Official Rant Thread (ACW: Volatile Language)


Staff member
Alright folks, this is the official rant thread where you can post your rantings and whatever in your real life has been pissing you off, and this is the place to blow off that steam. Warning though, if it's about someone on these boards, leave their name out of it cause we don't want to start a flame war. Best things to rant about is mostly anything that has been pissing you off outside our community.
I hate people who get drunk and throw punches.
(p.s. I thought SJ's I hate thread was for ranting? Or maybe the pain meds are messing with my head.)
I think SJ's thread was for stating what you hate, this is one to post what is really pissing you off. Similar anyways, but also since SJ's not here anymore, we needed a new thread. :p Anyways later I'll post my rant which was aimed to be the first but errands had to come first before my rant.
I swear burrucratic bullshit for colleges pisses me off we need to advise you on what classes you should take because of course we know all, including when we lock you out from signing up for the new semester until you have a long boring pointless conversation with us where we won't sign you up for classes but we need to say yes we spoke with this person . Stupid colleges. Whats the bloody point of advisory action if theres nothing gained why not just advise new commers to college so that they can get advice and a nice peice of paper that says we need this this and that completed towards what ever major you have.
Well no one 'advised' me. They said you need to take these courses and then your core courses. But I went to community colleague.
You know, it is bad enough that I have to drink my food through a freaking straw and look like my jaw is a metal erecter set, but then I go to the doc's and have to sit in a waitting room full of sick people for 30mins. See the doc at the actual time of your appointment is a joke! So after waitting 30 mins for a 10 min appoinment only to be told nothing new I go home. I wake up the next day with the sniffles and a sore throat. Today, I wake up with a full blown head cold!
30 mins in a room full of sick people will do that to ya!!!
Edit: Put behind a spoiler for strong language.

I found it, without much digging. That pleases me. Greatly.

Anyway, on to the ranting. I'm just in a generally pissy mood. For the past year, my life has been full of various problems and issues that I haven't brought out into the open beyond a slight acknowledgment here and there and that's just fine. The majority of those things don't piss me off anymore because, quite frankly, I just don't care about the person who caused the problems.

That, however, doesn't mean that things have gotten any easier. At least not from my perspective. I know I'm not a bad looking chick. I've always known that, but, I joined the fabulous world of RP years ago for the sole reason that I, like most teenage girls, was insecure. I was insecure for a lot of different reasons that no longer matter. I've outgrown those reasons and just don't give a damn what most people think of me anymore. I won't say no one's opinion matters, because there are a random few out there who's opinions could shatter my self-confidence for at least an hour or two or maybe even a day if they're ranked that high on my list. I am a woman and I have the problems of a woman. But motherfucking MEN are seriously starting to piss me off.

I won't go so far as to say that all men are horny dogs who will sniff at anything that can wear skirts and actually look female and is still twitching, but my damn job puts me into contact with the majority of the ones who do. What is so hard to understand about, "Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not really interested in anything right now?"

I don't know how many times a day these idiots walk into my place of business, smile at me, ask to see my ring finger and see that I'm not wearing a wedding or engagement ring and automatically assume that I'm open for business. Asshole, if I was interested, you would know it. When I fucking TELL you, straight up, I'm not'm NOT INTERESTED! Where is the communication issue here?

Oh, and the ones who have girlfriends or wives! They piss me off the most. They send the little woman running to the car and then ask for my number. Did you think I didn't see that girl with you hanging all over your crotch not ten seconds ago? Bitch, please. If you're going to cheat on your current woman because you think you've found something better, then you're definitely going to cheat on me. I'm not that stupid. Yeah, it's a pretty face but it hides a brain and guess what, that brain works and thinks outside the box, thank you very much.

My favorite thing to hate about them is when they automatically start waxing poetic about how we're "meant to be together." Asshole, you don't know me. You don't know my habits, my hopes or my dreams. You don't know my mom's name and you don't know I have siblings. You don't know I have two daughters and you don't know what my favorite color is. You know nothing more than the shape of my ass in my jeans and that my eyes are pretty. That doesn't mean we're meant to be together. There are plenty of women on this planet who have nice asses and blue eyes and you aren't "meant to be" with me more than any of the rest of them. So kiss that spot you keep staring at and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Motherfucking cocksucking donkey banging assholes. There are not enough curse words in existence for my frustration.

And then there is this one guy. MY GOD! He started out hitting on me in a blatant fashion and I told him, point blank, "Hey, I'm not interested in anything right now." So then it turned into, "Well, we could just be friends with benefits." Again, told him I wasn't interested. So, he said, "Hey, well, let's just be friends." Okay, cool, I can do that. No big. So, then, I go to work and he asks for a hug. I think about it, okay, friends hug. I hug him and he grabs my ass and latches his fucking mouth to the side of my neck. Bitch, go drool on someone else. It's seriously getting to the point that if he doesn't leave me the fuck alone I'm going to press sexual harrassment charges against him.

