

.PerpetuaL CheruB.
Probably don't remember me...or at least some of you...but *shrug.* Invited here from a friend on .com, if that doesn't make me an outcast already.

Name's Victoria, by the way.

On a happier note, I like the layout of the place. Any good roleplays I can jump into?
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Hey Hun!
It's good to see you here. I am the one you sent you here lol. There are a few Rp's going which I am sure the participants would enjoy your jumping in.

They will be happy to tell you about them as soon as they get a chance. So look around in the mean time and get your self familiar with the layout.
Hah. That's good. Place looks a bit dead, but otherwise, it's got a good vibe.

Thanks. I will.
Welcome Victoria, Welcome to NewAyenee.Org, I am sadly one of those people who do not remember you. Anyhow you're not an outcast, anyone and everyone happen to be welcome here. As for Good Role plays that all depends on what your looking for. But take a look around and if you don't find anything that fits your pallet try to start a new one I am sure someone will jump in. Anyhow welcome again.
*Waves* ...I've got the memorie of an elephant :)
All the Rp's are good, so jump in any where (Personally I like the Horror rp lol)
Go for Chaos Theory!

I'm probably gonna write up a new post really soon... I've just sort of been waiting to see if other people are going to jump in on the story or what, :p

No, but seriously, everything around here is good. 'Glad to have another person under the wing of .org, heheh.
Greetings Victoria! Its great to see you around Org. Feel free to join any roleplay going at this time...and I second Matt on the Chaos Theory roleplay.
I'm a bit late, but welcome aboard. If you have any problems and Mith isn't around, I'm your man.
I actually do remember you *flexes his memory muscles* o_O Haha welcome to .org. Place might look dead but its um....just for general ambience and feel *cough* We are around...active. Just mingle around with us...join RPs and chat it up. Glad to have you with us. Enjoy!
Haha. I'm such a dork.

I know this is an old thread, but seeing as it was the only one I ever made, I'll just use it again.

I lost my net connection right around the time I got on here, so I forgot all about it. So...yeah. I'll just introduce myself again. I'm Victoria, if you remember me. xD

Hit me up with some roleplay and I'm yours.
Welcome back, Find a niche and jump on in. My earlier post in this thread says it all I tell you.
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