Recent content by Ahkhkharu

  1. Ahkhkharu

    Blame it on the dark lord...

    Hello Mr. Foxx. It's nice to see you still alive and kicking. Cory was telling me you had some questions for me on one of his emails, you should really ask them yourself though. :P Email me or msn me if you have it, [email protected] is still where I am. Hugs+love ~Danielle
  2. Ahkhkharu

    I'm horrified and intrigued.

    Since I don't know what Nyst is, I don't think I had such a character. :D And I did mean Arimas of the black robes. More of a 'hi if you're out there, I steal your name alot for npcs because you were awesome' kinda thing then anything else :D Hi to everyone who said hi, I do remember you...
  3. Ahkhkharu

    I'm horrified and intrigued.

    I have too many projects going on to have the time to play RP chess with you at this time. You're safe...for now. If I drop the archive, or my moderation on a chat, or lose my job ( :p ) that may change. Also, I find it amusing that, of all my characters, i'm remembered for randomly joining...
  4. Ahkhkharu

    I'm horrified and intrigued.

    So, The Dark Hunter and Gargauth have informed me that you're all still here...except that here has changed. And progress is good. I like your new forums. I'm still me, I played back in 97 with the above two, and last time I checked in (somewhere around 2000) my sword, Darknessbane, was...
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