I know that sounds really bad. I know I probably sound like a million other conceited bitches out there who are all, "He sexually harrassed me. Punish him!" I promise, I'm not that fucking bad. I've never had problems with toilet humor. I don't look down on my manager for looking at a hot chick when she walks in and talking about it with "the guys" later. Whatever. Men do that kind of thing and I don't really care. But, when it comes to invading my personal space and touching me without permission, that is completely different. If he grabs my crotch just one more time someone better come bail me out cause I'm gonna find the closest large object and shove it as far up his ass as possible and then call the cops on myself because I'm seriously sick of his fucking shit.

I honestly just don't understand how people can do this kind of shit and expect to get away with it. I'm not arrogant. I'm not tooting my own horn. I get asked for my phone number at least 5 times in a shift and I'm tired of it. What do I have to do to make people back off and just leave me alone for a while? I think I'm going to go buy a t-shirt that says "GAY AND PROUD" and wear it to work every day and maybe they'll take the hint. Then again, maybe not. They seem to be a little slow.
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Kim, on your rant I and my wife applaud you. I agree with you about what you said that if that guy touches you next time, and I say do it.

Well with me, my time for ranting will come soon cause what I have to rant about is still in the major brewing phase for it has been something that has been pissing me off for the past three months. I'll rant about it later when I'm not tired after a day and half of overhauling and reformatting our home computer which our oldest decided to overload with her programs.
Yeah, well, he just aggravates me. I can handle all the curse words and all the crude jokes they want to throw at me cause I have a mouth like a sailor and most of the crude jokes are hilarious, but when it comes to touching me without permission and invading my personal space that is a totally different ballpark. The truth is, most of the time I'm "just one of the guys" but then they start to notice I have boobs and suddenly it turns into something I never intended for it to be. Just because I can think like a guy on occasion and understand what they find attractive about women doesn't mean I'm easy or willing to let them get away with things they have no right to do without my permission.

And for the record, (cause I just know someone is going to say something stupid to make me go off on them), I'm straight. Women are usually the best judges of other women's attractiveness just because we know what we're jealous of in other women. LoL. I think the guys at my job get confused when I call them to the front and say, "Hey, there ya go," and point out an attractive woman to them. It would be funny if this one particular guy would stay within the boundries.
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I think it's stupid that people look down on the "grunt workers" of society. So, I work at a gas station, so what? At least I'm not lying on my lazy ass spending welfare like it's going out of style and popping out babies like crazy just for child support. And keep in mind, if there were no such things as "gas station attendants" then where in the Hell would you get your gas? If we were all sitting in offices somewhere typing away at keyboards or working in hospitals operating on patients, then the gas station attendants would be making the big money while the "professionals" would be making 7 bucks an hour. I choose to do this job not because I'm an automatic dumbass, but because I get bored sitting in front of a computer all day and *gasp* I actually LIKE my job. Go figure.

I'm an extroverted person at heart with occasional moments where I prefer to be introverted. That's just how I've always been. I may occasionally meet a person I just automatically dislike, but, not very often. That means I tend to stick with jobs dealing with the public longer than jobs where I'm stuck in a cubicle by myself.

Don't get me wrong, I could turn in my comfortable jeans and t-shirt tomorrow and snazz up in uncomfortable heels and "professional wear" and go get a dreaded office job because I'm just that skilled, but I prefer not to. And little bitches who come in sneering because they knew me in HS and think they have a right to judge me just piss me off. Yeah, bitch, that's right. I work at a gas station and I like it. Now suck my gigantic balls and enjoy it. And don't think I don't have balls just because I'm female. I may not have them literally, but figuratively, they're huge and made of titanium. Suck on that.

I think it's funny that I run into so many people I went to HS with since I've started working at this particular job. Some of them I'm glad to see and we can have decent conversations now because we've grown up and become adults and our HS differences no longer matter. Then there are the ones who just can't get over their prejudice no matter how old we are. We'll be 50 and the bitches will still hate me for unfounded reasons.

See, I was called all manner of names in HS. Bitch, slut, whore. And all because the dumbasses just couldn't believe that a girl could have so many "guy friends" and not throw herself at them. PUH-LEASE! Just because YOU don't know how to control that thing in your pants doesn't mean I don't know how. And, thank you very much, but I haven't had intercourse in over a year now. If I was really as big a whore as you always assumed, I'd have had to fuck someone by now. No thank you. I have more respect for myself than that.

