Recent content by Sinful Feline

  1. Sinful Feline

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    out tell monday...summer vacation is coming! ARG!
  2. Sinful Feline

    The Tower...

    Jewel kissed Der on the nose then locked her gaze with his. Her voice a soft whisper as she started the tale that began their friendship. Her words loud enough only for Der, the story only for him, to make him remember all of the good times as well as the bad, for the whole story was intertwined...
  3. Sinful Feline

    The Dark Tower

    Petting him softly while he spoke, then she nudged his chin up tell his eyes met hers. "Careful now my little love, remember the rules of engagement....We can not strike them, nor can they strike us...We need another...Someone we can control...But for now, a bird will due!" lady Darkness...
  4. Sinful Feline

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Just a note on the felines and the sisters...they can not hurt one another or they all get hurt, but others can hurt them with out that this...If Maul hurts Swish, all 3 felines get hurt...if light hurts dark, she feels the pain too...but say Gamel shot Maul, only Maul would feel...
  5. Sinful Feline

    The Tower...

    From within the tower Swish could feel Nalya's fear, part of her mind drifted to watch over Nalya. She witnessed Fang's illusion and was most grateful that he understood Nalya's fear and was helping to ease it. She returned her full focus to the healing of Der. Beside her she could feel the love...
  6. Sinful Feline


    I'm a little late, but, Hi an welcome aboard!
  7. Sinful Feline

    The Tower...

    Both felines nodded at the same time and Lady Light stepped forward and laid her hand upon the back of Chesh. Her eyes closed, mouth slightly open, head laid back, her long hair moved as if brushed by a wind that was simply not there, her skin began to glow with light, this light flowed down her...
  8. Sinful Feline

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Out tell tuesday...3 day weekend for the 15ur old gamer, so I wont be able to get near the comp lol
  9. Sinful Feline

    Official Rant Thread (ACW: Volatile Language)

    *No reply needed, need to vent!!!***** Fuck her...Tell's me I'm not longer her mother...she thinks she can take the baby and the court will give her full custody with out visitation rights for grandparents or the father...we'll see about that...cause all of us can pass a drug test and I know she...
  10. Sinful Feline

    The Dark Tower

    Maul froze, eyes wide, ears laid back, teeth bared, fur standing on end, his breath drawn in raggedly...He felt a rush of power being drawn from him before he could even react. Lady Darkness felt a presence in the room, drawing from Maul. She snatched him up, cradling him in her arms and wove a...
  11. Sinful Feline

    The Tower...

    Jewel had lived a life of many adventures, had met and seen many a creatures, she knew that what you saw was not always what was there, so this change from child to holy being did surprise Jewel, but it did not strike her silent in awe. Der was her main concern and with a soft caress of his ear...
  12. Sinful Feline

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    Nalya is out of commission for a few! Her keyboard and coffee met and did not like each other at all!
  13. Sinful Feline

    OOC Thread for The Awakening

    ok, posted...Hope it's alright, kinda auto-ed Der, sorry lol
  14. Sinful Feline

    The Tower...

    Swish lifted her head in time to see the 4 others step through the portal. Her heart soared! Kids! O my! Swish loved kids, they where the best playmates! But then she remembered what they where all here for an a shutter ran through her small furry form, Jewel noticed this and placed a comforting...
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