Ayernee Capital City


New Member
OK what is the deal there? One thread I see guns and cybernetics. Is this modern day? is their magic? Fill me in please.
Its modern heading into near future. You wont see a spaceship landing too often, but guys with robot arms arn't out of the question. Its always been a very randomfluid setting that really shows our chat roots, so its subject to changes most of the time.
Well Lowthors pretty much spot on, although I have seen magic and other such in ACC. Its all dependent on the character really. It is rather similar to absolute free form however.
Thank you. Hey Lowthor, If you don't like my last post or the way GUMSHOE is going say so. I'll re edit it into a new post and take it into a different direction.
Its fine man. I just havn't gotten to posting in that yet. I got the noir bug a few months ago and started it, I've got my fantasy hat on at the moment so it takes more thought.
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