly .Com. Taking a trip down memory lane with the help of the Wayback Machine, it saddens me that most of the interactions I've had seemed to be nothing more than immature...
  4. W

    Astral josh vs terrata or anyone daring

    Three years too late for a reply, but this forum is dead anyway so why not humor the horse? Reading this Summoner guy's post kind of remind me of the old guys who reminisce about their high school football days. They always claimed to be better than they were, and regardless of how much time...
  5. W

    Summors posts dropped here

    I always found it funny how players would boast about how "powerful" they were; considering that the majority of characters/"powers" were basically made up, it was a given. I also found it funny how people paraded around like they were the baddest thing to ever grace a chat room, or how they...
  6. W

    Where's all the familier faces?

    I don't know why, but the nostalgia hit me tonight.
  7. W

    Old days of Yahoo chat

    I've played for a while. WaaDor is my most current SN that I've had for a few years. I can still remember a few of the names I used when I first started Y! Chat. A few of them are majin_synra, impetuous_demi, euro_of_sakin_rave, sakin_of_euro_rave (yeah, I was horrible at names when I was...
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