Temple Raid (Started on messenger)

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Idea Man
Vel says:
*A crossbow bolt thudded into the wall and Vel spun to face its source. They'd been fighting for almost an hour now. The mission was going wrong. Their target was a Matron and her priestesses in another city nearby, and Vel, Kayt and four others had been spotted gaining entry to the temple. Now they were up against at least ten times their numbers, but they were gaining ground....
... Vel drew his arm back, crafted a dagger from thin air, and hurled it to slay the Drow temple guard with a blow to the neck.

Kayt says:
Kayt didn't much care about the odds as long as she was killing something, it showed in the gleam of her eyes and the wicked grin that traced her lips. Even if she sometimes laughed it off or refused to admit it she and the sword she had been forced to take made a good team. She was covered in drow blood and making her way toward the doors she knew would lead to their targets. Unaware at the moment that she had put some distance between herself, Vel, and the others.

Vel says:
Vel shouted to the others and between them the five former Drow charged towards the door in a wedge. They too had lost sight of Kayt, unaware as they were of how much further she had reached, they started to cleave a break into the guard's lines. Between them and the main door, there was a long hallway, with another ten or fifteen guards. Kayt had found her way into a side passage...
and had only four guards to get by.

She smirked as she moved slowly toward the guards, she spat an insult at them in their language, speaking it perfectly as always and then charged them. they couldn't all four attack her at the same time, the walls of the passage would not allow it. She blocked the attacks and managed to wound one before pressing herself against the wall to keep from taking the full blow of anothers attack.

Vel was very much in the thick of it. He had two swords in his hands now. One to block the blows, the other to despatch the guards with vicious stabs through the gaps in their armour. There were two elves with him, one to the left and one to the right, each fighting well, but meerly keeping up with the lightning quick reflexes of the former house assasin. The other two were guarding the rear...

She brought the sword up to block another attack and then kicked one of her attackers agains the other wall so she could get off the one she had forced herself again. For mere seconds she went to fighting one handed while her right gloved hand reached into the cloak and produced a dagger. The guard she had forced against the wall was still trying to stop the ringing in his head, seconds a dagger found his throat and she went back to two hands on her sword pressing the remaining two guard.
*The warrior to Vel's right wreathed the walls in a bright illusion of flame, and Vel seized the opportunity. He went low on the nearest guard, severing his left leg, then high on the right with a slash to the throat. The now crippled guard with a severed leg was brained with a sword pommel as the group of Yillyth's followers moved past the half way mark of the hallway.

Katy would have liked to drag out the fight, leading the guards into a false sense of security, however such things would have to wait when she was less pressed for time. In short time one guard was missing a head and the other a few internal organs. Moving now to the one living guard (she wounded earlier) a sickly crunching sound could be heard briefly as she stepped on his throat. Leaning over she picked up the loaded crossbow he held and moved on silently down the hall.

*Ahead of Kayt, was a single door, braced with a dark grey metal. It was clearly a side door, and it was closed. Vel was faced with another cluster of guards, and a drow in the robes of a wizard. The wizard was chanting and a moment later there was a massive crash as a horned, scaled, vile looking devil was called forth into the battle. The guards backed away, and Vel grinned. Now he was faced with a lesser minion of his mistress' ancient foes.

Kayt would stop the moment she noticed the door and started looking for traps of any kind. She barely glanced behind her at the sound of the crash unaware of Vel and the others fate or that a devil had been called into play. Once she was satisified that there are no traps in the hallway around the door she would move closer but still cautiously.
[21:44] lowthor: The devil was unable to lash out at the wizard who'd summoned it, so instead it chose that moment to hurl one of the guards towards Vel. Vel stepped to one side, and allowed one of his allies to kill the dazed drow. "A devil. I was starting to think you were without any tricks at all." His swords vanished, only to be replaced by a throwing knife in each hand. They flew through the air, one sliced the devil's cheek, the other stuck in its shoulder. Vel grinned as the devil let out a scream that made the walls shake....

[21:51] emerald_firegold: Kayt pressed herself against the wall hidden by the shadows. When she got to the door she didn't test to see if it was locked or not, instead she stayed against the wall and tried to see if she could hear anything on the other side. She was against the wall opposite the door handle, that way if the door was open she would be hidden by the door.

[21:52] lowthor: The door was locked, and there were voices inside. The scream from the devil made the bar on the door jump free, and the door crept open an inch or so...
[21:53] lowthor: ... Vel grinned again, and the Devil charged him. The others with Vel backed away, leaving their captain to face the hellspawn. Two swords once again formed in Vel' hands, each a rusty reddish brown. As the devil charged, Vel ducked to the left, span and cut the devil's leg out from under it....

