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  1. M


    Sup.. Ya still alive? 😂😂
  2. M


    Heh. Hi. Bye. See you next year.
  3. M


    New look.. and you people still on here.. ha.. well some of you.. I think.. hell, I don't even know who I know anymore.
  4. M

    Everyone inside please!!!

    Since I'm sure it's 12:00am somewhere.. and being that time, it should be Dec 21, I would like to be the first, yet again, to wish myself a happy birthday.. :D thank you all.
  5. M

    Dearest MarcO

    Happy Birthday Hahahaha, I beat you!
  6. M


    Whats the latest better software to use for p2p like limewire?
  7. M


    Uh, hi, got directed here by Wolf? from .com? uh, didn't know what the heck happened, and uh who was around anymore or what the heck happened to Ayenee or what used to be .org heh, hit me up if you remember me.
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