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  1. M

    Wandering Mayu Wander this way please!

    Thanks a lot, you guys! *sniffles*
  2. M

    Things I hate.... By SJ

    ...HAHAHAHA! Okay... props to the bartender for making me giggle aloud. Oh...uumm... I hate.. okay, I hate American Idol. I hate that I watch it anyway. I hate that I get invested under protest and then feel disappointment when my boys lose. I hate that at the finale every year, I say...
  3. M

    Things I hate.... By SJ

    Okay... this is an extremely entertaining thread I simply can't stay out of. I hate... wait for it.... waaaait for it... Michigan. I hate M*ch*gan. The team. The school. The colors. The fight song. I hate them. HATE them. >.> The state is fine... once you get past the stink of Ann Arbor...
  4. M

    Time to wander back...

    I have no reason not to.
  5. M

    Spam on my Cell Phone

    Okay there were so many British phrases in that I had to read it twice. *snickers* And I'm sorry, SJ, but that's still hilarious. She totally deserved having her account flagged, too. Well done, old bean!
  6. M

    The Big Game!

    All I know it involves my Colts T-Shirt, a Peyton blow-up doll, and a LOTTA beer! GO COLTS!
  7. M

    Time to wander back...

    Jai still knows how I roll. Nice. Thanks for the welcome, everyone! And yeah... Lowthor, long time no see! :P
  8. M

    Spam on my Cell Phone

    I've had a really strange random text every once in a while like that... but I suppose I've never actually persued it to the point of calling anyone about it. I love that they were all snotty to you, though. *snickers* That wouldn't be funny if it happened to me. I
  9. M

    Time to wander back...

    ... is that a really bad Chuck Norris drawing, or are you just happy to see me?
  10. M

    Time to wander back...

    I thought it time to come back for a spell, catch up, say hello to all the old familiar faces. So... it seems I'm back! It's good to see you all again.
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