[22:01] emerald_firegold: She glanced down the hallway as the scream sounded and caused the foundation to shake, what the hell...She didn't put much thought into it though. Watching as the door crept open she smirked slightly, reaching up she pulled one of the metal sticks that was supposedly holding her hair up and out of the way. Listening closely she attempts to count the voices in the room. Could she be so luckly that the only people in the room were the preistesses and matron....
There were at least four in the room, more perhaps, and the matron was certainly one of them.... The devil screamed again, stumbled and struch Vel a powerful backhand blow that sent the elf sprawling.

She waited only long enough to judge where the Matron and others might be located. She had one shot with the crossbow....this would be fun. Slipping away from the door a few feet she moved across the hall in the shadows, completely invisable to all. Then moved back toward the door quietly and took her first glance into the room. As soon as she spotted the first person within the room. She took aim with the crossbow and fired, not even waiting to see what would happen, she dropped the crossbow and kicked the door open with her foot moving into the room. As she stepped in the stick left her hand, released in the direction of one of a preistess.

*The first person she saw was a guard, or an ex guard to be more accurate once the crossbow bolt thudded home in his neck. The priestess however found that the thrown stick only stuck in her forearm, and annoyed her enough to order the remaining five guards to kill Kayt....
... Vel sprang back to his feet, then squared off with the Devil. A massive claw swung at Vel's head, but he swayed to the right, and lashed a cut across the devil's forearm. Once again it screamed and the walls shook.

She chuckled lightly as the priestess made her order, pulling her sword from its sheath as the five guards moved foward. So the stick wasn't very effective as a killing weapon, but soon perhaps it would be soon enough. She did not wait for the guards to surround her, as they moved forward she attacked, but she attempts for the moment to stay near the door she had come in.

Vel says:
..Vel seized the advantage and as the Devil screamed, he stepped inside its defens, stabbed to its gut, then with his other blade quickly sliced into its temple. Then he pulled his blades free and leaped back before it could retaliate.

Blocking the first couple of attacks she finally pressed cutting into the first guards lower torso and moving without a second thought to the second guard. Twisting out of the way of his attack she kicked him in the back of the knee as she blocked the third guards attack bringing their swords down toward the ground she side stepped and then back to cut the second guard across the back as he tried to recover from her kick.

There was a thick steaming ichor running from the Devil's wounds, and it was starting to weaken it. Vel ducked in again, a quick flurry of cuts severred a wrist, disabled the already wounded knee, and finally hacked the throat out of it. At this point the devil slumped to the ground and vanished with crash that caused the wizard's magic to feed back. "Now. Kill them all." Vel grinned and the group charged the drow guards.

The third went down as quickly as the first and second, cut from the side up to the shoulder as she moved on the fourth and fifth. It would have been fun to torment them with hopes for a a few minutes but that wasted time she could spend on the Matron and priestesses. So with a few moves both the guards crumbled to the floor. She turned on the preistess now with a smirk.

"Very well. You have amused me enough." The Matron spoke "Now my daughter, kill her." The priestess raised a hand, and a burning red ray shot towards Kayt. Vel and his men were making light work of the guards outside, and the wizard had just fallen, his head cleaved from his neck.
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Kayt’s smirk became something more akin to a crazed grin as the Matron began to speak. She started toward the Matron and her daughter, sword ready to take both their heads. Before she could reach them the red ray was coming at her. She did not stop but attempted to dodge the ray. It grazed her arm and she went to her knees in pain.
Thalack'Vel was about to kill the last of the guards, but he was taking his time with this one and his troops were already at word trying to break through the large sealed doors to the inner temple.

"Renounce her and you may still live. The spider whore is falling, only those that take up the path of the four will survive." Vel said in Drow to the guard who he held up in the air by the throat. These blue skinned warriors had a strength that greatly surpassed their former Drow kin.

"Never." The guard croaked. Vel thrust a short stiletto blade through the guards ribs and then hurled the last guard to the ground.

"Then go to her." He said and spat upon the corpse.

The hallway was awash with blood and scattered bodied. "Get that fucking door open now" the former house Orthe'Vloss assasin shouted. It was barred from the other side and no amount of force from this side would cause it to budge. There was however a narrow opening to the right of the door, and in it Vel found the wizard, cowering, all of his tricks used up, and the summoning of the devil his last hope. Vel grinned...

The priestess strode forward and cast another ray at Kayt. For now they would try to play with her, there was no further threat coming was there?
Kayt still held the sword her knuckles pressed against the floor as she started to get up. She glanced up when she heard the footsteps of the Priestess. The look in her eyes was deadly she saw the ray coming but did not attempt to dodge it. Clenching her teeth as the ray hit she attempted to resist the pain that washed over her, not giving them the satisfaction of screaming. She was on her hands and knees still keeping a tight grip on the sword.

