

New Member
Well met everyone. I'm trying to find some role play, either chat-based or perhaps play by board. I see that there's some going on here. Is it all based on the forums, or is there some chat-based? :) Thank you for your time.

She's a LIAR! I'm polite as hell dammnit!

...can I say those words on here? Or will I get in trouble if I post anything vulgar?
You'll get into BIG trouble, Mr! You'll have to pack up your keyboard and travel over to .com once somebody logs on and sees all your eeeeevilness shining up from the forum!

Anyways, I'm stalking I guess it's a package deal! Where's the RP? Wait, does that mean I need to read stuff? Dangit.
Do you all see what I have to put up with on a daily basis? But for real. This is my better half, the love of my life, Tes. She's cute. And really, harmless. Unless you go after her candy. Then you may lose a finger.
Welcome To, I'm Mith we do have some rp currently happening upon the boards currently, and we do have a chat system, but it has not been used much since its creation. Anyhow please look around and jump in where ever you feel comfortable. Once again welcome both of you to our little corner of Ayenee.
Well since your together we will give you the double sized padded to Ayenee.Org, I'm Madi, Co-mod of this forum and the Peanut Gallery..Wander around, I'm sure there is something here that will catch your attentions,,And feel free to ask if you've got any questions :)
~Notates that she eats .comers and spits them out. Also notates that if you're transcending from being a .comer to a .orger, then she's alright with that. Also notates that solicitors will be shot on site. Survivors will be shot again. Also welcomes you and introduces herself as theTifferzzz of Ayenee.~ The one and only, behbeh!
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Heartiest of welcomes to both of you! Welcome to! Feel free to roleplay in the roleplaying sections available and any problems or queries can be directed to Mith, Madi, SJ and Co.
Howdy. I'm SJ, local tech-geek. If you have any problems of that sort, feel free to contact me directly, or through the Support Forum.

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