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  1. Halo


    Haha. I'm such a dork. I know this is an old thread, but seeing as it was the only one I ever made, I'll just use it again. I lost my net connection right around the time I got on here, so I forgot all about it. So...yeah. I'll just introduce myself again. I'm Victoria, if you...
  2. Halo


    Hah. That's good. Place looks a bit dead, but otherwise, it's got a good vibe. Thanks. I will.
  3. Halo


    Probably don't remember me...or at least some of you...but *shrug.* Invited here from a friend on .com, if that doesn't make me an outcast already. Name's Victoria, by the way. On a happier note, I like the layout of the place. Any good roleplays I can jump into?
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