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ayenee:items:overseer [2019/07/01 19:52] – [Optics] the legend of lonk pancakeiayenee:items:overseer [2019/10/02 19:46] (current) pancakei
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 ===== Appearance ===== ===== Appearance =====
 +{{ :ayenee:items:overseer_default.png?350|A typical OStA model, in their prime.}}
 Overseers as a whole are very humanoid robots, with a generally slender build. Overseers came in various shapes, but the most common model carried a mostly androgynous build with a light female figure, giving them a visually appealing and statuesque appearance. Overseers were always produced at a median height of 5' 4". Overseers as a whole are very humanoid robots, with a generally slender build. Overseers came in various shapes, but the most common model carried a mostly androgynous build with a light female figure, giving them a visually appealing and statuesque appearance. Overseers were always produced at a median height of 5' 4".
ayenee/items/overseer.1562035948.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/01 19:52 by pancakei