Pain she was used to but even she had her limits. She was already trying to think of a plan but it would be really helpful if Vel would come through the doors.
A ball of magical sparks fizzed ineffectually against Vel's face. The wizard, if it was possible, slunk back more. In a movement that most would describe as rapid, Vel had one hand around the wizard's neck and a dagger in the other with its point pressed to the helpless Drow spellcaster's eye.

"Two choices. Open the door now, or I start with your eye and work downwards." Vel's words were so laced with threat the wizard started to tremble, then he waved his hand at the door and a moment later there was a loud crash as the beam fell to the ground.

"Get in there and kill every drow in sight. If the elf girl lives be careful where you swing. Our masters have uses for her still."

Vel deposited the wizard with a throw that sent him sliding back down the hall. "Run and tell others what service of the four can do for a Drow." He shouted and turned his dagger into a sword.

The door swung open with a clang and two blue skinned elves charged in. The priestess reacted and felled one with a powerful opening, but she took her eyes off Kayt.
She was up and moving behind the priestess as the two blue skinned elves charged into the room. It mattered not what the priestess did, Katy knew she would die. But not by Katy’s hand, that was for the Matron. Katy wanted…no needed…the Matron Mother to die at her own hand. If she took this opportunity Vel gave to kill the priestess then it would be Vel or one of his men who would get to kill the Matron.

So with the priestess and the Matron distracted by the sudden opening of the door and the blue elves that came through it, Katy had taken her opportunity. With sword in hand she ran behind the priestess toward the Matron.
The priestess was alittle distracted by the group of tall, blue killers that came charging into the room. After the first two came Vel, and he would not be so easily dealt with.

"Start praying to the eight legged whore. You'll be with her in no time." Then he hurled a knife that had formed in a hand that had been empty instants before. The priestess dodge, but before she knew it Vel was right in front of her and she was fending off blows from a pair of swords with her own weapons.

The Matron raised a hand and shook her head. "Foolish elf, you would attack me here?" She said and with a flick of her wrist caused a column of fire to rise from the ground in Kayt's path. Without action Kayt would collide with it as it reached head height.
Kayt said:
She growled under her breath when the Matron shook her head, the distraction the blue drow had caused was over. Kayt had started to respond to the Matron's words but any thought of answer was cut short by the eruption of fire in front of her. She jumped to the left to avoid the column of fire and paused in her movements. Paused long enough to bring up her ungloved left hand, pointing at the Matron and from her lips fell the words of a spell. Two missiles left her fingertips and flew toward the Matron. She rarely had needed to use her magic anymore but she continued to prepare it in case the need arose. She was by no means a Bladesinger but had been taught the ability of using sword and magic in unison.

Vel said:
The matron ducked to her right. One missile flew over her shoulder, but the second struck its target with a hiss. The Matron howled with rage and drew a multi-headed whip that was attached to her belt. With a crack against the floor she extended it. Then she cast a sphere of light at the ground . It burst with a bright, blinding flash and then the Matron charged Kayt. She swung her whip at Kayt, a mass of spiked strands aimed at her upper body. Meanwhile, Vel was having his fun with the priestess. His blades were a blurring flurry of steel and the priestess was struggling just ot stay alive. Vel aimed low, the priestess just blocked, then Vel span to the right and aimed high. He was almost playing with her right now.

Your move
She had started closing the distance between herself and the Matron after she shot the missiles. She didn't like using her magic, it was a reminder of a past. This however was not the first Matron she had faced and she knew the kinds of tricks they had up their sleeves to stay alive. The column of fire had only served as a reminder and this was why she didn't try rushing in again.

Seeing the Matron cast the sphere at the ground Kayt had turned her head to shield her eyes and called out a warning to the blue drow warriors that were still living. She wasn’t completely blinded. She heard the sound of the whip hissing through the air and saw the multiple heads coming at her in a blur. She twisted and dodged to the left bringing her sword down on top of end of the whip cutting through its multiple heads. Without waiting to determine the results of her action she charged forward. Closing the distance between herself and the Matron where the whip would no longer be useful even in it's damaged state.
Vel's foot lashed out and caught the back of the priestess's heel, sending her down to one knee. He stepped back and let one of his swords fade into nothingness. Was there anything more useful for a former Drow weapon master; admittedly not at Ti'then's ability, than the power to form swords and knives from the very air?

"You can renounce her. There is still time for you to serve the future rulers of this evernight land." He said in Drow.

