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  1. Matt Knight

    Looking for Chat RPers

    I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong place (or if this is a terms violation), I felt like this would be a decent place to try and recruit people. Anyway, most of my past RP shenanigans have been chat-based, and when Yahoo Chat 'fell,' I was, personally, devastated. Ever since that time...
  2. Matt Knight

    Hear Ye Hear Ye! RP discussion!

    Defined Area? Okay, that's going to happen then, definitely. I've sort of been building to the whole "getting taken up" thing, but I'll get to it in a more timely manner now. :) Pirates? Ninjas? ... Hey everything's possible!
  3. Matt Knight

    Hear Ye Hear Ye! RP discussion!

    Hrm... does anybody have any ideas as to how I might be able to breath some more vigorous life into Chaos Theory? ... 'Not that it isn't moving along or anything like that, I'm just wondering if there's something it's lacking that would draw more people in. My desire for RP is to have a bunch...
  4. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    Hrm, I can only assume that Marcos is this new character of yours Lowthor? I just read the post and I'm pretty stoked :)
  5. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    Lowthor - I like the sound of a non uber-techie char who's savvy in this stuff. 'Hopefully we'll see you soon? Zeth - Who/what are you talking about exactly? If you're talking about the thread then, yes, it is still going, but if you're addressing someone/something else I'm at a loss...
  6. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    Hrm so a time-traveler AND an inter-dimensional traveler? Sounds awesome to me. :) Is he/she going to be a tech-head char or a magic wielding one?
  7. Matt Knight


    Hey there, my name's Matt. I am happy to see that there is yet another addition to the community, and happy to report that there is an abundance of open RP's you may join. :) Hopefully I'll see you around. :)
  8. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    Thank you for asking! I like the idea of having a more personafied villain (as opposed to just a cloud), though I'm not sure if a "paradoxal" agent is quite what I feel would reasonably work. If by paradoxal all you mean is a reasonable antithesis then I'm totally down with that. However, I'm...
  9. Matt Knight

    Chaos Theory: The Root of all Evil

    (( Hrm I think it's been a little too long since I've thrown a post up on this thread... whadda ya say boyo? Ready to keep going? )) Date: September, 945 C.E. Era: Middle Ages -- What a ridiculous idea. Director Brennings had decided that in the absence of actual government to make...
  10. Matt Knight

    New to this

    Hey there! Welcome to .org I love seeing new faces! :)
  11. Matt Knight


    Hello Brittany, I am Matt. It's so lovely to make your acquaintance. One more RPer in the bank, :)
  12. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    Indeed. Awesome. :)
  13. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    Ah okay, I was under the impression that if people were going to join they'd hop on the bandwagon early so that there wouldn't be as much "catch-up" to do, ya know?
  14. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    I've got another new post up. Is anybody going to be dropping in to play with us? I'm also going to take the time to point out that there is a RP thread on .com called "Chaos Theory," and it is completely unrelated to mine. Mine came first anyway I think. :P
  15. Matt Knight

    Chaos Theory: The Root of all Evil

    Date: December 5, 2006 Era: Present Agent Knight has been enjoying a rather lengthy, but productive time in the year 2006. The era isn't quite his forté, but he's found that it isn't altogether too difficult to blend in here. The late 90's and 00's were known for their spicy variety...
  16. Matt Knight

    Hello Everyone

    Hrm, call me crazy but your name looks familiar. I used to be on Aoyn a year or two back, maybe that's where I saw you. Anyhoo, welcome to .org :)
  17. Matt Knight


    Go for Chaos Theory! I'm probably gonna write up a new post really soon... I've just sort of been waiting to see if other people are going to jump in on the story or what, :P No, but seriously, everything around here is good. 'Glad to have another person under the wing of .org, heheh.
  18. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    Raharanor - I like the way you're interpretting this. :) Okay, so it seems like the general concensus is that it is more viable to play as characters who are taken by this force... Analyzing our options I have come to agree that this seems like the best way for cross-genre character...
  19. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    I was mainly anticipating that people would want to play those who'd been left behind, but I want to leave it open to let other people's ideas come into play. While there are a lot of people who have been taken up (and/or are being taken) most of the people on Earth are still there... There...
  20. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    Well, I wasn't imagining it to transcend dimensions or planets really. I'd prefer it remained a temporal phenomenon focused on Earth. However, you could consider this "neutral temporal locale" to be something of another dimension, and yes, all of the people taken co-exist in this place at the...
  21. Matt Knight

    Matt Knight: Chaos Theory

    Sure thing: Well let's see... chaos theory (lowercase) is this idea that you can create large changes in a system by making very small changes to the variables in the system (some people refer to this as the "Butterfly Effect"). The gist of it involves this cloud-like phenomenon that is...
  22. Matt Knight


    I've made my final addition to the Chaos Theory intro... if there was any doubt before, anyone is now welcome to join in on the pandemonium!
  23. Matt Knight

    Chaos Theory: The Root of all Evil

    (( Final installment, after this the thread is completely open, have fun with 'er :) )) Date: August 12, 2061 Era: Not-too-distant Future Director Brennings was an old man and he had seen many things in his lifetime. As a boy he'd often dreamed about being some great hero or leader, and...
  24. Matt Knight


    Well well, this topic still lives eh? I am tremendously, and most pleasantly surprised. Thank you again. You like the car eh? It's a 2004 GTO, Knight Rider style, complete with the AI and everything. He'll be making an appearance in Chaos Theory as well. :)
  25. Matt Knight

    Chaos Theory: The Root of all Evil

    (( Allright, here's the installment that's supposed to open things up for you Middle-Earthish/Fantasy folks, sorry that this one isn't quite as great as its predecessor )) Relative Date: June 941 C.E. Era: Middle Ages "Harumph," growled an old man as he gently paced through the delicate...
  26. Matt Knight


    Lovely! It's entirely possible then that we've crossed paths in Yahell Anyway, I've begun my long-anticipated RP thread idea, "Chaos Theory." (and by long-anticipated I mean I've been anticipating getting it going for a long time!) Take a gander down in General Free-Form... You'll see...
  27. Matt Knight

    Chaos Theory: The Root of all Evil

    Main Entry: chaos theory Part of Speech: n Definition: the study of unpredictable and complex dynamic systems that are highly sensitive to small changes in external conditions ---------------------------------------------------------- (( Howdy folks, this is a RP Story idea I've been playing...
  28. Matt Knight


    Awesome. I may very well have struck RP gold here then, if this truly is this case... people who aren't absurdly strict about genre-separation? ... A dream come true, to be sure. :)
  29. Matt Knight


    Thank you everyone for the lovely welcome. Fortunately, I am not a reincarnation of "Matttheinsane." Any notoriety I may have attained over the years (and I doubt there's much, if any), rests deep in the bowels of long forgotten chat sessions on Yahoo, and in a handful of threads on .Com...
  30. Matt Knight


    Hey there folks, Long story short, I'm a long-time RP'er (5+ years), and I've fallen into the lap of .org, hoping to start/contribute to some great creative work! I would suspect that only the smallest handful of people would know who I am either by way of my brief OOC stint here a couple...
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