Recent content by Heiliane

  1. Heiliane


    Oh, go bugger a sheep, Mith, I'm working on it. :p
  2. Heiliane


    Yay! 'Smy Amya! -nibbles on in welcome and violates a little while the others aren't looking-
  3. Heiliane

    A Familiar Topic

    What you’re describing are her thoughts and feelings. You’re describing exactly what I said without even realizing it. Here, I’ve taken the liberty of re-writing it for you the way you meant to write it. “She put her hands on her hips, slanted her eyebrows and pushed her lips out.'How does...
  4. Heiliane

    A Familiar Topic

    Lowthor, bro, sorry but we passed descriptiveness already. It's been rectified and decided that we all agree to a certain measure. But I've got to say, I definitely disagree with you about telling people about what your character is thinking. Giving the room an idea of his thoughts will allow...
  5. Heiliane

    A Familiar Topic

    I personally just can't understand that. If I came into a chat room or onto a forum and saw one guy writing in the way I exhibited first but doing something like fighting the Black Beast of Arrgh, and another guy performing somewhat domestic actions but actually stitching the sentences together...
  6. Heiliane

    A Familiar Topic

    SJ, once again you misread me, I already said descriptiveness was not what I was talking about, I mean language, the way you word your posts, the way they're strung together. “He walked into the room, he sat down, he ordered a mug of ale, he drank it slowly.†Or “Arthur walked into the...
  7. Heiliane

    A Familiar Topic

    Ah, I apologize, this time it was I who misunderstood. Though I agree with speaking to potential partners about your own personal preference before hand, definitely a good way to do things. Raharanor- This group of yours sounds silly. To claim your intent is to improve the quality of posts...
  8. Heiliane

    A Familiar Topic

    Actually, Tiff, she was making a joke, attempting to lighten the mood and that. She actually did read all the post and was simply making fun of the kind of people who don't. Hence why she said "On a more serious note" down at the bottom. But there actually still are decent role players that...
  9. Heiliane

    A Familiar Topic

    SJ, I don't disagree with you on many of your principals, but I do believe you are reading far too much into my article that was never said. I never said I tend to take up the entire chat screen with my posts, I tend to do at most three or four for a single character when length is required...
  10. Heiliane

    A Familiar Topic

    [Article]A Familiar Topic It has been a long time since I wrote an article on RP, many of you may remember some of my old ones, published under the alias of “The Journalist of Ayenee.†I had thought my days of writing articles on our pastime were over, but with the current state of...
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