

Lone W0lf
So on those rare occasion/s when you just CAN'T fall asleep, what do you do to help the problem?
I generally switch to laying on the couch. For some reason the change of environment often helps. Also, the classic warm milk helps, especially if you add just a drop or two of vanilla extract.
I have neuropathy that causes problems/pain in feet n lower legs. I was diabetic for much longer than I was aware. Then on top of that a knee replacement which only caused more problems than it solved. And untop of that lol a few other things that cause constant pain w/ back. Yes, I am a complete mess. Usually I can deal with it all but when the pain keeps me awake n the morning comes n everything atacks all at the same time..... I tend to whine a bit.....sorry.
I've got the same thing, except I'm putting off the knee surgery...I hate it even more when I get antsy leg and tired but in to much pain to sleep...Drugs, I need drugs!! And chasing the baby around makes it so much worse
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