The priestess cursed him and his spawn before she surged to her feet and hurled a ball of light into his face...
The Matron dropped the whip when Kayt struck it with her sword and began to cast a spell. Her eyes watched the elven woman coming at her and she only smiled as her lips moved with the words of the spell. She held a hand out, palm up, toward Kayt but to Kayt’s eyes it appeared empty. The two blue drow at the door had their attention on some remaining remnants of the house guard and Vel’s attention was on the Preistess. If any of them spared a look they would see what Kayt could not, a ball of fire in that outstretched hand. The Matron only waited now..yes a little closer.

Kayt knew the Matron was casting a spell but it would take too much effort to figure out what it was and she hoped to get into sword reach to the Matron, she was growing tired of this battle. Knowing it was only a step away, the Matron’s head would roll, Kayt raised the sword to strike. Before she could swing the Matron flicked her wrist, with a laugh, and Kayt screamed. Something had hit her square in the chest and it burned! Her eyes went wide more with shock and surprise than pain…that would come a split second later. Out of rage she swung the sword cutting deep into the Matron’s still outstretched arm and staggered back two steps her free hand on her chest…
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Vel reeled back and immediately had to parry one, two, three wild swings of the priestess' weapon. Yillyth's gifts had allowed him to leave the underdark without his strength being sapped by the sunlight, but he'd still spent far too long underground for his eyes to like bright light. The preistess only appeared now as an indistinct dark blur surrounded by whiteness. Vel was fighting more by instinct and hearing than sight now, and the priestess was starting to gain some momentum as he was forced to block and parry more and more blows without the chance to riposte.
Kayt actions saved her from a second ball of fire that had appeared in the Matron’s hand when the first was thrown. It was the Matron’s turn to scream and the ball of fire flew across the room hitting the wall, the spell was lost. The Matron pulled her injured arm to her body. Everything started to dim around Kayt, even the Matron appeared blurry. Kayt shook her head trying to regain normal sight. Forcing the pain out of her mind, because if she didn’t she would pass out, she draw from within herself the strength she needed to finish this. What she tapped into was a part of herself she had always kept suppressed and controlled, it was darkness, -madness, a mix of dark emotions she had refused to allow in her past. But with her current life it had slowly started coming forward and now without it she would surely die. She would rationalize it later, it would play on her conscience or with the right circumstances her Master may finally get what he wanted.

The Matron smirked at seeing Kayt’s dazed stare and shake of the head, “You are weak…” she hissed reaching with her good hand into her robes for the item she would use in her next magic attack. Kayt narrowed her eyes at the Matron’s words “Not now…not by your good hand…Tell the spider bitch I said hello…” she replies in drow. Kayt moved quickly, before the Matron could full remove the item from her robes, spinning to one side of the Matron the sword came down against the back of the Matron’s knees. The Matron fell forward, firsts to her knees and then put a hand out to catch herself. Kayt grinned as she grabbed the Matron by the hair to keep her on her knees. Bringing the sword in front of the Matron she pressed it against the neck. Without another word Kayt slit her throat, there was a gurgling sound for a moment and then silence as Kayt finished the job. She took the Matrons head completely off and kicked the body to the ground. She felt the warm spurt of blood spray her but ignored it. Instead, she would move toward Vel and the Priestess. After moving closer she tossed the head of her mother at the Priestess, hoping to distract her so that Vel could get the advantage back.
The priestess might have reacted carelessly and tried to catch the head of the Matron. She did not have time. The still partially blinded Vel reacted quicker and managed to turn his sword to deflect an attack that sent the priestess' weapon too wide, then he followed up with a flurry of cuts that first knocked her to her knees, and then to lie face down, disfigured with a cut throat, on the temple floor.

Vel let his blades vanish from sight, and then he shook his head. "Blinded me." He said and kicked the dead drow at his feet.
The pain in her chest was seeping back into her thoughts and the smell of burnt clothes and flesh was reaching her nostrils. She was covered in blood, a mix of her own and her enemies. After tossing the head she turned back toward the matron. Putting the sword away her arms wrapped around her chest, she was fighting to stay conscious and ignore the pain until she was safe from this house. She had moved toward the Matron and started to bend down over the body but instead falls to her knees. With one hand she reached into the bloody mess and removed a necklace from the body, it was the symbol of the Matron’s house.

She had heard the fight behind her end and glanced around to watch the priestess fall face down to the ground. She smiled weakly at Vel’s words and the kick. Slow she would stand, it took a lot and she couldn’t hide the fact that several tears streamed down the side of her cheek…thank god he was half blinded. “Vel…side door…we have to leave now.” he would however hear the tension in her voice as she continued to fight back the pain, a wave of sickness, it was a fight she was losing quickly and inwardly she thought if she died here she’d find a way to haunt him. What kept her going now was will and pride, she could still sense the dark within her but didn’t yet know what part it was playing.
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