Recent content by W0lf

  1. W0lf

    Everything Old is New Again...

    Ayenee Can thrive again..... just at a more mature level. Just because we've grown up doesn't mean our artistic creations must fade away It of course will take much more desire to continue what was so that the once Great Ayenee Won't fade away for ever.
  2. W0lf

    Everything Old is New Again...

    Young common sense.
  3. W0lf

    Everything Old is New Again...

    Hell No..... Drinking n twirling is not a good idea these days
  4. W0lf

    Everything Old is New Again...

    Old skin still fits lol
  5. W0lf

    As the breeze blows...

    Out of no where she was jumped and pushed into a alley. Before her eyes was a pistol and at her throat a dagger. "Since you and I both know you don't need her to guide you to her home, you have one chance to tell me what you want with that young woman. If you lie to me, you'll just be one more...
  6. W0lf

    As the breeze blows...

    The woman was soon to follow the cat, her plan worked. With a almost wicked grin upon her face she set forth to set the rest of her plan into action. "Her Shadow! Oh my dear sweet kitty where can you be?" The woman acted as if she was searching for her dear pet, acting almost frantic...
  7. W0lf

    As the breeze blows...

    The suns rays poked through the cracks of the wooden shack and caressed her face instantly waking her up which she welcomed. She had much to do this day now that the girl was discovered. Sitting up she tossed aside the sleeping bag and rose to her feet. There sitting in the window edge was...
  8. W0lf

    Who's online when you are...

    And I see Rhysis.......
  9. W0lf

    The Gray and one of the Great Cat's (- the red fur)and

    wish I still had that photo shop program
  10. W0lf

    As the breeze blows...

    The mysterious woman walked down the the edge of the river, it was a place she felt very much at home. Some time ago she and her husband lived there but then Katrina came a calling. From her pants pocket she removed her phone and fumbled through her contacts. Once finding the number she...
  11. W0lf

    The Gray and one of the Great Cat's (- the red fur)and

    Here Wolf form is a massive black wolf, thick furred, green eyes
  12. W0lf

    It is very hard to...

    I dun know how u handle it all Madi. I just have a mother who refusses to do anything for herself n a step Dad who has a bad back n knee who can't do it all on his own. You are SUPER MADI!!! And with that it is time for me to be on my merry way. Be back tonight
  13. W0lf

    The Gray and one of the Great Cat's (- the red fur)and

    lmao, yeah she does look a tad crazed.
  14. W0lf

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    I guess this is was happens when a ex .Com'er shifts to a .Org'er. lol(hangs head in shame)
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