And I'm not saying everyone from my HS who was looked down upon deserves a cookie. Alot of the ones who were expected to turn out a certain way did. I was friends with some of the ones who were expected to and did turn out badly. Not because I HAD to be, but because I CHOSE to be. It had alot to do with the fact that I wasn't interested in popularity politics in school. I wore what I wanted to wear and hung with who I wanted to hang out with. I've always known that the only person I ever had to answer to was myself and I wouldn't be able to face myself in the mirror every morning knowing that I was acting a certain way or wearing a certain something just because it was "popular." Screw popularity.

It even went so far as my getting elected for Homecoming Queen my Sr. Year and getting pissed because I was up for nomination. I went to the office the morning of the announcements and opted out of the running. I should have been crowned Little Miss Anti-Popularity.

And this entire little diatribe is all based on the fact that I ran into this stupid girl from HS today at my job. She walked in and struck up a conversation when she recognized me. She was always a little ditzy in HS, but I thought it was all an act, like how smart girls play dumb so that boys like them better. WTFever. I'd rather blow my brains out than pretend to be stupid to make some random male feel better about himself. Anyway, today proved just how retarded she really is. At first, she was nice and asking how things were in my life and blah blah blah. I humored her and answered and then the stupidity spewed forth from her mouth as if she couldn't contain it any longer. "Well, Kim, I never expected you to work at a gas station. You really had so much potential in high school if you had just stopped hanging around those losers. This just makes things even worse."

Uh, when have I EVER cared about "popular opinion?" Please, someone inform me so that I can go back in time and obliterate my youthful self. As for those "losers" I hung around in HS, they were only "losers" because they refused to conform. They liked tabletop RP games and "alternative music." They were different because they had different personalities and weren't "good ole boys" on the football team and primped up prima donna cheerleaders. They didn't shop at Gap or Old Navy or Abercrombie. They preferred combat boots to Doc Martens. Kiss my non-conformist ass.

Anyway, I really have to stop typing about this before I blow a gasket. It just pisses me off that people have the nerve to judge me when they haven't even SEEN me in 8 years. That's right, 8 YEARS! I graduated HS in 2001. Bastards! They are all bastards.
Thanks for the reminder Kim, I really don't want to go to my HS reunion either. Graduated in '97. Most students were ass's. I would love to see the group I hung around with, and they were also considered losers as I was considered a strange loner.

For someone that was also considered a weakling loser, I was the only one that did not get my ass sent to the hospital via a beatdown by our Bosnian ass-kicker Vladimir, and I stood up to him head-on. {laughs at the many that were pulverised by that 6'7" wrecking ball}

{slinks back into the darkness before he lets his increased insanity reveal itself more}
LoL. '97! You're older than dirt! j/k. I was Freshmeat the '97-'98 school year. I didn't get messed with too much back then cause I befriended half the football team and was related to the other half. I think my entire school consisted of an entirety of 7 or 8 different families with a few throwbacks. The rest of us were all related in one way or another. What's funny is, my friends really weren't all that "strange." They just weren't related to anyone at our high school and were "new kids" which gave them the automatic "loser" label. It's hard to be different at a school that only has about 200 students, total, and 93 of those students were in my graduating class. My friend Andrew moved to SHS from Calfornia and everyone automatically assumed he was gay cause he highlighted his hair. It wasn't popular to dye your hair when I was in school unless you were a girl.
Well I just did turn 32 on Sunday. {sticks his tongue out to her in a raspberry} My school was definitely bigger with a lot more assholes. Yep, the part about the new kids getting the automatic label of "loser" sounds the same as well. Aren't we all new at one point, including the ones giving the label? :p

What I hated about some not growing up is when they join the military and brought their HS attitudes with them and act childish all around. I dealt with quite a few like that in bootcamp, Corpschool, and FMSS. My god people, we are in the military and supposed to act like adults, not children.
My graduating class was 45. Didnt like my school or the people in it too much. And most of the people I'd want to see I can easily cuz they're my friends. Whats better is that my friend was our class prez so its up to him to make the reunion which will never happen if he has his way =3
Fortunately for me, but unfortunately for those that gave me deep load of crap while I was in the Navy, those that were dicks to me all ended up with crap happening to them.

About three months ago, I saw a couple who I knew from Corpschool, a couple that I was good friends with, and have not seen nor heard from in ten years. Well they informed me that all those that gave me crap while I was enlisted all had bad fortune in life. A couple of them went insane, and three of them are now in prison for various reasons. Another set of them had all recieved BCD's {Bad Conduct Discharge}. Well I guess Karma does pay a visit to those that do other's wrong. My friends were glad to see and hear that my life got a lot better since my Navy days.

P.S. My rant that I gave notice about will come soon.
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