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ayenee:items:overseer [2019/07/01 19:49] – [Networking] it's been so long since I went wiki'ing, I forgot how internal links worked pancakeiayenee:items:overseer [2019/10/02 19:46] (current) pancakei
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 ===== Appearance ===== ===== Appearance =====
 +{{ :ayenee:items:overseer_default.png?350|A typical OStA model, in their prime.}}
 Overseers as a whole are very humanoid robots, with a generally slender build. Overseers came in various shapes, but the most common model carried a mostly androgynous build with a light female figure, giving them a visually appealing and statuesque appearance. Overseers were always produced at a median height of 5' 4". Overseers as a whole are very humanoid robots, with a generally slender build. Overseers came in various shapes, but the most common model carried a mostly androgynous build with a light female figure, giving them a visually appealing and statuesque appearance. Overseers were always produced at a median height of 5' 4".
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 ===== Features ===== ===== Features =====
 ==== Optics ==== ==== Optics ====
-> "The title of Overseer wasn't picked for vanity."OSC-01, Union+> "The title of Overseer wasn't picked for vanity."[[ayenee:character:osc-01]][[|Episode Two: Union]]
 Overseers are well-known for possessing a well-crafted set of lenses, visual receptors, and sensors. High end models are capable of capturing and processing visual information at rates that far surpass human levels. Because of this, Overseers made excellent lookouts, secretaries, guards, and translators. Overseers are well-known for possessing a well-crafted set of lenses, visual receptors, and sensors. High end models are capable of capturing and processing visual information at rates that far surpass human levels. Because of this, Overseers made excellent lookouts, secretaries, guards, and translators.
ayenee/items/overseer.1562035793.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/01 19:49 by pancakei