

Well-Known Member
Staff member
That's right I saw you. No lurking for you! Say hi.

(Finally someone else I know.)
Apparently I'm so good at lurking that I can totally miss these kinds of things >___> In any case, heya guys! It's been a while. I was in a car crash recently. I'd like to think that all my gaming and my ninja-ing has given me uber-reflexes, for I somehow managed to avoid a terrible crash by banking right and skipping my car off his like a rock in a pond.

...The damage is still painful, though. Anyway, glad to see you guys are still around! I'll check back every once in a while.
*can be seen and overheard talking into a cellphone somewhere in the corner of the forums.*

'No! I'm telling you, he survived the car crash. I want my money back, unless he meets some horrific accident within the next 48 hours. I gotta go. I think someone's listening. *Click*'
You guys can thank me for him posting, I had to threaten sicking an horde of deadly Elmiras (from Looney Toons) on him if he did not post. :p

Well Corban, welcome to .org once again and hopefully you stick around longer this time. You already know where your room is for you got locked into it. Madi, don't give him the key this time. You know how he swoons you. :p
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